Senin, 20 Juni 2022

The Tree Diagram Represents An Experiment Consisting Of Two Trials

The Tree Diagram Represents An Experiment Consisting Of Two Trials

tree diagram of the projector with the blue screen

Daftar Isi

1. tree diagram of the projector with the blue screen

Gambar pohon Dari projektor dengan layar biru

2. ( ) education represents an expenditure of resources to raise productivity in the future.

artinya adalah Pendidikan merupakan pengeluaran sumber daya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di masa depan.

3. Sam........ The results of the experiment. ​


has already recorded


jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

Jawaban: IS
Semoga membantu

4. What is the conclusion of the experiment?

apa kesimpulan dari percobaan ??

5. Tree diagram dari kalimat: the invention of the internet has changed the way people get information.


Jawaban terlampir

NP {Det} {N} (PP) VP {V} NP {Det} {N} (CP)


"Tree diagram syntax" adalah diagram bersusun yang menunjukkan struktur  kehirarkian komponen-komponen kalimat.

Simbol "S" (Sentence) mengawali pembentukan pohon diagram sintaksis. Kemudian, dibagi kembali ke dalam dua konstituen (NP & VP).

Urutan paling kiri dimulai dengan NP (Noun Phrase), di mana diisikan oleh  awalan (determiner), kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (Noun) dan sebagainya. Sedangkan, yg paling kanan diisi oleh VP (Verb Phrase) di mana dicabangkan dengan frasa nomina (NP), frasa preposisi (PP), kata kerja (V) dan sebagainya.

Simbol²  Sintaksis:

S ➡ Sentence

NP ➡ Noun Phrase

VP  ➡ Verb Phrase

V   ➡ Verb

N    ➡ Noun

Det  ➡ Determiner

PP   ➡ Prepositional Phrase

Pro   ➡  Pronoun

PN     ➡ Proper Noun

AdvP ➡ Adverb Phrase

AP ➡ Adjective Phrase

CP ➡ Complementizer Phrase

C ➡ Complementizer

Ex. (1)

I love Syntax ➡ NP {Pro} VP {V} {NP}


             ↙  ↘

      NP            VP

        ⬇           ↙  ↘

       Pro       V     NP

        ⬇           ⬇       ⬇

        I          love  Syntax

Ex. (2)

The cute cat ➡ det Adj N


                      ↙    ⬇    ↘

                det      adj      N

                   ⬇        ⬇         ⬇

              The      cute      cat


Ex. (3)

A monkey on the stone➡ det N (PP){P}{NP}


                     ↙       ⬇      ↘  

                   det      N        PP  

                    ⬇        ⬇        ↙  ↘

                    ⬇        ⬇        P     NP

                    ⬇        ⬇        ⬇        ↙ ↘

                    ⬇        ⬇        ⬇       det   N

                    ⬇        ⬇        ⬇        ⬇     ⬇

                   a  monkey   on    the   stone

Ex. (3)

Take the medicine➡ V NP


                    ↙       ↘

                  V           NP

                  ⬇         ↙     ↘

                  ⬇        det     N

                  ⬇           ⬇      ⬇

             take       the    medicine

Ex. (4)

Pick up the phone quickly➡

V PP {P} {NP} Adv


                         ↙         ⬇         ↘

                     V           PP          Adv      

                     ⬇          ↙  ↘               ⬇

                     ⬇        P      NP           ⬇

                     ⬇        ⬇       ↙↘          ⬇

                     ⬇        ⬇     det    N      ⬇

                     ⬇        ⬇     ⬇       ⬇       ⬇

               Pick        up  the phone quickly



Learn more about

Tree Diagram Syntax

1) I have two brothers

2) I am the first child

3) He looked at the dog with one eye

4) My father goes to his office everyday

5) The parents were waiting outside the gate to pick up their kids

6) I just saw a lovely rainbow hanging in the sky yesterday

7) Recently the old men and women left



Grade: Intermediate

Subject: English

Material: Syntax

Keywords: tree diagram, the invention of the internet

6. what is the conclusion of the experiment?

observing something in the laboratory

7. What is the goal of the experiment


apa tujuan dari pengalaman

8. State the dependent variable of the experiment


The dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable

9. Tree diagram syntax of he looked at the dog with one eye


Syntax merupakan cabang dari ilmu kebahasaan yang mempelajari tentang struktur pembentukan kata-kata menjadi satu kesatuan kalimat terstruktur dan bermakna jelas.

Penggunaan tree diagram syntax merupakan penggambaran bagaimana adanya hubungan hirarki antara komponen-komponen yang terkandung dalam suatu kalimat.  

Penyusunan tree diagram syntax/Phrase structure tree berdasarkan karakteristiknya { syntax category }  :  

1. Kelas kata { Parts of speech }

Parts of speech  meliputi determiner (det), Adjective (Adj), Noun (N), Pronoun (Pro), Preposition (P), Adverb ( Adv), Auxiliary ( Aux), Verb ( V).

2. Tatanan penyusunan frasa ( Phrase Structure Grammar )

Pola penyusunan meliputi Noun phrase (NP), Adjective phrase ( AdjP), Verb phrase (VP), Adverb phrase(AdvP), Preposition phrase(PP) .

5 frasa utama gramatikal dala analisis Tree Diagram Syntax :

1. Noun Phrase   (NP)

Sekumpulan kata/frasa  yang memodifikasi kata benda.

Exp :  

The old woman crossed the street.

2. Adjective phrase ( AdjP)

Frasa yang memberikan penjelasan detail dari kata benda. Frasa terdiri dari keterangan dan kata sifat.

Exp :

She is very clever.

3. Verb phrase   (VP)

Frasa yang terbentuk paling tidak terdapat satu kata kerja utama dengan didukung kata kerja pengikat/ pelengkap kata kerja.

Exp  :

The gold miner found the diamond.

4. Adverb phrase (AdvP)

Frasa yang berperan memberikan penjelas keterangan waktu (when), alasan (why), keterangan tempat (where) dan bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi (How).

Exp :

They are going to go to Bali next week.

5. Preposition phrase  (PP)

Frasa yang berperan sebagai kata depan maupun imbuhan.

Exp :

He went to Surabaya by a train.

Konsep Tree Diagram Tree

1. S=> NP  VP

2. NP=> {det}  {Adj}  N  {PP}  

3. VP=> V { NP } { PP} { Adv}

4. PP => P  NP

5. AP => A { PP }  

Contoh struktur frasa :

1. The old woman => det Adj N

2. The mouse in the cage => det N PP

3. Catch that mouse => V NP

4. Enter the house quietly=>V NP Adv

5. Eat an apple in the kitchen=> V NP PP

6. Run into the hole quickly => V PP Adv

Learn more about

Tree Diagram Syntax

See detail

Level              : Advanced

Subject          : English

Sub Category : Syntax

Code               : 5

Keywords      : Tree Diagram Syntax


10. the experiment​


the student need(s) an experiment. Karena the kita andaikan mewakili SEORANG pelajar.

berdasarkan semoga bermanfaat

11. Before the results of an experiment are accepted, which of these points must it fulfillA)the experiment was carried out once and its results were notedB) the experiment was carried out repeatedly and its results were analysedC)the results support the hypothesis stated in the beginning of the experiment D)the results align with the interest of the scientist

The experiment was carried out repeatedly and it's results were analysed

12. The object of the experiment is a ……​


rat (tikus)


karena identik dengan istilah tikus percobaan

13. Tree diagram dari kalimat: the invention of the internet has changed the way people get information.​

JAWABAN:penemuan internet telah mengubah cara orang mendapatkan informasi.


14. sam...the result of the experiment​


sam what's the result of the experiment


sorry if it's wrong..

hope I'll get a braliest answer


sam...hasil eksperimen

15. Item,typically consisting of two or more slices of .. b.flight c.fetch

Jawaban: jawabannya



16. What is the goal of the experiment​

A successful study or find satisfying results

17. If A represents 256 units of stamps and B represents 168 units of stamps. The ratio of B to the total of stamps in the simplest form is


53 : 21

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

total= 256+168= 424

424 : 168

212 : 84

106 : 42

53 : 21

klo salah bilang di komen nanti saya coba perbaiki

18. The tree diagram of "The beautiful young girl sings a song on the stage now"


artinya:Diagram pohon" Gadis Muda yg cantik menyanyikan lagu diatas panggung sekarang"


Semoga membantu.

Mohon maaf kalau salah

19. Which of the following represents the number two tenths in decimal form?a. 0.20000 c. 0.002000b. 0.40000d. 2.00000​


A: two tenths is equal to zero point two

20. The students of i have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory !


The students have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory.

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