Senin, 16 Mei 2022

How Big Is 8 Oz Bag Of Chips

How Big Is 8 Oz Bag Of Chips

A bag of corn chips costs $3,95. susie have $30 what is the greatest number of bags of corn chips she can buy?

Daftar Isi

1. A bag of corn chips costs $3,95. susie have $30 what is the greatest number of bags of corn chips she can buy?


$30 : $3.95 = 7,59

rounded to 7

answer is 7


ENG: If each bag of corn chips is $3,95, then you just need to divide the cost with the amount of money she has.

30 / 3,95 = Approximately 7,5 bags of chips or more accurately, 7,594936708860759 bags of chips

IND: Jika tiap kantong keripik jagung $3.95, cuma harus membagikan harga dengan berapa banyak uang dia punya.

30 / 3.95 = Sekitar 7.5 kantong keripik atau angka yang lebih akurat adalah 7.594936708860759 kantong keripik

2. the school is bag. the opposite of big is

the opposite of big is SMALLjwabannya 'SMALL' karena kata yg berlawanan dari kata big (besar) adalah small (kecil)

semoga membantu:)

3. (+) age bought a bag of chips yesterday (-) (?)

(-) Age didnt buy a bag of chips yesterday
(?) Did Age buy a bag of chips yesterday?

Semiga membantu!
jangan lupa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa

(+) age bought a bag of chips yesterday

(-) age didn't buy a bag of chips yesterday

(?) did age buy a bag of chips yesterday?


4. Much of the bag this how price is

How much is the price of this bag?

5. Alice has one bag of different colored and same-size chips. There are 4 blue chips, 5 red chips, and 3 black chips. What is the probability that she will pull a blue chip and without replacement pull another blue chip?


Semoga membantu, jujur sih kalo emg ga betul mohon dimaafkan aja yaa

6. bag - this - is - shoopping - very - big. ​


This shopping bag is very big.



Tas belanja ini sangat besar.

Ada typo: shoopping --> harusnya shopping.

Semoga membantu^^

7. A bag contains 12 red chips and 15 blue chips and 18 green chips a chip is chosen at random and then replaced. what is the probability that is not blue chips

Peluang mendapatkan kepingan yang bukan berwarna biru dari pengambilan satu keping secara acak dari kantong yang berisi 12 keping merah, 15 keping biru, dan 18 keping hijau adalah senilai .

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah


dalam kantong ada:

12 keping merah15 keping biru18 keping hijau

dilakukan pengambilan satu keping secara acak

Ditanya: peluang terambil bukan keping biru



M merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping merahB merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping biruH merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping hijau

Pertama, hitung banyaknya keseluruhan keping dalam kantong.

n(S) = n(M)+n(B)+n(H) = 12+15+18 = 45

Banyaknya keseluruhan keping di dalam kantong adalah 45 keping. Mari hitung peluang terambilnya keping biru.

P(B) = n(B)/n(S) = 15/45 =

Peluang terambilnya keping biru adalah . Dengan konsep peluang komplemen, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah:

P([tex]B^c[/tex]) = 1-P(B) = 1-⅓ =

Jadi, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah .

Selain itu, peluang tersebut dapat dihitung dengan cara lain. Dalam kantong, terdapat keping berwarna merah dan hijau selain keping biru. Dengan demikian, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru sama dengan peluang terambilnya keping berwarna merah atau hijau. Sebelumnya, hitung banyaknya keping merah dan hijau di dalam kantong.

n([tex]B^c[/tex]) = n(M)+n(H) = 12+18 = 30

Dari sini, hitung peluang terambilnya keping yang bukan berwarna biru.

P([tex]B^c[/tex]) = n([tex]B^c[/tex])/n(S) = 30/45 =

Jadi, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah .

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Menghitung Banyaknya Komplemen Kejadian



8. bag – this – is – shooping – very – big


This shopping bag is very bag


Tas belanja ini sangat tas


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)

This shopping bag is very big

Tas belanja ini sangat besar

9. 1. Whats your name?2. How do you spell it?3. when were you bonn?4. Where do you live?5. What colour is your house?6. is it big?7. which one is one your bag?8. is that your bag?9. How many your bag?10. How many are your family?11. How are you today?​




yg lainnya pribadi


silakan d hpus aja

maaf sekali lgi

10. Meera has 24/30 of a bag of chocolate chips to use to make eight ( 8 ) muffins write the calculation meera can use to find out what fraction of the bag to use in each muffin and write what fraction of the bag of chocolate chips does each muffin contain? simplify if possible


24/30 : 8 muffin

= 0,1 keripik coklat

jadi, banyak keripik coklat dalam 1 muffin adalah 0,1 bagian

24/30 dikecilkan menjadi 4/5 bagian

jadi, sekantong keripik coklat yang berisi setiap muffin adalah jika dikecilkan menjadi 4/5 bagian

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

meera memiliki 24/30 sekantong keripik coklat untuk digunakan membuat delapan (8) muffin.

tulis perhitungan yang bisa digunakan meera untuk mengetahui berapa bagian kantong yang harus digunakan dalam setiap muffin

dan tuliskan berapa bagian dari sekantong keripik coklat yang berisi setiap muffin? sederhanakan jika memungkinkan.

maaf kalau salah.....

11. 28. A: How much is this bag?B: It is very cheap, just 35.000,00The antonym of the underlined word is .....A. CheapC. ExpensiveB. RichD. Big​


Antonym lawan kata kan ya?

Jawabannya C. Expensive

Maaf kalo salah^_^


Antonym adalah lawan kata. Lawan kata Cheapadalah Expensive




12. 1. What label is it?Answer: ......2. What is the brand name of the 5.product?Answer:3.How many chips are there in 1 oz?Answer:4.How much is total fat?Answer:....5.Does the product containcholesterol?Answer:….​


1. Its nutrition facts label of a product.

3.there are twenty Pieces of chips.

4. 980 calories.

5. its not.


semoga membantu

13. Miras bag is big. Defas bag is big. Miras bag is . . . Defas bag. A.Bigger B.not as big as big as D.the biggest big as

Semoga membantuMiras bag is big. Defat bag is big. Miras bag is as big as Defas bag.

C. As big as

Maaf jika salah

14. much-of-the-bag-this-how-price-is di urutkan y

how much is the price of this bag?how much is the price of this bag

15. the bag is big and ... . colour is brown​


The bag is big and the colour is brown.


The bag is big and the colour is brown.

Tas itu besar dan warnanya adalah cokelat.




16. 1. It is the label of2 The brand name of the product is3. The chips containscalories4 Total fat of the chips is5. The chips contains 180mg ofThe chips containsof protein7. The chips contain vitamin. It is8. There is.......trans fat9. The product givesand wheat ingredients10. The product contains tg of​

Jawaban: label

2. Doritos Nacho Cheese.

3.Calories 150.









6.the contains of protein 2g




10.(i don't know sorry)

17. B.Answer the questions based on the label1. What label is it?Answer:2.What is the brand name of the product?Answer:3.How many chips are there in 1 oz?Answer:4. How much is total fat?Answer:5.Does the product contain cholesterol? tolong kak jawab kan.... 1.what label is it?....2.what is the brand name of the product? many chips are ther in 1oz? much is total fat?5.does the produt contain cholestrol?.....​


1. What label is it?

Answer: it is a nutrition facts' table


What is the brand name of the product?

Answer: it is (nama merek produk)


How many chips are there in 1 oz?

Answer: there are 20 chips in 1 oz

4. How much is total fat?

Answer: the total fat is 6 g


Does the product contain cholesterol?

answer: yes it does

18. Problem: The owner of Chips etc. produces 2 kinds of chips: Lime (L) and Vinegar (V). He has a limited amount of the 3 ingredients used to produce these chips available for his next production run: 4800 ounces of salt, 9600 ounces of flour, and 2000 ounces of herbs. A bag of Lime chips requires 2 ounces of salt, 6 ounces of flour, and 1 ounce of herbs to produce; while a bag of Vinegar chips requires 3 ounces of salt, 8 ounces of flour, and 2 ounces of herbs. Profits for a bag of Lime chips are $0.40, and for a bag of Vinegar chips $0.50. For the production combination of 800 bags of Lime and 600 bags of Vinegar, which resource is not completely used up and how much is remaining?




Bank mandiri

catherina debora rorimpandey

19. How much is the chips?​


Average Price: Potato Chips (Cost per 16 Ounces) in U.S. City


berapa chipnya


semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalo salah

20. Andi bag is big, but indris bag is ... than andi​

indris bag is bigger than andi


andi's bag is big, but indris's bag is bigger than andi's

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