Jumat, 20 Mei 2022

Why Couldn T The Bicycle Stand Up

Why Couldn T The Bicycle Stand Up

why did the bus driver say to rosa stand up​

Daftar Isi

1. why did the bus driver say to rosa stand up​


"Y'all better make it light on yourselves and let me have those seats."

2. up - please - standThe correct command is ....a. up please standb. please up standc. stand up pleased. stand please up​

c. stand up please


3. why the bicycle is environmentally friendly? ​


Why the bicycle is environmentally friendly? Artinya : mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan?

Because bicycles do not use fuel oil (BBM), and because bicycles do not emit smoke (such as motor vehicle/car smoke) which can cause air pollution. Artinya : karena sepeda tidak menggunakan bahan bakar minyak (BBM), dan karena sepeda tidak mengeluarkan asap (seperti asap kendaraan bermotor/mobil) yg dapat terjadinya polusi udara.


BBM itu bahan bakar minyak, dalam bahasa Inggris adalah fuel oil.

Maaf kalau salah


why the bicycle is environmentally friendly?

It is because bicycle does not produce air pollution and it makes your body healthy. That is the reason why the bicycle is environmentally friendly.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) tentang alat transportasi sepeda dalam Bahasa Inggris.

mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan?

Hal ini dikarenakan sepeda tidak menghasilkan polusi udara dan menyehatkan tubuh. Itulah alasannya mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. the shopper couldn find their car in the parking lot

pembelanja tidak bisa menemukan mobil mereka di tempat parkir
semoga membantu :D

5. The ppolicem........on the road . a stand up b stands up c stood up d standing up


Stood up


Policeman kali bukan ppolicem

jawaban : d. standing up

6. the teacher said to the students, stand up!bagaimana cara mengubah kedalam bentuk indirect speech?)​

Teacher Ordered students to Stand up on the bench.

maaf kalau salah


Indirect speech: stand up! the teacher said to student

Semoga bermanfaat

7. What the meaning of stand up Artikan




arti dari stand up adalah berdiri


artinya adalah "apa artinya berdiri"

8. when the moslems pray, they stand up and pace to

the moslems pray in shalat
moslems pray 5 times a day and they obliged to do so as it is mentioned in holy quran.

9. Date: A expensive / cheap T. the motorcycle is ......... than the bicycle​


more expensive


semoga membantuuu

10. tolong bantu kak no 34 sampai 40 *makasiPut in 'Can' , 'Can t', 'Could' or 'Couldn t' to the following sentences!​

Present tense (Masa kini)

Can = Bisa, Can't = Tidak bisa

Past tense (Masa lampau)

Could = Bisa, Couldn't = Tidak bisa

34. Can

35. Can't

36. Could

37. Could

38. Couldn't

39. Can't

40. Can

11. Riko : …you drink a cup of coffee?Dewi : I can’t stand caffeine.A Why don′tB Why didC Why areD Why do​


A. Why don't

maaf kalo salah


A. why don't


karena why don't you drink a cup of coffee lebih cocok dari pada why did , why are dan why do.

12. What the meaning of stand up terjemahkan dalam bhasa indonesia Tolong dijawabbya


what the meaning of stand up

memiliki arti apa artinya berdiri?

Berdiriartinya tegak bertumpu pada kaki

Kita dalam posisi tegak dan bertumpu pada kaki, berdiri bukan duduk ataupun berbaring

Semoga membantu kak maaf klo salah,


13. The car was expensive ....we couldn' t afford to buy it. Lengkapi kedua kalimat tersebut menggunakan konjungsi yang tepat?


The car was expensive so that we couldn't afford to buy it.




The car was expensive So we couldnt afford to buy it

14. pricea bicycleGold is the ... metal. That's why it's​

gold is the next level of metal

15. why did the writer get his bicycle minus the handlebars?because artinya​


"mengapa penulis mendapatkan sepedanya tanpa setang? karena



mengapa penulis mendapatkan sepedanya tanpa setang?


itu artinya

16. 6 Why does oiling the axles of abicycle make the bicycle movemore easily?​


the oiling of the axles of a bicycles is a lubricant process means it reduces the friction and let your bicycle move easily and smoothly


jan lupa di follow


the oiling of the axles of a bicycles is a lubricant process means it reduces the friction and let your bicycle move easily and smoothly.


maaf jika salah

17. why did the lady stand on the side of the ? road​


mengapa wanita itu berdiri di samping? jalan

I don't know.


because, she waiting her child


kasih jawaban terbaik yah \ Branliest answer

18. tolong dibantu kak ini ujianThe suitable answer to complete the text is … *stand upbloodfeetwork(garis ke terakhir)The suitable answer to complete the text is … *throwcarrystand upwork(garis ke tiga) The suitable answer to complete the text is … *stand upsleepworkcarry(garis ke 4) ​


- work


- stand up


semua harus berdasarkan konteks teksnya

19. Apa bedanya kata bahasa Inggris yang pakai kata "up" dengan yang tidak memakai. Contoh yang pakai kata "up" : "The man stands up in the street" contoh yang tidak :"The students stand in the street"​

"The man stands up in the street"

Kalo gk salah ya, if you add "UP" to stand, kita bisa anggap kalo prianya dari posisi duduk, dia berdiri.

Translation of "Up" adalah atas dan "stand" adalah berdiri

So the literal translation of "Stand up" adalah "Berdiri atas"

"The students stand in the street"​

Kalo sentence ini, ya murid2nya hanya bediri di jalanan gitu, bukan dari posisi duduk atau posisi apa2. They are just there.

Maaf kalo kurang jelas ya, sorry kalo ganti2 bahasa. semoga bisa di paham

20. Bentuk – bentuk latihan keseimbangan dalam senam antara lain adalah… Berdiri satu kaki , sit up , push up dan lompat harimauBerdiri satu kaki , hand stand ,sikap lilin.Hand stand , kop stand , push up dan sit up.Hand stand , back up lompat harimau dan sikap lilin​


berdiri dengan satu kaki


bertahan dengan satu kaki

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