Senin, 20 Juni 2022

You Hired A Contractor Weegy

You Hired A Contractor Weegy

what the duties of a contractor ( apa tugas seorang contractor,dalam bahasa inggris )

Daftar Isi

1. what the duties of a contractor ( apa tugas seorang contractor,dalam bahasa inggris )

-Contractor's duty is to build a house the way you want along with the workers

2. building contractor disebut dengan

bisa disebut dengan Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung

3. Apakah yg di maksud dgn ilegal contractor


orang atau suatu badan hukum atau badan usaha yang di kontrak atau di sewa untuk menjalankan proyek pekerjaan berdasarkan isi kontrak yang dimenangkannya dari pihak pemilik proyek yang merupakan instansi /lembaga pemerintahan, badan hukum, badan usaha, maupun perorangan, yang telah melakukan penunjukan secara resmi Berikut aturan-aturan penunjukan, dan target proyek ataupun order/pekerjaan yang di maksud tertuang dalam kontrak yang di sepakati antara pemilik proyek (owner) dengan kontraktor pelaksana.


semoga membantu

4. sambungan obsen nmr 20 D. A thing that is hireddijawab yah​

17. A. a nice shirt

18. C. in writer's house

19. D. making a cake

20. B. a thing given to somebody as a gift


5. Should you call/contact the company you have been applying to if you don't get information whether you are accepted/hired within 2 weeks?​


yes, you should


you should contact the company and asking the sureness about you

6. If you are hired as an event organizer in one of birthday parties,how would you set up the party? why?

jika kamu disewa sebagai pengurus acara di salah satu pesta ulang tahun , bagaimana cara kamu menyiapkan pesta tersebut ? mengapa ?

7. give your response based on the following situation?Nico : oh thanks god! i am hired to work in BNI bank. you : ​


Me:Wow, good luck on your job. I wish I have a job like you

8. Tolong translate ke Bahasa Indonesia dong,, saya sudah mencobanya tapi saya rasa artinya belum pas. Thank you anyway Whenever the contractor is required by the terms of the main contract to give any information or notice to the company, the subcontractor shall in relation to the subcontract works give a similar information of notice in writing to the contractor as will enable the contractor to comply with such terms and conditions of the main contract and shall do so in sufficient time to enable the contractor to comply with such terms punctually. When disputes arise which are the result of decisions made by the company, then the contractor hereby agrees to present the subcontractor’s case completely and fairly provided he receives due assistance from the subcontractor to that effect.

setiap kali kontraktor diharuskan oleh ketentuan ketentuan kontrak utama untuk memberikan informasi atau pemberitahuan kepada perusahaan,pekerjaan subkontrak memberikan informasi pemberitahuan yg serupa secara tertulis kepada kontraktor karena akan memungkinkan kontraktor untuk mematuhi ketentuan ketentuan tersebut secara tepat waktu.

ketika perselisihan timbul yg merupakan hasil dari keputusan yg dibuat oleh perusahaan,maka kontraktor dengan ini setuju untuk menyajikan kasus subkontraktor secara lengkap dan adil asalkan ia menerima bantuan dari subkontraktor untuk hal tersebut.

maaf klo slh:)

9. What will be built by the contractor first?​

Jawaban:bahasa InggrisPenjelasan:saya tidak tau

10. meli:I like new wallpaper.The pattern is nice,but the color is too dark.Tuti:.....the appropriate utterance to complete the dialog is...a.i din't think so.What if the contractor replases it?b.That'not true. How about asking thecontractor to replace it?c.I disagrree with you. Couldn't the contractorreplace it?d.You're right. The contractor must replace it.e.You are wrong.The contractor must replace it​

antara C dan D

maaf kalo gini doank jawabany

11. 10 candidates including you got hired. what would be the three things that would make you star out. How will you be able to use them to your advantage?

Terjemahannya ke Indonesianya adalah :

10 kandidat termasuk Anda dipekerjakan. Apa jadinya tiga hal yang akan membuat Anda keluar. Bagaimana Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk keuntungan Anda?

Itu terjemahan Indonesia
Semoga membantu dan maaf jika ada yang salah ^_^

12. tokoh belanda yang mengecap tanaman paksa dengan tulisan yang berjudul suiker contractor adalah??

johannes van den boschGraaf Johannes van den Bosch. Semoga membantu.

13. The contractor ............ the big hospital last year. *A. buildB. builtC. builderD. builded​

Jawaban: A. Build ( the contractor build the big hospital last year )

semoga membantu !

14. lania hired a new assistant who worked at the bank across the street last year


ms. lania mempekerjakan asisten baru yang bekerja di bank di seberang jalan tahun lalu


maaf kalau salah

15. should you call/contact the company you have been applying to if you don't get information whether you are accpeted/hired within 2 weeks​


yes. you should


you should contact the company and asking the sureness about you

16. How.....................? By car? Yes, we hired a car in San Fransisco (Simple Past Tense)

How did you go there?

17. 15. Anto: Hi, Dwi. You look happy today. What’s happening? Dwi: I just got hired by ABC Company! Anto: ........................... Congratulations! I am happy for you. Dwi: Thank you. I still can’t believe that I finally get a job! A. How clever you are. B. Thank you. C. That’s really remarkable! D. I'm happy for you. E. I know you




karena menurut saya jawaban nya menggambarkan bahwa Anto itu bangga dengan Dwi

18. 14.Mrs. Sari is making clothes, she is a.....c. Tailorb. Contractord. Soldiera. Sailor​




because tailor job are is making clothes didn't like contractor,soldier,and sailor


c. Tailor


Making clothes artinya membuat baju. Itu tugasnya si Tailor a.k.a penjahit


19. When the job was All the employees ... Before the school started. 4 poin had been hired be hired hired being hired been hiring, a great deal of satisfaction ... By all club's member. 4 poin were felt is felt are felt was felt has felt


When the job was All the employees had been hired before the school started, a great deal of satisfaction are felt  By all club's member.

semoga membantu:3 sorry kalo salah

20. the contractor renovated our kitchen di ubah menjadi kalimat passive?​

our kitchen was renovated by the contractor.

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