Kamis, 07 Juli 2022

Match These Values Of R With The Accompanying Scatterplots

Match These Values Of R With The Accompanying Scatterplots

Match these types of film with the comments (1-6).​

1. Match these types of film with the comments (1-6).​

1. It's a story in space with aliens.

= science fiction

2. It was very funny and I laughed for hours afterwards.

= comdey

3. It's all about polar bears and how they live.

= documentary

4. I couldn't watch the film. It was very scary!

= horror

5. There are fast cars and the hero always wins.

= action film

6. In the past, they drew all the pictures on paper. Nowadays, they make them with computers.

= animation

Berdasarkan arti:

1. Ini adalah kisah/cerita di ruang angkasa dengan alien.

= fiksi ilmiah

2. Itu sangat lucu dan saya tertawa berjam-jam setelahnya.

= comdey

3. Ini semua tentang beruang kutub dan bagaimana mereka hidup.

= dokumenter

4. Saya tidak bisa menonton film yg sangat menakutkan!

= horor

5. Ada mobil yg cepat dan pahlawan selalu menang.

= film aksi

6. Di masa lalu, mereka menggambar semua gambar di atas kertas. Saat ini, mereka membuatnya dengan komputer.

= animasi

Semoga membantu

2. Neuroscience is the science of the brain. Match these other subjects with the type of science (a-f).​

1. Astronomy - C. Planets and outer space

2. Zoology - F. Animals

3. Physics - A. Heat, light, energy

4. Chemistry - E. Chemicals

5. Biology - D. Living things

6. Technology - B. New machines

maap kalau salah

3. Match these pictures with the right sentences!​


1. Today, today we do jogging, as usual, every weekend accompanied by 2 of my best friends.

2. Then the single day we continued our activities by playing kites, there were quite a lot of people in the field.

3. In the afternoon we played hide and seek together, this game was really exciting.

4. match the pictures of the parts af the house (1-16) to these words!

2. roof
3. attic
4. office
5. ceiling
8. wall

gambarnya kurang jelas

5. Have you been to these places?Match the place with the explanation.{Tolong Jangan Asal-asalan}​












6. match these words with their meanings​


1. put on - g. to wear

2. put out - b. to extinguish

3. turn off - a. to switch off

4. slice - i. to cut something into thin pieces

5. wrap - e. to cover with something

6. bend - f. to twist

7. seed - d. to remove the seeds from the fruit

8. trim - j. to cut something so it will be neater

9. blend - h. to mix

10. mach - c. to soften something using spoon or other tools

Semoga membantu.

7. match these adjectives with their meanings​


1. curly=keriting2. hijau=green3. tua=old4. berat=heavy5. sabar=patient6. gemuk=fat7. pandai=clever8. indah=beautiful

8. match the words of the phrases below with their meanings​



Semoga membantu :)

9. Match the word with the following description: the opposite of handsome or pretty.​



10. Look at the expressions and match them with the purpose of the letter


Lihatlah ekspresi dan cocokkan dengan tujuan surat itu


Ini artinya ya

11. B.Try this match these warnings with the situations given tugas 1 warning

fotonya mana dek? coba fotoin

12. match the names of occupations with the job descriptions

1. L
2. K
3. A
4. G
5. O
6. I
7. F
8. N
9. J
10. M
11. B
12. C
13. H
14. E
15. D

Semoga Membantu1-l

13. Match the ekpression of congratulations with the responsifes


cocokkan ekspresi ucappan selamat dengan jawaban

semoga membantu

14. Match these expressions with their responses

1. E

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. B


15. Match these words from the article (1-5) with the difinitions (a-e).​


1. B

2. C

3. E

4. D

5. A


1 invent = menciptakan (b)

2 discover = menemukan (c)

3 test = uji coba (e)

4 break down = rusak (d)

5 prototype = bentuk asli/dasar (a)


a. the first one (e.g. a machine) before you make lots of them

= yang pertama (misalnya mesin) sebelum kamu/kalian membuat banyak dari mereka [mesin2 itu]


5. Prototype = bentuk asli/dasar

Alasan: Yg pertama sebelum mesin2 lainnya bermunculan

b. to make a machine which people have never made before

= untuk membuat mesin yang belum pernah dibuat orang sebelumnya


1. Invent = menciptakan

Alasan: membuat mesin yg belum pernah ada sebelumnya berarti menciptakan

c. to find information for the first time

= untuk menemukan informasi pertama kalinya


2. Discover = menemukan

Alasan: menemukan

d. to stop working

= berhenti bekerja


4. Break down = rusak

Alasan: karena [mesin] rusak maka akan berhenti bekerja

e. to find out if an invention works

= utk menemukan jika suatu penemuan bekerja


3. Test = uji coba

Alasan: dalam penemuan pasti diuji coba

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: JHS

Materi: Match

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

16. apa bahasa indonesianya "match the wards in the box with the correct category of"

Cocokkan bangsal di dalam kotak dengan kategori

17. match these words with definition​

1. Bows = j. the rear

2. Stern = e. living area

3. Port side = m. left side

4. Starboard side = c. right side

5. Aft = k. to ward the rear

6. Forward = a. towards the front

7. Hull = l. body of a ship

8. Keel = d. a frojection bellow the hull

9. Bridge = f. command station

10. Hatch way = b. opening in the deck

11. Galley = i. kitchen

12. Windlass = g. machine to move heavy things

13. Quarters = h. point that is most forward

semoga membantu. tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik

terima kasih

18. Match the ekpression of congratulations with the responsifes


Cocokkan ekspresi ucapan selamat dengan yang responsif


moga membantu bye bye^^

19. Match the statements in the left column with the appropriate answer in the left colum complete these sentences with the correct "to be".​


1. Danish

2. Finnish

3. Aborigine

4. Nation

5. Country

20. find 5 words that match with the text of the statue of liberty​


1. Visitor

2. New York City

3. Design

4. Monument

5. Statue

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