Minggu, 08 Mei 2022

If 15 Of The Customer s Total Is $22 05

If 15 Of The Customer s Total Is $22 05

The waiter is serving the customer.What is the passive form of thissentence .....OThe customer is served by thewaiterThe customer are served by theOwaiter​

Daftar Isi

1. The waiter is serving the customer.What is the passive form of thissentence .....OThe customer is served by thewaiterThe customer are served by theOwaiter​


the costumer are served by the waiter


karna pelanggannya lebih dari 1 jadi menggunakan are bukan is

2. duing the great singapore sale, there is a discount of 8% on a cabinet if a customer pays by cash, if the discount amount is $ 112, find the sale price of the cabinet​


The sale price is $1400.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Provided info:

Disc: 8%

Disc Amount: $112

8% x n = 112

(8/100) x n = 112

8n = 112 x 100

8n = 11200

n = 11200/8

n = 1400

The sale price is $1400

3. "the walter is now serving coffee to the customer" the passive form of the sentence is... ​


the customer was served coffre by the walter

4. look at the dialogue 3 . what is the customer ' s problem terjemahkan

lihat dialog 3.apa masalah sang pembeli?

lihat 3 dialog, apa masalah sang pembeli

5. If a customer is spending more than expected, the customer’s intrinsic value is ________ their actual value.


"Change" Sorry If Wrong

6. Thank the customer is one of the part of? A. Finishing the call B. Introducing C. Opening the call


A. Finishing the call

maaf kalau salah

Thank the customer is one of the part of....



Because Thank the customer is part of Finishing the call.



7. jelaskan maksud dari the customer is king dan the customer is always right dalam strategi pemasaran!​


konsumen adalah raja maka pelayan/penjual harus mempuasi konsumen/melayani sesuka hati pembeli


the customer is king = sebuah pelayanan dimana pengunjung/ konsumen adalah raja atau lebih diutamakan untuk kepuasan konsumen

the customer is always right = pelanggan selalu menganggap dirinya paling benar

#maaf kl slh

8. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​


1. fantasy

2.in the form of a fresh drink

3. The ingredient is soda

4. leads to advertisements in consumption and.

being introduced to other countries

5.Max Keith, creator of Fanta

6.depending on when the fanta drink is made

7.depending on where we want to buy fanta. drinks, we can buy it via cellphone

8.that the fanta drink is fizzy there is a limit to. drinking fanta there is an age limit


maaf kalau salah tolong jadikan jawaban saya yang terbaik tolong ya saya butuh jawaban yang terbaik saja kalau jawaban ini salah menurut ta salah saya akan memperbaikinya tapi tolong banget tolong jadikan jawaban saya yang terbaik tolong ya

9. 1. Where is the location of the dialog 2. What kind of appatizer that the costumer order 3. What time of drink that the customer order 4. What time of food that the costumer order 5. When the customer visit the restaurant


1. Dimana letak dialognya?

2. Makanan pembuka seperti apa yang dipesan pelanggan?

3. Jam berapa minuman yang dipesan pelanggan?

4. Jam berapa makanan yang dipesan pelanggan?

5. Ketika pelanggan

jadiin Jawaban yg tercerdas ya makasih;)

10. The impact of customer trust and perception of security control on the acceptance of electronic commerce is ...


The impact of customer trust and perceptions of security controls on acceptance of e-commerce is ...

looks like the prayer is incomplete so I think like this

the impact is that they will trust each other and their relationship will be fine

11. 04. who is didit mulyanto? 05.what is the intention of the letter above? ​


4. Didit Mulyanto is Larasati ayu's parents

5. Permission to be absent from school due to sick


.4.Dari surat diatas diperoleh bahwasannya Didit Mulyanto adalah orang tua dari Larasati

5.Isi surat tersebut adalah surat izin untuk tidak masuk sekolah karena sakit


Reading Comprehension:

1. When was the letter written?

The letter was written on March 03, 2016.

4. Who is didit mulyanto?

Didit Mulyanto is Larasati Ayu's parent.

5. What is the intention of the letter above? ​

The intention of the letter above is to ask for permission to be absent from school and have bed rest for three days due to her illness.


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Kapan surat itu ditulis?

Surat itu ditulis pada 03 Maret 2016. (tanggal tersebut terdapat pada bagian kanan atas surat dalam gambar pada soal)

4. Siapa didit mulyanto?

Didit Mulyanto adalah orang tua Larasati Ayu.

5. Apa maksud dari surat di atas?​

Maksud surat di atas adalah untuk meminta izin tidak masuk sekolah dan tirah baring selama tiga hari karena sakit yang dideritanya.

Semoga membantu ya.

12. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is


the customer is being served by the waiter.


Beberapa aturan dalam mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif adalah: Perhatikan subjek dan objek.

Letakkan objek pada kalimat aktif menjadi subjek di kalimat pasif.

Letakkan auxiliary verb atau helping verb sesuai dengan subjek (objek pada kalimat aktif yang diubah menjadi subjek di kalimat pasif) dan tensesnya.

Ubah main verb di kalimat aktif menjadi past participle atau kata kerja bentuk ketiga.

Jika ingin menyebutkan orang atau benda yang melakukan tindakan, maka gunakan by diikuti oleh yang melakukan tindakan (yang sebelumnya menjadi subjek di kalimat aktif).

Customer served by waiter

sorry if wrong

13. The waiter is serving the customer. the passive is....

The customer is being served by the waiter.

14. Now, read the dialog between the customer and the shop assistant (C= Customer, S = Shop Assistant). Then, answer the questions. Some questions are also taken from the lesson section. S: “Good morning, can I help you?” C: “Yes, I need to buy some groceries.” S: “OK, what do you need?” C: “I want 1 kilo of rice, 2 litres of cooking oil, a bottle of syrup, and a can of Regal biscuits.” S: “All right. What flavor of syrup do you want? We have orange and mango flavors.” C: “The mango one, please.” S: “OK, here they are. Anything else?” C: “Oh, yes. I also need two bars of soap and a tube of toothpaste.” S: “Sure. Here you are. Is that all?” C: “Yes. How much is the total price?” S: “It’s Rp 85.000,- (eighty five thousand rupiah), Mam.” C: “OK. Here is the money.” S: “Thank you.” Soal 1 Question: Where does the conversation happen? A. in a gas station B. in a stationary store C. in a department store D. in a grocery shop Now, read the dialog between the customer and the shop assistant (C= Customer, S = Shop Assistant). Then, answer the questions. Some questions are also taken from the lesson section. S: “Good morning, can I help you?” C: “Yes, I need to buy some groceries.” S: “OK, what do you need?” C: “I want 1 kilo of rice, 2 litres of cooking oil, a bottle of syrup, and a can of Regal biscuits.” S: “All right. What flavor of syrup do you want? We have orange and mango flavors.” C: “The mango one, please.” S: “OK, here they are. Anything else?” C: “Oh, yes. I also need two bars of soap and a tube of toothpaste.” S: “Sure. Here you are. Is that all?” C: “Yes. How much is the total price?” S: “It’s Rp 85.000,- (eighty five thousand rupiah), Mam.” C: “OK. Here is the money.” S: “Thank you.” Soal 2 Question: How much rice does the customer buy? A. 1 litre 2 two litres 3 a kilo 4 1 ounce soap and a tube of toothpaste.” S: “Sure. Here you are. Is that all?” C: “Yes. How much is the total price?” S: “It’s Rp 85.000,- (eighty five thousand rupiah), Mam.” C: “OK. Here is the money.” S: “Thank you.” Soal 3 Question: Which statement is TRUE according to the dialog? A.The customer buys a total of 8 kinds of things B. The customer visits the shop in the afternoon C. The customer buys the orange syrup D. The customer buys toiletries you want? We have orange and mango flavors.” C: “The mango one, please.” S: “OK, here they are. Anything else?” C: “Oh, yes. I also need two bars of soap and a tube of toothpaste.” S: “Sure. Here you are. Is that all?” C: “Yes. How much is the total price?” S: “It’s Rp 85.000,- (eighty five thousand rupiah), Mam.” C: “OK. Here is the money.” S: “Thank you.” Soal 4 Question: Which statement is FALSE according to the dialog? A. The customer buys fruit B. The customer spends less than Rp 100.000,- C. The customer buys a snack D. The customer buys a liquid product Now, read the dialog between the customer and the shop assistant (C= Customer, S = Shop Assistant). Then, answer the questions. Some questions are also taken from the lesson section. S: “Good morning, can I help you?” C: “Yes, I need to buy some groceries.” S: “OK, what do you need?” C: “I want 1 kilo of rice, 2 litres of cooking oil, a bottle of syrup, and a can of Regal biscuits.” S: “All right. What flavor of syrup do you want? We have orange and mango flavors.” C: “The mango one, please.” S: “OK, here they are. Anything else?” C: “Oh, yes. I also need two bars of soap and a tube of toothpaste.” S: “Sure. Here you are. Is that all?” C: “Yes. How much is the total price?” S: “It’s Rp 85.000,- (eighty five thousand rupiah), Mam.” C: “OK. Here is the money.” S: “Thank you.” Soal 5 Question: Which of the items below is usually weighted before being bought? A. toothpaste B. soap C. syrup D. rice

1.d. in a grocery shop
2.c.a kilo
3. b.the customer visit the shop in the afternoon
4. c. the customer buys snack
5. d. rice1. D.grocery store
2. C.a kilo
3. D.
4. B.
5. D.

(maaf kalau salah)
semoga membantu

15. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​


•Nama produk adalah :

•Isi produk dalam kemasan :

•Bahan-bahannya terdiri dari :

•Arah mengkonsumsi produk adalah :

•Nama produsen adalah :

• Tanggal kedaluwarsa adalah:

•Alamat layanan pelanggan adalah :

•Pemberitahuan tersebut berbunyi :


itu mungkin artinya

16. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is....​


||Active → Passive||

Active → The waiter is serving the customer.

Passive → The customer is being served by the waiter.



Rumus :

Active → S + to be (is/am/are) + verb-ing + OPassive → S + to be (is/am/are) + being + verb-3 + by + 0


→ Subject pada kalat aktif merupakan object pada kalimat pasif, sedangkan object pada kalimat aktif merupakan object pada kalimat pasif.

17. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​

sorry tadi tiba² gak bisa kekirim katanya ada kata² kasarnya entah apa yang bikin kasar jadi tak kirim Screenshot nya

18. choose the most appropriate reported speech of the given direct speech 1. the waiter asked customer , " how is your egg"? a. the waiter asked the customer how is your egg? b. the waiter asked the customer how was his egg c. the waiter asked the customer how his egg was

Jawabannya adalah B......

kalau gak B jawabannya C

19. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive sentence is....


The customer is being served by the waiter.

Halo Viorella , semoga jawabannya membantu ya !

% The waiter is serving the customer .
adalah bentuk aktif kalimat.

% The customer is being served by the waiter.
adalah bentuk pasif kalimat.

Penjelasan :

Apa yaa Passive Voice itu ?
Ini strukturnya ,

Object + be + V3 + by subject.

nah kan disini kalimat aktifnya dalam bentuk Present Continuous , jadi bentuknya kita ubah sedikit menjadi,

Object + is/are + being + V3 + by subject.

nah , omong omong by subject itu opsional ya ! jadi kalau merasa tidak perlu , gausah dipake.

Hope this answer helps !

20. The price of a skirt is Rp. 50,OOO. How much should a customer pay during the discount period if the discount is about 30%?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Original Price = Rp50,000

Discount Price

= 30% × Rp50,000

= 30/100 × Rp50,000

= Rp15,000

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