Senin, 25 Juli 2022

Mosaics Frescos And Sculptures Are All

Mosaics Frescos And Sculptures Are All

1.Complete with suitable expression. A:.................................B:it is huge and decorated with many sculptures.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.Complete with suitable expression. A:.................................B:it is huge and decorated with many sculptures.​


whether it's small or big and what is it

2. 10. What can the tiles of Mosaics can be made of? * A.Ceramic, glass and stones B.Plastic, rubber and sand C. Milk, water and butter D.Fire,water and oiltlng bntu yg bner​


A.Ceramic,glass and stones


maaf kalo salah


A.Ceramic, glass and stones


Ubin Mosaik bisa dibuat dari apa?

A.Keramik, kaca dan batu

3. POIN TINGG!!! Complete each senteces with one of the determiners from the box. Use each word once. (all) (any) (both) (no) (either) 1 _______ of two artists could win the Turner Prize this year. 2 _______ paintings are very beautiful, but I prefer the dancer. 3 Do you think _______ of these sculptures are good? 4 There was _______ information about his technique 5 __________ artists try to say something new and different


Either of two artists could win the Turner Prize this year. All paintings are very beautiful, but i prefer the dancer. Do you think any of these sculptures are good? There was no information about his technique. Both artists try to say something new and different.


Either digunakan untuk menyatakan salah satu dari sekian. pemenang suatu kompetisi haruslah salah satu orang, tidak bisa semua. jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah either.All digunakan untuk menyatakan keseluruhan.Any digunakan dalam kalimat negatif atau kalimat be yang digunakan adalah was sehingga any, was, both dan all bukan kata yang cocok untuk diletakkan setelahnya.Both digunakan untuk menjelaskan dua subjek, biasanya digunakan untuk menyetarakan atau menyamakan.

4. tolong bantu jawab soal di atas dengan benarteks nyaBorobudur TempleBorobudur temple is a temple which became a pride of Indonesian people because it has ever included into the 7 wonders of the world. It is also the largest Buddhist temple in the world. This temple is located in Borobudur Village, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is approximately 100 km from Semarang, 86 km from Surakarta, and 40 km from Yogjakarta. It was found as a place of worship for the Mahayana Buddhist by Sailendra dynasty in 800 AD. It was first discovered by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles in 1814. At that time, it was found crushed and buried in the groundOriginally, it has 10 levels with overall height about 42 meters. However, after the reparation, the height of Borobudur becomes approximately 34.5 meters with overall building area is about 15, 129 m². The front side of Borobudur temple is facing eastwards, although each side of the temple has similar form. There are three main levels of the realm in Borobudur. The first level is Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), the second is Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and the third Arupadhatu (formless realm).There are so many reliefs on Borobudur's wall which are about 1,460 panels. These reliefs tell about ancient stories written in Sanskrit language and read by Mapradakisana's way Mapradakisana is a way to read in accordance with the clockwise direction. The way to read the story is starting from the east side of the gate at every level of the temple. There are so many stories written on Borobudur's wall. The first story on the relief is Karmawibhangga which written on the foot of this temple. It tells about karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect obtained by humans. This relief depicts human actions both reprehensible and commendable along with what they will have. The next relief is Laitawistara. These reliefs lined in the stairs on the south side of temple. This relief consists of 120 figures which illustrate the story of the Buddha from birth to become a Buddhist. The last are Jataka and Awadana reliefs. These reliefs tell the story about Buddha before he was bornBesides decorated with reliefs, Borobudur also has so many sculptures which become a symbol of the Buddha embodiment. The statues are sitting cross-legged in the lotus position, and show a certain hand gesture. These are located at Rupadhatu level. There are 432 sculptures which are lined sequentially in every niche of this level. In the first row, there are 104 niches, the second row are 104 niches, the third row are 88 niches, the fourth row are 72 niches, and fifth row are 64 niches. Besides sculpture, Borobudur temple also has stupa. There are 72 stupas at the level of Aruphadatu. Those stupas are spread in the court at this stage. In the first court, there are 32 stupas, in the second court are 24 stupas, and 16 stupas on the third court.Since the discovery of Borobudur temple, there have been so many theft of Buddhist statues. Originally, the amount of Buddha statues was 504. More than 300 statues have been damaged. Most of the statues of Buddha are headless because they are frequently stolen to be used in a museum collection.​


1. Borobudur temple

2. This temple is located in Borobudur Village, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia

3. 86 km from Surakarta

4.Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and Arupadhatu (formless realm).

5. reliefs on Borobudur's wall

6. There are 432. in the first row there are 104 niches, the second are 104 niches, the third are 88 niches, the fourth 72 niches, the fifth are 64 niches

7. Sanskrit language

8. on the foot of Borobudur temple


semoga membantu ya

5. Pura Luhur Uluwatu is definitely one of the top places in Bali for witnessing a delightful sunset, with direct views overlooking the beautiful waves of the Indian Ocean and daily Kecak dance performances held at an amphitheatre nearby. Balinese architecture, traditionally-designed gateways, and ancient sculptures all add to Uluwatu Temple's appeal. Who most probably makes use of the text A. Local communities B. Holidaymakers C. Tour guides D. Travel agents

artinya: Pura Luhur Uluwatu jelas merupakan salah satu tempat teratas di Bali untuk menyaksikan matahari terbenam yang menyenangkan, dengan pemandangan langsung menghadap ombak indah Samudera Hindia dan pertunjukan tari Kecak setiap hari yang diadakan di sebuah ampiteater di dekatnya. Arsitektur Bali, gateway yang dirancang secara tradisional, dan patung-patung kuno semuanya menambah daya tarik Pura Uluwatu.



6. The arguments of the museum curators fall apart in an instance such as the Elgin Marbles. These majestic marble sculptures, which one graced Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, were stolen by Lord Elgin in the nineteenth century and given to the British Museum, which holds them to this day. The people of Athens have built a beautiful, modern museum of the Acropolis to display the Elgin Marbles and other reassures from the Greek cultural heritage, so there can be no valid argument that the Greeks are unable to house the sculptures properly. Furthermore, more people visit the Acropolis every daythan visit the British Museum. Soal: 1. The purpose of the last sentence of the paragraph is ?


The purpose of the last sentence of the paragraph is?

*The Role of Great Museums in the Preservation of Cultural Artifacts.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih the best><

7. domestic pigeon(Columbia Livia)was perhaps the brid tamed by man.figurnas,mosaics and coins have portadyed the the domestic pigeon since at least 4500B.C from Egyptian Times the pigeon has been important as food its tole as masengger has a long history.thorowbacks among modern domestic pigeons indicate a common ancestor,the rock dove.this tendincy ia clearly seen in street pigeon lofts,but most are somewhat narrow-bodied and broad-billed replicas of the blue-gray ancestral form.street pigeons nest all year-round,on buildings and beneath bridges, where they mau be a nuisance with their dropings and transmission of disease.these Hardy birds may live top up to 35 years.the theree main kinds of domestic pigeon are fliers,fancy breeds raised raised chiefly for show,and utility breeds,which produce squabs for meat nestlings taken when 25 to 30 daya old and weighing 350 to 700 grams.utility breeds are known as dual-purpose birds of they are bred for exhibitions pigeon-raising ia a worldwide hobby and business as well.there are regular conpetions held in several places,such as pigeon racing and singing contests people also raise pigeons for their meat itu can be Made into many delicious dhise1.answer the following question based on the A.what ia the purpose of the teks? long have pigeons been used as masenggers?C.what do most sreet pigeons look like?D.where can you find street piegeons?E.why di people breed pigionstolong kak bantu jawab please​


A. what is the purpose of the teks?

8. The most valuable sculptures of mataram kingdom were stored in radyapustaka museum in solo. The adjective of the sentence is?...

adj adalah kata sifat
valuable= berharga

udah :) semoga bener :V

9. Make-sculptures-can-beautiful-Mr.Rangga Tolong urutkan kalimat-kalimat tersebut Jangan ngasal !! Nanti ku beri bintang bnyak cepet yaw besok dikumpulkan !!


mr rangga can make sculptures beautiful

moga benar, maaf kalau salah;)


Mr. Rangga can make beautiful sculptures.

10. Faces of Mysteryby Leo BrownAlthough the ancient people of the Rapa Nui and the Olmec cultures bothproduced massive stone heads, there are important differences. Archaeologists thinkthe Olmec heads are much older than those of the Rapa Nui. The earliest Olmecsculptures are believed to date from around 1200 BCE, while the Rapa Nui statuesdate from around 1300. The number of heads also differs. Up to now, scientists havefound only 22 Olmec heads, but there are hundreds of stone heads on Rapa Nui.The stone heads differ in appearance, too. The Olmec heads are generally round,with carefully carved noses, lips and cheeks. Expressions on the faces make themlook more like different individuals, probably Olmec rulers. On the other hand, thehundreds of heads on Rapa Nui do not seem to represent different human beings- they resemble each other. Unlike the Olmec statues, they have got long faces,rather than round, with long ears and noses, and triangular eyes. The mouths areoften missing. Some archaeologists think they may represent an ancient god becausethey are so alike, though no one knows for sure. The huge stone heads of the RapaNui and the Olmec peoples are symbols of two ancient mysteries we may neverunderstand completely.Tolong artikan semuanya pleaseeee​


Wajah Misteri

oleh Leo Brown

Meskipun orang-orang kuno Rapa Nui dan budaya Olmec keduanya

menghasilkan kepala batu besar, ada perbedaan penting. Para arkeolog berpikir

kepala Olmec jauh lebih tua daripada Rapa Nui. Olmec yang paling awal

patung diyakini berasal dari sekitar 1200 SM, sedangkan patung Rapa Nui

tanggal dari sekitar 1300. Jumlah kepala juga berbeda. Hingga kini, para ilmuwan telah

hanya ditemukan 22 kepala Olmec, tetapi ada ratusan kepala batu di Rapa Nui.

Penampilan kepala batu juga berbeda. Kepala Olmec umumnya bulat,

dengan hidung, bibir dan pipi yang diukir dengan hati-hati. Ekspresi pada wajah membuatnya

lebih mirip individu yang berbeda, mungkin penguasa Olmec. Di sisi lain,

ratusan kepala di Rapa Nui tampaknya tidak mewakili manusia yang berbeda

- Mereka mirip satu sama lain. Berbeda dengan patung Olmec, mereka memiliki wajah yang panjang,

bukannya bulat, dengan telinga dan hidung panjang, dan mata segitiga. Mulutnya

sering hilang. Beberapa arkeolog berpikir mereka mungkin mewakili dewa kuno karena

mereka sangat mirip, meskipun tidak ada yang tahu pasti. Kepala batu besar Rapa

Nui dan masyarakat Olmec adalah simbol dari dua misteri kuno yang mungkin tidak pernah kita miliki

mengerti sepenuhnya.

Muka dari misteri

oleh Leo Brown

Meskipun orang-orang kuno dari Rapa Nui dan adat Olmec keduanya menghasilkan kepala batu yang besar, ada perbedaan-perbedaan penting. Para ahli arkeolog berpikir bahwa kepala-kepala batu Olmec berumur lebih tua daripada yang milik Rapa Nui. Patung Olmec terbaru dipercaya terbuat sekitar 1200 SM, ketimbang patung Rapa Nui yang terbuat sekitar tahun 1300. Jumlah kepala juga berbeda. Sampai sekarang, para ilmuan baru hanya menemukan 22 kepala Olmec, tetapi ada ratusan kepala batu di Rapa Nui. Tampak kepala batunya juga berbeda. Kepala Olmec berbentuk bundar, dengan hidung yang terpahat secara teliti, bibir dan pipi. Raut wajah pada muka membuat mereka terlihat seperti individu yang berbeda, kemungkinan para penguasa Olmec. Di samping itu, ratusan kepala di Rapa Nui tidak terlihat menggambarkan manusia yang berbeda-beda, mereka menggambarkan satu sama lain. Berbeda dengan patung-patung Olmec, mereka memiliki wajah yang panjang ketimbang bulat, dengan telinga dan hidung yang panjang, dan mata berbentuk segitiga. Mulut-mulutnya seringkali hilang. Beberapa arkeolog berpikir mereka mungkin melambangkan suatu dewa kuno karena mereka sangat mirip, walaupun tidak ada yang tahu pasti. Kepala batu besar dari orang-orang Rapa Nui dan Olmec adalah simbol dari dua misteri kuno yang mungkin tidak akan kita pahami sepenuhnya.

11. Carmel It has a total surface area of 19 hectares the equivalent of 19 Eixample city blocks.and a maximum height of 210 metres.A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Park Guellis Antoni Gaudi's most colourful creationLittle of the grand design for decorative public buildings and 60 houses among landscapedgardens became reality. What we see today was completed between 1910 and 1914, andthe park opened in 1922. The so-called "Monumental Area", home to most of Gaud i'ssurviving creations in the park, requires an admission ticket, but the green expanses aroundche eure of this area are free to explore.The Room of a Hundred Columns is a cavernous hall of 84 crooked pillars that is brightenedby glass and ceramic mosaics. It was intended as the marketplace for the estate. Above it isthe Gran Placa Circular, an open space with a snaking balcony of coloured mosaics that offersstunning views of the city and is said to have the world's longest bench.7. Why do historians probably visit the place?A. To study about the placeB. To interview Antoni GaudiC. To capture historical momentsD. To develop more historical objects8. From the text we know that there are.A only Gaudi's designed houses in the parkB. less than a dozen houses in the areC. dozens of asymmetric ceramic piarsD. only pale arts that we can enjoy9. What can visitors enjoy at the place?A. The view of the city from the rooftopB. Sixty Francese Berenguer's designed buildingsC. The largest balcony bench in the worldD. Antoni Gaudi's designed ginger bread house10. "The Room of a Hundred Columns is a cavernous hall of 84 crooked pillars that isbrightened by glass and ceramic mosaics." (Paragraph 3)The underlined word has the closest meaning to.....​


7. A. To study about the place

8. C. dozens of asymmetric ceramic pillars

9. A The view of the city from the rooftop


untuk 10, yang di underline word yang mana ?


12. Task 7 Arrange the following sentences into a good text! A. The animal sculptures are some of his bestsellers and include whales, sharks, turtles and crabs. He typically sells his art at restaurants, shops and markets, charging between $49 and $273. B. A video shows Darakai as he scavenges for objects to incorporate into his art pieces. Darakai adheres hundreds of tiny pieces together to make huge dolphin sculptures. C. Thailand generates over 2.2 million tons of plastic waste yearly, the sixth worse offender in the world. Darakai's efforts are a small step toward repurposting the environmentally unfrlendly material. D. Yuttana Darakai was a hotel porter who lost job during the pandemic. To earn a living in the meantime, hels upacycling rubbish from the ocean and turning it into art.





3 hari yang lalu

B. inggris

Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 7

Arrange the following sentences into a good text!

A. The animal sculptures are some of his bestsellers and include whales, sharks, turtles and crabs. He typically sells his art at restaurants, shops and markets, charging between $49 and $273.

B. A video shows Darakai as he scavenges for objects to incorporate into his art pieces. Darakai adheres hundreds of tiny pieces together to make huge dolphin sculptures.

C. Thailand generates over 2.2 million tons of plastic waste yearly, the sixth worse offender in the world. Darakai's efforts are a small step toward repurposting the environmentally unfrlendly material.

D. Yuttana Darakai was a hotel porter who lost job during the pandemic. To earn a living in the meantime, hels upacycling rubbish from the ocean and turning it into art.

13. tolong bantu jawab dgn bnr ya mau dikumpulkan besok subuh THANKS ;)*Pay attention to these texts. Try to understand them well by looking for some new vocabularies, including their antonym and synonym*The Shwedagon Pagoda, situated on Singuttara Hill in the center of Yangon (Rangoon), is the most sacred Buddhist stupa in Myanmar and one of the most important religious reliquary monuments in the world and also one of famous tourist attractions. The proposed property includes the hill atop of which the main stupa is located, the hill top reliquary stupa and associated religious buildings and sacred statuary, bells, and other emblems situated on the hill, as well as the hill's surrounding sacred perimeter. The proposed property comprises a total area of 46.3 hectares. The stupa's plinth is made of bricks covered with genuine gold plates and the main stupa itself is entirely covered in gold, adorned with a crowning umbrella encrusted with diamonds and other jewels. Following a tradition began in the 15th century by the Queen Shin Sawbu (BinnyaThau), who donated her weight in gold to the pagoda, Buddhist devotees from all walks of life and all regions of Buddhist Asia, as well as monarchs throughout Burma's history, have donated gold to the Shwedagon in order to maintain the monument, and in so-doing gain merit, in this life and future lives. There are four covered monumental stairways leading from the four cardinal directions from the base of Singuttara Hill up to the main stupa. On the ascent to the main stupa, these stairways give access to three intermediary terraces, or platforms (pisssaya).On these platforms are located circumambulatory walkways around the hill punctuated with Buddhist monasteries and community lecture-cum-prayer halls (dhammayons). The main golden iconic reliquary stupa is located on the fourth, uppermost terrace/platform, surrounded by numerous pavilions and shrines, large bronze bells, and other decorative features related to Hindu-Buddhist iconography. The spatial siting of the attributes within the site is organized following a system derived from Hindu cosmology, indicated by cosmic pillars surrounding the central main reliquary stupa, which mark the planetary positions within the zodiac. The design of the site is an intentional recreation of the Hindu-Buddhist cosmos, reflected on earth.This is Istanbul's top attraction; the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) began as a Byzantine church, then it became a mosque during the Ottoman Era and today is a museum. It is without doubt a great architectural wonder. The original structure has not survived but it was constructed here in the 4th century under the founder of Constantinople, Constantine the Great. After the original building was destroyed Constantine's son Emperor Theodosius had a new church built in its place. The second structure burnt down in 532 but parts of it have been recovered through excavations. The structure we see today dates back to 532-537 when its construction was over seen by Justinian I. Although the church suffered from earthquakes and an attack by the Crusaders in 1204 It has retained its historic structure and decoration. From 1453 for 500 years the church became the main mosque of Istanbul during the Ottoman Era.The church was designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus; it has a classic basilica layout. The church features rich mosaics and a grand central dome with a diameter of 31 meters. The circular dome rests on a rectangular base all richly decorated with murals, Arabic calligraphy and mosaics. All the interior surfaces are polychrome marble in green, purple and white with gold mosaics. You can see the marble mihrab which has survived from the Ottoman Era. Of the many magnificent mosaics the most famous are on the upper floor galleries. From the galleries you have a wonderful view down to the nave. Outside in the church grounds there are several points of interest including mausoleums, a baptistery and some excavated remains.Bella : Have you thought about what you might like to do this weekend, Cita? Cita : I haven't given it much thought. Do you have any ideas?Bella : I was thinking of maybe going to the beach would be great. Cita : That sounds like a great idea! The weather has been great for the beach.Bella : Would you be interested in joining me? We can have fun together.Cita : Sure, I would love to to go with you there. So when would we be leaving? Bella : I thought that we could leave around 7:30 on Saturday morning. Cita : Yeah, that would give us plenty time to explore the beach feel the gentle breeze and the white sand beneath my feet. I also heard that this weekend there will be a kite festival on the Padang Garang beach in Sanur.Bella : I hope we are able to see the festival.Cita : By the way, thank you for inviting me to go to the beach with you. I'm really looking forward to Saturday. Bella : It's all right. See you on Saturday morning.Cita : See you too.​


aduh susah banget ka aku gk bisa jwb

14. Many cities have parks for people to enjoy. and its very…… ( jawaban) to find wonderful sculptures in them. a. usual b. general c. common d. familiar

:maaf Jika Jawabannya Salah

15. 1. What can be seen right in front of the main hall?A. An entrance bridgeB. Assorted grasping handsC. A huge pond and fountainsD. Sculptures of meditating buddhaE. Two tremendous man-like giants2. From the text, we can conclude.. A. less people know aboute the templeB. The temple is still under the construction C. There is a large pond in front of the templeD. All parts of the temple are painted whiteE. The bridge connects the main hall to upstairs​





Maaf kalau salah

16. Read the post to a forum of an online community. Choose the best options to complete the sentences. Collect and Share! The Online Community For Serious Collections Hi, everyone. I’m Ridho. I’d like to thank Collect and Share! for giving me the chance to share my story about my collection to you all. I’m sure many of you love owls. Owls are awesome, right? I have more than one hundred owl items in my collection. They are in the form of figurines, sculptures, dolls, pillows, paintings, mugs and cups, stationery, and other stuff. I bought some of these items, but mostly I got them as presents. I put my collectibles all over my room. They are on shelves, on my desk, and on top of my books. The big ones are on the floor! I clean them regularly, but only the big ones. There aren’t any items that I like better than the others. I just love them all. So, what do you think of my collection? I think it’s already a lot, but I still want some more! (1). The writer is ... on a website. a. trying to find friends b. sharing about his collection c. trying to join a community (2). The writer’s owl collection is ... a. huge b. small c. vintage (3). Ridho mentions the following about his collection, EXCEPT how he ... them. a. acquires b. takes care of c. catalogues (4). The cleanest among Manu’s collectibles are ... a. all of them b. the ones he likes best c. the large ones (5). Ridho will probably ... next. a. share more about his collection b. buy more owl stuff c. arrange his collection


Baca posting ke forum komunitas online. Pilih opsi terbaik untuk melengkapi kalimat.

Kumpulkan dan Bagikan!

Komunitas Online Untuk Koleksi Serius

Halo semuanya. Saya Ridho. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih Kumpulkan dan Bagikan! karena telah memberi saya kesempatan untuk membagikan cerita saya tentang koleksi saya kepada Anda semua. Saya yakin banyak dari Anda menyukai burung hantu. Burung hantu itu luar biasa, bukan? Saya memiliki lebih dari seratus item burung hantu dalam koleksi saya. Bentuknya berupa arca, patung, boneka, bantal, lukisan, mug dan cangkir, alat tulis, dan lain-lain. Saya membeli beberapa barang ini, tetapi kebanyakan saya mendapatkannya sebagai hadiah. Saya menaruh koleksi saya di seluruh kamar saya. Mereka ada di rak, di meja saya, dan di atas buku saya. Yang besar ada di lantai! Saya membersihkannya secara teratur, tetapi hanya yang besar. Tidak ada item yang saya suka lebih baik dari yang lain. Aku hanya mencintai mereka semua. Jadi, apa pendapat Anda tentang koleksi saya? Saya pikir itu sudah banyak, tapi saya masih ingin lagi!

(1). Penulis adalah ... di sebuah situs web.

Sebuah. mencoba mencari teman

b. berbagi tentang koleksinya

c. mencoba bergabung dengan komunitas

(2). Koleksi burung hantu penulis adalah ...

Sebuah. besar

b. kecil

c. antik

(3). Ridho menyebutkan berikut tentang koleksinya, KECUALI bagaimana dia ... mereka.

Sebuah. memperoleh

b. mengurus

c. katalog

(4). Yang terbersih di antara koleksi Manu adalah ...

Sebuah. mereka semua

b. yang paling dia suka

c. yang besar

(5). Ridho mungkin akan... selanjutnya.

Sebuah. berbagi lebih banyak tentang koleksinya

b. beli lebih banyak barang burung hantu

c. atur koleksinya


semoga bermanfaat

17. Read the post to a forum of an online community. Choose the best options to complete the sentences. Collect and Share! The Online Community For Serious Collections Hi, everyone. I’m Ridho. I’d like to thank Collect and Share! for giving me the chance to share my story about my collection to you all. I’m sure many of you love owls. Owls are awesome, right? I have more than one hundred owl items in my collection. They are in the form of figurines, sculptures, dolls, pillows, paintings, mugs and cups, stationery, and other stuff. I bought some of these items, but mostly I got them as presents. I put my collectibles all over my room. They are on shelves, on my desk, and on top of my books. The big ones are on the floor! I clean them regularly, but only the big ones. There aren’t any items that I like better than the others. I just love them all. So, what do you think of my collection? I think it’s already a lot, but I still want some more! (1). The writer is ... on a website. a. trying to find friends b. sharing about his collection c. trying to join a community (2). The writer’s owl collection is ... a. huge b. small c. vintage (3). Ridho mentions the following about his collection, EXCEPT how he ... them. a. acquires b. takes care of c. catalogues (4). The cleanest among Manu’s collectibles are ... a. all of them b. the ones he likes best c. the large ones (5). Ridho will probably ... next. a. share more about his collection b. buy more owl stuff c. arrange his collection


(1). The writer is ... on a website.

a. trying to find friends

b. sharing about his collection

c. trying to join a community

(2). The writer’s owl collection is ...

a. huge

b. small

c. vintage

(3). Ridho mentions the following about his collection, EXCEPT how he ... them.

a. acquires

b. takes care of

c. catalogues

(4). The cleanest among Manu’s collectibles are ...

a. all of them

b. the ones he likes best

c. the large ones

(5). Ridho will probably ... next.

a. share more about his collection

b. buy more owl stuff

c. arrange his collection


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

1. Penulis ingin berterima kasih, mengumpulkan dan berbagi, pilihan B.

2. Koleksi penulis sangat banyak, pilihan A.

3. Dalam teks tidak disebutkan katalog, pilihan C.

4. Penulis membersihkan koleksinya yang berukuran besar secara berkala, pilihan C.

5. Sesuai teks, penulis kemungkinan akan membeli banyak barang, pilihan B.

Semoga membantu ya.

18. fill in the blank with correct word parentheses below 1. if Mr.john (visit) borobudur tample,he would see amazing sculptures there

if Mr. John visited Borobudur temple, he would see amazing sculptures thereAnswer: 

Conditional type 2 is a conditional sentence which states unreal or imaginary situation. So, the fact is the opposite of what is shown in such conditional sentence. 
The pattern is 
If + past simple, S + would + V1 + complement. 

So, the answer would be as follows
'If Mr.John visited borobudur temple, he would see amazing sculpture there.'

More on conditionals, including type 1 and type 3, is in the link below

Kelas: SMA XII
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: conditional and wish (chapter 10)
Kata kunci: conditional, if 

19. 1. She ... (not;give) her purse to her sister. *a. Don't giveb. Doesn't give2. ... they ... (speak) Arabic? *a. Does; speakb. Do; speak3. We ... (seek) any place for your wallet, where ... you ... (put) it! *a. Seek; do; putb. Seek; do; puts4. She will pay all bills for us tomorrow. Change to simple present! *a. She pay all bills for us every weekb. She pays all bills for us every monday5. My mother and I ... (choose) the blue to color our wall.a. Chooseb. Chooses6. We and Mr. Joe ... (go) to the library together every week at 10 am. *a. Gob. Goesc. Wentd. Gone7. ... he ... (stay) here? But every month, I ... (see) him on Macau, St. So, where ... (to be) his home?a. Does, Stays, see, areb. Does, stay, see, isc. Does, stays, see, isd. Does, stays, sees, are8. Hi, hallo... my name and my brother name ... (to be) Joan and Gwen. Our parents ... (stay) on Scotland. Their name .... (to be) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fox Glashow. They .... (love) us so much. *a. is, stays, is, lovesb. is, stay, are, lovesc. are, stay, are, loved. are, stays, are, love9. Marry ... (not;learn) Math but she .... (study) English. *a. doesn't learn; studiesb. don't learn; study10. Mr. Khan .... (create) a beautiful statue, but he ... (no; make) statue, he also ... (make) sculptures and painting. Such a great maestro. *a. creates, doesn't make, makesb. create, don't make, makec. creates, doesn't makes, makesd. create, don't make, makesJAWAB KAK PLISE​





4.A.She pay all bills for us every week







Hope This Helps you <3

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C

Maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu:)

20. Tolong di jawab!!! Tolong diurutkan 1. Broken- A - car - repairs -mechanic - the. 2. Make - sculptures - can - beautiful - Mr. Rangga 3. Aeroplane - Mr. Budi - an - filies. 4. Gardener - Mr. Dany - a - is. 5. A - want - postman - Do - be - you - to - ?

1. The mechanic repairs a broken car
2. Mr. Rangga can make beautiful sculptures
3. Mr. Budi filies an aeroplane
4. Mr. Dani is a gardener
5. Do you want to be a postman? 1. The mechanic repairs a broken car (?)
2. Mr.Rangga can make beautiful sculptures
3. Mr.Budi flies an aeroplane
4. Mr.Dany is a gardener
5. Do you want to be a postman?

semoga membantu :)

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