Kamis, 09 Juni 2022

Fruit O Rama Sells Dried Pineapple

Fruit O Rama Sells Dried Pineapple

The ... sells many kinds of fruit.

Daftar Isi

1. The ... sells many kinds of fruit.

si...penjual punya bermacam macam buah

si penjual buah punya bermacam macam buah
fruit sellers      ..........................................................................................................                                                                                                                                           

2. a person who sells fruit and vegetables is called a

is called a greengrocer

3. mengapa fruit tea akhir akhir ini ramai diperbincangkan​


karna fruit tea termasuk minuman yg bergizi yg terbuat dari buah buahan dan teh yg dicampur

4. sells - many- green grocery- always- the- fruit- fresh- his store- in

the green grocery always sells many fresh fruits in his storehis store always sell many fresh fruit in the green grocery

5. 31. She sells many kinds of fruit. She works at the district market. Mrs. Aulia is ...


fruit seller


penjual buah ya:)

6. What fruit is it?a. It is appleb. It is pineapplec. It is graped. It is banana​.


(mohon maaf, gambarnya dimana?)

Mungkin D kali ya haha gambarnya gaada

7. hour1. Strawberry shop A sells strawberry Rp. 200.000 per 10 fruit whereas Strawberry Bsells strawberry of the same sizeand quality at Rp. 234.000 perdozen. Determine which shopsells cheapest​



maaf kalo salah, soal nya aku gak bisa basa enggres


Strawberry shop B

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Strawberry shop A = Rp 200.000/10 fruits

Strawberry shop B = Rp 234.000/dozen (12 fruits)


• Strawberry shop A

= 200.000 ÷ 10

= Rp 20.000 per fruit

• Strawberry shop B

= 234.000 ÷ 12

= Rp 19.500 per fruit

With the conclusion above, we get it that strawberryshopBsellscheapest

8. The color of this fruit is yellow? Itis........a. Pineappleb. Grapec. Mangoesteen​

It is...

Answer:a. pineapple


Color (noun) artinya warna. Color adalah properti yang berada pada sesuatu yang nampak atau dapat dilihat yang memiliki perbedaan selera dari setiap orang yang melihatnya. Macam-macam warna yang sering ditemukan antaranya:

black: hitamwhite: putihred: merahgreen: hijauyellow: kuningblue: biruorange: jinggapink: merah jambupurple: unguetc. (dll)

Fruit (noun) artinya buah. Fruit merupakan jenis makanan—sesuatu yang diperoleh dapat dikonsumsi yang berasal dari pohon atau tumbuhan yang terkandung biji di dalamnya. Kebanyakan buah rasanya manis (sweet) Buah-buah yang sering ditemukan antaranya:

strawberry: stroberigrape: anggurapple: apelorange: jerukpineapple: nanasstarfruit: belimbingmango: manggamangosteen: manggispapaya: pepayabanana: pisangetc. (dll)


Berdasarkan pertanyaan di atas, dapat ditemukan jawabannya dengan memilih tiga opsi di bawah ini yang sangat mendukung dengan soalnya:

pineapple: nanasgrape: anggurmangosteen: manggis

Buah yang memiliki warnakuning adalah nanassedangkan:

grape: purple/green (ungu/hijau)mangosteen: dark red (merah tua)


Jawabannya adalah...

a. pineapple

~Thank you and hope this answer can help you.

Have a nice day!~


Subject: English

Material: Fruits

Level: Elementary

Grade: 4

Keywords: fruit,yellowfruit,pineapple

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 4.5.12

9. A fruit merchant buys 4 trunks of pineapple which contains 50 kg of pineapple each. The total price of the pineapple is Rp.600.000,00.. If the merchant expects 26,66% profit, then the selling price of the pineapple for each kg is ....

buy pineaple = 50 kg
totl price 0f 50 kg = Rp 600.000
profit = 26,66%

so :
profit = 26,66% x 600.000
        = Rp 159.960

Total selling price = 600.000 + 159.960 = 759.960
selling price for each kg = 759.960 ÷ 50 = Rp 15.199,2

10. susunlah sells- many- greeng rocery - always- the- fruit- fresh- his- store- in

greeng rocery always sells many fresh fruit in the his store

maaf kalo salah, semoga membantuIn his grocery store always sells many fresh fruit. ?? maaf kl salah
btw yg bener greeng rocery apat itu typo?

11. 5. Which of the following fruits is called snake fruit? a. Guava, b. Salakc. Strawberry d. Pineapple.​


jawabannya a.guava


maaf kalo salah





12. 1. You don't eat.....you should eat more for your healthO enough fruitO too many fruitsO fruits enoughO too enough fruitO many fruits2. You don't eat....you should eat more for your healthO enough fruitO too many fruitsO fruits enoughO too enough fruitO many fruits​


1. A. enough fruit

2. A


1. enough fruit

2. enough fruit


semoga membantu :D

13. Description : pineapple a. Tropical fruit b. scaly skin c. yellow flesh d. sweet, sour and fresh itu di deskripsikan

pineapple are a tropical fruit and then it has scaly skin and yellow flesh the taste is like sweet, sour and fresh (di buat kaya gini?)jawabannya.. Tropical Fruit

14. arti dari there are apples,pears,a pineapple,bananas,oranges and a bunch of grapes in each basket.we buy two baskets of fruit.

ada apel, pir, nanas, pisang, jeruk dan sekelompok
anggur di masing-masing keranjang.
kita membeli dua keranjang buah

semoga membantu ^^Disana ada apel, pear, nanas, pisang, jeruk dan setangkai anggur di setiap keranjang.
kita membeli 2 keranjang buah.

Semoga membantu

15. The poor woman sells fruit in the market .She often gives fruit to the elephant .The elephant knows the woman and her son well translete kan dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia

wanita miskin menjual buah-buahannya di toko. Dia memberi buah untuk gajah. Gajah tahu bahwa wanita dan anaknya adalah orang baik.
seorang wanita miskin menjual buah di pasar.dia(Pr) sering memberikan buah kepada gajah itu.gajah itu tau bahwa wanitaitu dan anaklaki lakinya baik

16. what fruit has many small black seeds? it is... a grape b jackfruit c pineapple d soursop

d. soursop
soursop itu sirsakD. Soursop (Sirsak)
Semoga membantu

17. After going sightseeing, the chlildren buy oranges for their remembers, but they buy in different fruit stalls. Stall A sells Rp 7.500/kg, stall B sells Rp 7.200/kg, stall C sells Rp 7.600/kg and stall D sells Rp 7.500/kg. (cheep/expensive)

Stall A:
-Is more expensive than stall B.
-is equal with stall D.
-is cheaper than stall C.
Stall B:
-Is cheaper than stall A and Stall B and stall C.
-is the cheapest stall.
Stall C:
-Is the most expensive
-Is more expensive than stall A, stall b, and stall C.
Stall D:
-Is cheaper than stall C.
-Is equal with stall A.
-Is more expensive than Stall B.
Semoga membantu ^-^

18. pineapple buah apa itu

pineapple adalah buah nanas pinepel itu adalah buah nanas maaf kalo salah

19. 3. Perbandingan uang Dian dan Rama 3:2. Jika jumlah uang Dian dan Rama Rp40.000,00, selisih uang Dian dan Rama adalah..."O Rp 16.000,00Rp 8.000,00O Rp 24.000,00O Rp 32.000,00​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jumlah uang = 40.000

Jumlah perbandingan = 3+2 = 5

Dian = 3/5 × 40.000 = 24.000

Rama = 2/5 × 40.000 = 16.000

Selisih Dian dan Rama = 24.000 - 16.000

= Rp 8.000,00

20. Nadine : "..... mango or pineapple?"Angel   : "I like pineapple."Fill in the blank, with correct question is .....a.Which oneb.Which one Angel likesc.Which fruit do you liked.Choose​


C. Which fruit do you like


Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah Which fruit do youlike.Karena Nadine menanyakan "... mangga atau nanas?" lalu Angel jawab "Aku suka nanas". Artinya Nadine bertanya buah apa yang Angel suka.

Nadine : "Which fruit do you like, mango or pineapple?"

Angel   : "I like pineapple."


Nadine : "Buah mana yang kamu suka, mangga atau nanas?"

Angel : "Aku suka nanas."

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