Sabtu, 09 April 2022

Unit 6 Test Similar Triangles Answer Key

Unit 6 Test Similar Triangles Answer Key

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1. Shortcut key untuk test movie pada flash adalah .....


Ctrl + Enter

2. In the figure below, the two triangles are similar. What is the value of x? *

5 : 6 = 11 : x

5x = 66

x = 66 : 5

x = 13,2

3. Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?


red : 20%

blue : 10%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


red : 4/20=2/10=20%

blue : 2/20=1/10=10%

semoga membantu.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 merah

2 biru

6 hijau

8 kuning

berjumlah = 20 segitiga

segitiga biru dan merah = 4+2 = 6

20 = 100%

1 = (100/20)%

1 = 5%

presentase segitiga biru dan merah :

= (5×6)%

= 30%


jangan lupa follow hehe

4. I -mustn't -forget -to -take- my -key?cheat- the- students- test -mustnt -during- the​


musn't i forget to take my key

the students musn't cheat during the test



mustn't i forger to take my key

the students mustn't cheat during the test

5. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

6. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12 di bagi 2 sama dengan 6

16 di bagi 2 sama dengan 8

jadi perbandingan nya adalah 6 banding 8

7. b. English - on - ThursdayAlisya-has- testAnswer:​


Alisya has English test on Thursday.


b. English - on - Thursday  - Alisya-has- test

= Alisya has English test on Thursday.


maaf kalo salah.

moga membantu :)


mapel: Bahasa Inggris

kelas: 2 SD

8. A pattern has 5 blue triangles to every 80 yellow triangles. What is the ratio of blue Inangles to all triangles?

All triangles = 5 + 80 = 85

The ratio of blue : all triangles
= 5 : 85

Divide each by 5
= 1 : 17

9. Triangle PQR and triangle DEF are similar. Which describes the relationship between the corresponding sides of the two triangles? * 2 points


PR/DE = 6/6

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sisi PR dan DE memiliki panjang yang sama, yaitu 6 cm

10. Hello We will test you need answer this test 1 +204-420%860+100= so answer it (Jadi jawab ya)


i don't have an answer for that cause im not good atau math im only English

11. in each of the following figures, establish that a pair of triangles is similar, and hence find x.​


a.  x = 8 cm

b.  x = 15/4 cm

c.  x = 24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a.  3/4 = 6/x

x = 4(6)/3 = 24/3

x = 8 cm

b. 3/x = (3+1)/5

3/x = 4/5

x = 3(5)/4

x = 15/4 cm

c. 3/5 = x/(3+5)

3/5 = x/8

x = 3(8)/5

x = 24/5 cm

-  KLF  -


24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. Mid term test 1.what is the similar meaning of'tidy'

Soal: what is the similar meaning of ‘tidy’

= Apa kata yg mirip dengan “tidy” (rapih)?


= Neat (tertata rapih)

= regular (teratur)

Semoga Membantu

13. soal ke 2 key from the unit,, mencocokkan kata,, tolong bantuu

kalau menurutku soal yg ke 2 jawabannya sterilize

14. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

total = 16 + 12 = 28

blue triangles = 12/28

= 3/7

yellow triangles = 16/28

= 4/7

ratio yellow to the blue triangles = 3/7 : 4/7

= 3/7 × 7/4

= 3/4

dont forget to make the smartest answer oke.


15. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

16. A. Change the sentences below by using SIMILAR EXPRESSION OF MODAL and into (+), (-), or (?) (KALIMAT VERBAL MODAL DAN SIMILAR MODAL)1. You can do the test well.(-)(?)SIMILAR MODAL(+)(-)(?)2. She may not leave him alone.(+)(?)SIMILAR MODAL(+)(-)(?)​


( -) you can't do the test well

(?) can you do the test well?

similar modal

( +) you are able to do the test well

(-) you are not able to do the test well

(?) are you able to do the test well ?

2. (+) she may leave him alone

(?) does may she leave him alone?

similar modal

(+) she is allowed to leave him alone

(-) she is not allowed to leave him alone

(?) does she allowed to leave him alone?

semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

17. 1.grammar2.key words from the unit3.reading and vocabulary​




18. TEST 8: 500 WO1. balona. balloonb. towelc. keyd. basket​


ini disuruh ngapain yaaa???


pertanyaan nya apa????

19. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

20. 1. I'm going to have a math test tomorrow. Answer: "Good luck with your test" 2. I'm going to have my final test next week. Answer:.......​


good luck with your final test.

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