Jumat, 22 April 2022

One Theme Explored In The Poem Involves

One Theme Explored In The Poem Involves

in poem When I was One and Twenty What is the theme of the poem ?

Daftar Isi

1. in poem When I was One and Twenty What is the theme of the poem ?

it's about a guy which turn twenty one and heard a wise man told him some life advises, such as: "dont give your heart away"
but the guy ignored it and when he's twenty two, he realizes the things that the wise man said was true.

2. 1)what is the appropriate theme for the poem

apa tema yang tepat untuk puisi itu

3. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?


first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem

4. Help! :(Questions :1.What season is described in the poem?2. Who is talking in the poem? What could be the occasion which prompted him to write this? 3. What two opposing feelings are in the speaker as he looks at the village4.What is the possible interpretation of the last line?5. What is the theme of the poem?​


1. What season is described in the poem? spring, autumn and winters

2. Who is talking in the poem? childhood

What could be the occasion which prompted him to write this? about the beauty of the world

3. What two opposing feelings are in the speaker as he looks at the village

- humble happines

4. What is the possible interpretation of the last line? the lovely village proclamed my birth

5. What is the theme of the poem?​ joy of my youth  

5. Please answer these questions !1) What is the subject being discussed in the poem ?2) In your own words, explain the theme of the poem !3) What's the speaker's attitude / tone in the poem ?4) Why do you think he wants the wild swans to come again in the last two lines ?​


1 any subject that the creator wants

6. Write one compound sentence and one complex sentence in the theme of your study and your dream job.

Sjdisisisishdj oahsjshdisnis. Susgshsi

7. 1. What is the theme of the song histori one direction?​


Lagu history didedikasikan untuk para penggemar yg telah mendukung mereka selama 5 tahun mereka berdiri. Lirik lagu history menceritakan hubungan tentang penggemar yg sudah dianggap sebagai keluarga, mempunyai banyak cerita tak peduli dengan apa yg orang katakan. Kita akan tetap bersama selamanya.

The history song is dedicated to the fans who have supported them during their 5 years of existence. The lyrics of the history song tell the relationship about fans who are considered family, have lots of stories no matter what people say. We will stay together forever.


maaf kalo salah kak..

8. Make a poem consist 4 stanzas The theme is love

Roses are red
Violets are blue
i may not be best
but i would give everything for you

9. 1.what is the theme of the poem above?2. who are the characters mentions in the poem?3.what is 'mother' for the writer4.what kinds of figurative? language used ini the first line5. how many stanzas does the poem have?6.give your opinion about the poem​


1.apa tema puisi di atas?

2. siapa sajakah tokoh yang disebutkan dalam puisi tersebut?

3.apa itu 'ibu' bagi penulis

4.apa jenis figuratif? bahasa yang digunakan adalah baris pertama

5. berapa bait puisi tersebut?

6.berikan pendapatmu tentang puisi tersebut

10. what is the theme the song"One Day in Your Life"by michael jackson

about one day with someone you love

11. In the last ten years, the coast .... by the local company.The correct passive voice for this sentence is .....A. has been exploredB. is exploringC. exploresD. was explored E. ia being explored​


A. has been explored


maaf kl salah

12. Create one short announcement rext! The theme is yours

to all students
english club meeting will be held after school dont forget to join with us

*terbrainly ya

13. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! ​tolong segera ya

1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.

2. An Appreciation to mother.

3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.

4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.

5. Eleven lines

6. Heart-melting

7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love

8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.

9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.

10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.


A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang poem dapat juga disimak pada link berikut



14. Theme of poem if you forget Me

Itu dapat diartikan ke bahasa Indonesia dengan.Tema puisi jika kau melupakanku.

Semoga membantu...

Mohon jangan di report ya...

Jika ada kesalahan mohon dimaafkan ya...

15. 1.2.om www.jamilyfriendpodWhat does the poem tell us about?How is the feeling of the writer of this poem?How is the ryme of the poem? And what kind of stanza is used?What do you fell after reading the poem? Give your own opinion.What is the theme of the poem?3.4.5​


poem nya mana?? ga ada poemnya

16. what is the theme of the poem if i were an angel​


graceful dazzling face

17. 1. What do you think is the theme of the poem?2. What is the general tone of the poem that you perceived after reading it?3. How many stanzas are there?4. Mention the evidences of metaphors present in the poem!5. Mention the different imagery(s) present in the poem Aling with the evidences. It can be visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and/or kinesthetic.Tolong ya kak 5 soal itu, (BUKAN DI TERJEMAHKAN) Terimakasih:)​


5. noise (auditory), bared (gustatory) .. maaf ya kl slh

18. 1.what is the theme of the poem?2.how many rhyme does the poem have?3.what is the pattern of stanza of the poem?4.what is the message of the poem that you can get to your life?​


1 apa tema puisi tersebut? 2.berapa banyak sajak yang dimiliki puisi tersebut? 3. Bagaimana pola bait puisi tersebut? 4. apa pesan puisi yang bisa kamu dapatkan dalam hidupmu?

19. Emily Dickinson There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away. Nor like coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears the human soul! Questions. What is the subject of the poem? What is the theme of the poem? What does the writer compare in his poem? What words help develop the tone of the poem? Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a few sentences.


Emily Dickinson

There is no frigate like a book

to take us lands away.

Nor like coursers like a page

Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take

Without oppress of toll;

How frugal is the chariot

That bears the human soul!


Emily Dickinson

Tidak ada kapal seperti buku

untuk membawa kita pergi.

Tidak suka courser seperti halaman

Dari puisi berjingkrak.

Jalur ini mungkin merupakan jalan termiskin

Tanpa menekan tol;

Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Itu membawa jiwa manusia!


What is the subject of the poem?

What is the theme of the poem?

What does the writer compare in his poem?

What words help develop the tone of the poem?

Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a few sentences.



Apa pokok bahasan puisi itu?

Apa tema puisi itu?

Apa yang penulis bandingkan dalam puisinya?

Kata-kata apa yang membantu mengembangkan nada puisi?

Mengutip puisi itu dengan kata-kata Anda sendiri dalam beberapa kalimat.


betapa pentingnya buku

Emily Dickinson


Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Tidak ada kapal seperti buku

Tidak suka courser seperti halaman

Dari puisi berjingkrak.

Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Itu membawa jiwa manusia!

maaf kalau salah

20. make a poem based on your theme!​

Don't Feel Bad

Don't feel bad if anything goes wrong

Don't feel bad if your waits go long

For life will never the same for you

If things go old, then become new

Don't feel bad if anything blame

Because life is never remain the same

Life is just an Unknown Name!

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