Selasa, 17 Mei 2022

Compare And Contrast The Following Piecewise Defined Functions

Compare And Contrast The Following Piecewise Defined Functions

what is the compare and contrast of kabuki​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the compare and contrast of kabuki​


There are also significant visual differences between the two art forms. In noh, performers wear a mask, but in kabuki, they use face paint. Kabuki is also more exaggerated - for example, while both employ wigs, the ones used in kabuki are a lot longer and more voluminous.


moga membantu

2. Compare and contrast place and space


Space is something abstract, without any substantial meaning. While placerefers to how people are aware of/attracted to a certain piece ofspace. A place can be seen as spacethat has a meaning.


maaf klo salah

3. Compare and contrast the process of mitosis in animal and plant cells !

The process of mitosis in animal and plant cells:

In animal the mitosis occurs in all the body in general. As a type of the divisions of reproductive cells, it is used to increase animals cell number. In Animal cells there are centrioles nucleates the microtubules of the spindle.

As in animal the same process occurs in plant but with the difference in the mitotic spindle formation. This is because plant cells lack centrioles therefore the microtubules are nucleated not far from the nuclear envelope.


Soal di atas adalah pelajaran Biologi Sel yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam menjawabnya kita harus memahami pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris karena bahasa Inggris menjadi medium berbagai ilmu penting.

Kesimpulan jawaban di atas adalah bahwa perbedaan utama antara mitosis hewan dan mitosis tumbuhan adalah bahwa spindle mitosis pada mitosis hewan dibentuk dengan bantuan dua sentriol sedangkan gelendong mitosis pada mitosis tumbuhan terbentuk tanpa sentriol.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang tahapan mitosis:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

4. read to following texts and compare the information of the two texts artinya​


Arti:Membaca teks berikut dan membandingkan informasi dari dua teks.




membaca teks berikut dan membandingkan informasi dari dua teks

5. Read the following application letters and résumé then compare


oke follow balik


jangan lupa berikan jawaban yg terbaik ok

6. Compare and contrast early theories of leadership

bandingkan dan bandingkan teori kepempinan awal

7. Compare and contrast dangdut vs rock

Membandingkan dan kontraskan dengan lagu dangdut lawan lagu Rock (metal)

8. complete the following sentences using ur own words and contrast conjuction that suitable!​


1. even if you leave now, i'm going to stay here

2. i will keep going even if you beg me to stay

3. i'm not going to speak even if you give me money

4. i'm sorry, but you can't see the doctor unless you've made an appointmen two days before.

5. Tomorrow i'm going to sleep early unless i have many tasks to be done

6. i cant graduate unless i study hard

7. i left on time. However, heavy traffic caused me to be late.

8. i'm running a little late with the speech. Still, i expect to finish it by this afternoon

9. we will have lunch outside. However, we will move inside in the event of rain

10. There are just five vowel sounds in English. However, some language have 30 or more

11. Working long hours is one way to succeed. Still, if that means you have to sacrifice hours of sleep, that is not very healthy

12. there was little chance for success. Nevertheless, they decided to perform the surgery

9. Compare and contrast national and international scale of study

Jawaban:National and International Educational Assessments: Overview, Results, and Issues

November 2, 2018 R45401

U.S. students participate in many assessments to track their educational achievement. Perhaps the most widely discussed of these are statewide assessments required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was most recently comprehensively amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA; P.L. 114-95). However, U.S. students also participate in large-scale national assessments, authorized by the National Assessment of Educational Progress Assessment Act (NAEPAA; Title III, Section 303 of P.L. 107-279), and international assessments, authorized by the Education Sciences Reform Act (ESRA; Title I, Section 153(a)(6) of P.L. 107-279). At the national level, students participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). At the international level, U.S. students participate in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Although there are some similarities between statewide, national, and international assessments, they differ in purpose and level of reporting. For example, the purpose of statewide assessments is primarily to inform statewide accountability systems and provide information on individual achievement. By contrast, the purpose of large-scale assessments is to highlight achievement gaps, track national progress over time, compare achievement within the United States, and compare U.S. achievement to that of other countries. Results of these assessments are not reported for individuals.

National Assessments: The NAEP is a series of assessments measuring achievement in various content areas. The long-term trends NAEP (LTT NAEP) has tracked achievement since the 1970s and has remained relatively unchanged. The main NAEP assessment has tracked achievement since the 1990s and changes periodically to reflect changes in school curricula. The main NAEP has three levels: national, state, and Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA). States that receive Title I-A funding under the ESEA are required to participate in biennial state NAEP assessments in reading and mathematics for 4th and 8th grade. Results from the 2017 main NAEP show a small but significant increase in 8th grade reading since 2015. There were no significant changes in 4th grade reading, 4th grade mathematics, or 8th grade mathematics since 2015. Longer term, however, average reading and mathematics scores have increased significantly since the initial administrations in the 1990s.

Penjelasan:I hope this helps

10. Let's compare the ads-lip and the following advertisements. How is different? Mohon dibantu ya kak

the different are the first advertisement is to tell and puclication/information that his work can be improve something.
ant the second advertisment is to persuade people in order to can be a succes person and unlock the followers potential.

11. let's compare the advertisement on task 11 and the following advertisement ps. task 11 nya ada di soal aku yang sebelumnya

Maaf ya ngacak*

Venue1: Changi Exhibition Center
Venue2: The Star Theatre Public Sale
Venue3: SPH News Centre

Date1: 16-21 Feb
Date2: 3 December 2017
Date3: 26 September

Time1: -
Time2: 8pm
Time3: 9.30am to 6.00pm
Price1: -
Price2: (Ditulisan yg "Tickets")
Price3: -

Important Information1: Thrilled by the roar of jet engines
Important Information2: About Tom Jones Live Concert In Singapore
Important Information3: About Workshop

12. complete the following sentences using your own words and contrast conjuction that suitable!Mohon bantuannya Kaka-kaka​


Donwload aja aplikasi U-dictionary lebih mudah Translate in tinggal kasih gambar aja

13. Match the following sentence with the functions

1. D
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. B

14. Compare and contrast being single and being married


In expressing comparison and contrast, you can use several expression below: 
A is tall but B is better in heading. 
On one hand, A is a fast striker. On the other hand, B is a creative one.
A scores 10 goals, whereas/ while B scores only half of it. 

- Being single is quite easy to manage the finance while being married is more complicated to manage. 
- Being single lets you to explore the world without worrying too much whereas being married barely leave you space to explore the world unless you have supportive spouse.
- On one hand, being single has less responsibility. On the other hand, being married has more responsibility.

Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: compare and contrast

15. combining functions If f(x)=x²-3x+2 and g(x)=4-3x find the following functions f+g​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


16. Look at the object in the following picture. Write at least 5 names of the objects and their functions!​


- stove = for cooking

- sink / dishwasher = a place which used for cleaning dirty plates or cooking tools

- soap = liquid that used for cleaning dirty stuff whether plates or something else

- small cupboard = used for placing those kitchen equipment and something else that are most of it in the kitchen

plate = a base for food which we usually use for eating



kalo bisa tolong dijadiin branliest answer ya terimakasih

17. Lets compare the ads-lip and the following advrrtisement. How is different

Mari kita bandingkan iklan-bibir dan iklan berikut. Bagaimana berbeda

18. compare and contrast both of the products, and then write the statements given in the venn diagram below.(Bandingkan kedua produk tersebut, dan lalu tulislah kalimat-kalimat yang tersedia pada diagram venn dibawah ini) tolong kakak Dikumpulkan Hari ini​


The body wash:

1. Cleans your body


1. The Volume is 464 ml

2. It has directions, cautions and ingredients.

3. The name of the product is lemongrass.

The shampoo:

1. It cleans your hair.


19. Analyse the following expressions of recommendations and offers to their functions. put them in the right rows.


Analisis ekspresi rekomendasi dan penawaran berikut untuk fungsinya. menempatkan mereka di baris yang tepat.


maaf kalau salah

20. please,compare the following picture! horse turtle​


picture please


no picture no answer

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