Jumat, 22 Juli 2022

How Impactful Was High Shipping Demand On Customer Questions

How Impactful Was High Shipping Demand On Customer Questions

8. Was dayu bald when she was a baby?9. How high the dayu when she was junior high school?10. how high the dayu when she was a baby?​

Daftar Isi

1. 8. Was dayu bald when she was a baby?9. How high the dayu when she was junior high school?10. how high the dayu when she was a baby?​




Dayu siapa? Beri pertanyaan yang lengkap.


8.Yes, because since birth all babies don't have hair.

9.maybe 140 high

10Babies are generally high at birth 56 centimeters


artinya bagi yang gak bisa bahasa Inggris

8. Apakah dayu botak saat masih bayi?

9. Berapa tinggi dayu ketika dia masih SMP?

10. berapa tinggi dayu saat masih bayi??


8. Ya, karena sejak lahir semua bayi tidak memiliki rambut.

9.mungkin tinggi 140

10.Bayi umumnya tinggi saat lahir 56 sentimeter

2. choose the most appropriate reported speech of the given direct speech 1. the waiter asked customer , " how is your egg"? a. the waiter asked the customer how is your egg? b. the waiter asked the customer how was his egg c. the waiter asked the customer how his egg was

Jawabannya adalah B......

kalau gak B jawabannya C

3. The customer service officers answer my questions. Passive voice is...A.My questions is answered by the customer service officerB.My questions was answered by the customers service officerC.My questions are answered by the customers service officerD.My questions were answered by the customer service officer​


C. My questions are answered by the customer service officers

4. how can one get free shipping?

normally when we purchase product in a certain number, the seller will give compliment by giving free shipping
for example if you buy a cage (big size) and the product happens to offer promotion then the shipment of the cage is free of chargeartinya : bagaimana seseorang bisa mendapatkan biaya pengiriman gratis

5. The customer service officer answers my questions​

Di translate kah?

Jawaban:The customer service officer answer my question

Translate:pegawai/karyawan Pelayanan konsumen menjawab pertanyaan saya *maaf kalau salah

6. How to the banks make profit... a.charge tax from the customer b.chage high tax from people's credit card c.chage tax from the loan d.chage a higher interest on the money people borrow

c. charge tax from loan.
(mengambil pajak dr pinjaman)A.charge tax from the custume

7. mana dari kata how high atau how height yang benar

Jawaban:mana dari kata how high atau how height yang benar

yg bener adalah how height


8. How do customer characteristics influence buying behavior ?


Personal factors can also influence consumer behavior. Some of the important factors that influence personal buying behavior are: lifestyle, economic status, occupation, age, personality, and self-esteem



9. We must decrease the use of electrical power ... high demand of it​


In spite of


high demand of it = permintaan tinggi / yg sangat dibutuhkan

in spite of = meskipun

maaf kalau salah

10. Organizations may receive customer complaints. How companies respond to their customer complaints and how they handle them.They?​

Companies usually respond to customers' complaints by being patient and replying it with kindness and politeness in order to keep a good impression so that their company will have a good reputation amongst the customers.


Organizations may receive customer complaints. How companies respond to their customer complaints and how they handle them.


The word "They" in the sentence refers to Companies / Organizasions.


Kata "They" dalam kalimat pada soal mengacu pada kata Perusahaan-perusahaan, bagaimana cara perusahaan / organisasi tersebut mengatasi keluhan para pelanggan mereka.

Semoga membantu ya.

11. Active : The customer service officers will answer my questions. Passive : …. a. My questions would be answered by the customer service officers. b. My questions will be answered by the customer service officers c. My questions will be answer by the customer service officers d. My questions would be answer by the customer service officers e. My questions will be answering by the customer service officers ​




semoga membantu


b. my questions will be answered by the costumer service officer


12. Task 4practice the dialogue and answer the questions!jatmiko: good morningcustomer service officergood morning. what can i do for you?jatmiko: i'm looking for a book of english grammar. i look around but icouldn't find what i was looking for.customer service officerokay. please wait for a moment. i'm going to check in the computer.tatmiko: oh, thankscustomer service officer: we have several titles at shelf 19.: i see. is that on the second floor?customer service officer: yes, it ishow about stationery? which floor is it on?customer service officer• it's on the third floor.thanks for your informationcustomer service officer : you're welcome.jatmikojatmikojahmikoquestions:1 where is jatmiko?answer2 what is jatmiko looking for?answer:3. is jatmiko satisfied with the service from the customer service offi

Jawaban dan Penjelasan:

1. customer service officer

2. a book of english grammar

3. yes, because the customer service inform that book was on the third floor

mark as best answer

13. if consumers know that a product will be going on sale this week, how will the current demand be affected?

The product will be highly sought after and consumers will want/demand more of the product because of its reasonable price.

14. how does atm help the bank customer??

bagaimana atm membantu nasabah bank ??answer :atm can help bank costumer, for have a money in bank with alone

15. How can you reassure a customer that his/her problem was heard?

should explain to the customer that we are sorryAnswer:

I am sorry to hear that. but i am so sure that everything will run smoothly in the future.


16. Apa yang dimaksud play on demand? ​


arti kata on demand adl permintaan

17. Questions:1. What medicine is looked by the customer? 2. What is the function of aspirin? 3. How many tablets should the customer drink? 4. When does the medicine take? 5. How is the way to take the medicine?​


1. aspirin

2.to getrid of headache

3.1 tablet

4.every 4 hours

5.you have take it with food

18. How much did the customer pay?​


one hundred ninety six thousand two hundred fourty four


nineteen sixty two forty four

maaf kalok salah soalnya aku diajarin begini caranya

19. Translet dalam bahasa indonesia Direction: Choose the correct answers.Questions 1-3 are based on this dialog.Raisa: Good morningCustomer service : Good morning.RasiaI'm looking a book on English grammar. I look around but I couldn't find what I was looking forCustomer service : Okay, please wait for a moment. I'm going to check in the computer.Raisa: Thanks.Customer service. We have several titles at shelf34Raisa: I see. Is that on the third floor?Customer service : Yes. It is-Raisa: How about stationary? Which floor is it on?Customer service :it's on the second floorRaisa: Thanks for your information.Customer service : You're welcome. Enjoy the book shopping​


arahan: pilihlah jawaban yang benar

pertanyaan 1-3 berdasarkan dialog ini ps:coustumer service(cs)

raisa: selamat pagi

cs: selamat pagi raisa

raisa: saya mencari buku tentang tata bahasa inggris. saya sudah melihat-lihat tetapi saya tidak dapat menemukan apa yang saya cari

cs: oke, tolong tunggu sebentar. saya akan memeriksa di komputer

raisa: terima kasih

cs: kami memiliki beberapa judul di rak 34

raisa: saya mengerti. apakah itu di lantai ke tiga

cs: ya. itu dia

raisa: bagaimana dengan alat tulis. di lantai beberapa?

cs: itu ada dilantai ke dua

raisa: terima kasih untuk informasinya

cs: sama-sama. selamat berbelanja buku

ps: maaf kalau ada yg salah

20. Describe how social computing improves customer service. hero

it cause, it can be online n can cursor some costumer too

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