Rabu, 20 Juli 2022

Suppose That Your Demand Schedule For Pizza Is As Follows:

Suppose That Your Demand Schedule For Pizza Is As Follows:

6. suppose that the price of basketball tickets at your college is determined by market forces. currently, the demand and supply schedules are as follows:

Daftar Isi

1. 6. suppose that the price of basketball tickets at your college is determined by market forces. currently, the demand and supply schedules are as follows:

Soal tidak lengkap sebab data yang menjadi acuan tidak disertakan, pertanyaan pun belum dituliskan. Soal hanya berupa pernyataan dalam bahasa Inggris yang apabila diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, bunyinya sebagai berikut:

Anggaplah harga tiket bola basket di perguruan tinggi Anda ditentukan oleh kekuatan pasar. Saat ini, jadwal permintaan dan penawaran adalah sebagai berikut.Pembahasan

Soal di atas berkaitan dengan kekuatan pasar atau istilah asingnya adalahmarket forces. Jika kita mengacu pada Merriam Webster Dictionary, yang dimaksud dengan Market Forces adalah:

Tindakan pembeli dan penjual yang menyebabkan harga barang dan jasa berubah tanpa adanya tindakan pengendalian oleh pemerintah. Sehingga kemudian, kekuatan ekonomi penawaran dan permintaan nilai suatu komoditas ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh kekuatan pasar.

Contoh market force adalah ketika harga minyak mentah meningkat saat terjadi kekurangan pasokan. Atau pada soal, harga tiket basket yang dipengaruhi kekuatan pasar karena permintaan sedang tinggi.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi sistem harga monopolistik pada link berikut https://brainly.co.id/tugas/506155



2. 1. Suppose that the price of baseball tickets at your college is determined by market forces. Currently, the demand and supply schedules are as follows: Price Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied $4 10000 8000 8 8000 8000 12 6000 8000 16 4000 8000 20 2000 8000 a. Draw the demand and supply curves. What is unusual about this supply curve? Why might this be true? b. What are the equilibrium price and quantity of tickets? c. Your college plans to increase total enrollment next year by 5000 students. The additional students will have the following demand schedule: Price Quantity Demanded $4 4000 8 3000 12 2000 16 1000 20 0 Now add the old demand schedule and the demand schedule for the new students to calculate the new demand schedule for the entire college. What will be the new equilibrium price and quantity?


ini ya maaf kalau salah semoga membantu

3. tomorrow we will discuss your oral reports nd review your preparations for them,as well as arranging the schedule of your presentations.the correct answer is?

besok kita akan membahas laporan lisan nd meninjau persiapan bagi mereka,serta mengatur jadwal presentasi anda.jawaban yang benar adalah?

4. Suppose that the quantity of root beer demanded declines from 103,000 gallons per week to 97,000 gallons per week as a consequence of a 10 percent increase in the price of root beer. The price elasticity of demand is…….

So the price elasticity of demand is..

The formula =>
Ed = %∆Q / %∆P
     = % (6000 / 97000) / 10%
     = 6,18% / 10%
     = 0,618 % (Inelastis)

Good Luck! :D

5. Terjemahan based on the situation above,the proper dialogue with the offer for such circumstance is as follows


Artinya :

Berdasarkan situasi di atas, dialog yang tepat dengan situasi yang sering terjadi adalah sebagai berikut.

6. why is the patient rushing for schedule​


Why id the patient Rushing for schedule


mengapa pasien terburu-buru untuk jadwal

Semoga membantu :)


mengapa pasien terburu buru untuk jadwal


maaf kalo salah

7. a sepak takraw that is kicked from a height of two meters follows a path that is?


sebuah sepak takraw yang ditendang dari ketinggian dua meter mengikuti jalan setapak itu?

8. Match paragraphs 2-7 above with pictures a - fas follows. Paragraph 4 is done for you as an example

-5 2-7 = -5 :) maaf kalau saalah

9. A. Your pensil case is soo prety B. What is your name C. My name is jane D. That lamp is soo prety E. I eat pizza for lunch Translate ini jadi ke bahasa indonesia


A. Tempat pensil Anda sangat cantik

B. Siapa nama Anda

C. Nama saya Jane

D. Lampu itu sangat cantik

E. Saya makan pizza untuk makan siang


A. tempat pensilmu sangat cantik

B.siapa namamu

C.nama saya Jane

D.lampu itu sangat cantik

E.saya makan pizza untuk makan siang


Semoga bermanfaat^^

10. The table below shows a shipping manifest. Your assignment is as follows: draw the functional dependencies diagram in the relation. Decompose MANIFEST into a set of 3NF relations. Draw a relational schema for your 3NF relations!

Jawaban:maaf kalo salh


11. This is my schedule.Activity 5Please write downyour schedule here.​


home schooling







1. exercise

2. ipa



12. Suppose you are a principal.you announce that your school is appointed best school in town

Based on the announcement from the Head District yesterday, we were chosen as the best school in town so for all the students especially keep spirit in reaching achievement and be more disciplined in order to we can get more reward next year, thank you.  

13. 1.Since the early 1950's, ________ throughout the world has more than doubled.A. The demand for foodB. There is demand for foodC. If food is in demandD. Food, a demand that​

jawabannya a. the demand of food

14. the schedule is for...... days

the schedule is for this day

15. match paragraphs 2-7 above with pictures a - f as follows. paragraph 4 is done for you as an exmple

pertandingan paragraf 2-7 di atas dengan gambar a-f sebagai berikut. paragraf 4 dilakukan untuk anda sebagai contoh

16. Make your own daily schedule for one (1) day? ​


i usually wake up at 6 or 7 o'clock and i take a shower, after that i eat breakfast and set up my laptop to study at school ( online ) after that i eat lunch and play video games or watch tv and after that i eat dinner and go to sleep at 9 or 10 o clock



17. for the demand schedule p= 440 - 2q find the value of MR when q-10


2°πk nk#2202

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


18. What class is this schedule for?​


What class is this schedule for?

Artinya adalah :

Ini jadwal kelas berapa?




English To Indonesian!


English :

What class is this schedule for?

Indonesian :

Ini jadwal kelas berapa?

Learn English With Amelia49911 ≧▽≦

✧ Thank You ✧

19. The demand curves we studied in this chapter were constructed holding a person’s nominal income constant—hence, changes in prices introduced changes in real income (that is, utility). Another way to draw a demand curve is to hold utility constant as prices change. That is, the person is ‘‘compensated’’ for any effects that the prices have on his or her utility. Such compensated demand curves illustrate only substitution effects, not income effects. Using this idea, show that: a. For any initial utility-maximizing position, the regular demand curve and the compensated demand curve pass through the same price/quantity point. b. The compensated demand curve is generally steeper than the regular demand curve. c. Any regular demand curve intersects many different compensated demand curves. d. If Irving consumes only pizza and chianti in fixed proportions of one slice of pizza to one glass of chianti, his regular demand curve for pizza will be downward sloping but his compensated demand curve(s) will be vertical.

A.For any initial utility-maximizing position, the regular demand curve and the compensated demand curve pass through the same price/quantity point.

Maaf kalo salah karna emang baru belajar

20. Financiap Trancastuion that occurrd in 2018 as follows :




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