Rabu, 06 Juli 2022

The Last Time I Bought This Product It Cost $20 00

The Last Time I Bought This Product It Cost $20 00

*This bag is_____. I bought it last year*This car is _____. He bought it two years ago ​

Daftar Isi

1. *This bag is_____. I bought it last year*This car is _____. He bought it two years ago ​


This bag is mine. I bought it last year

This car is his. He bought it two years ago


Smuga membantu^^

2. this is the book.......i bought last month.




this is the book that i bought last month

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

3. the scarft/is/last week/bought/which/this/i

Kalo artinya ini aku tau nih artinya Kelangkaan / minggu terakhir / beli / yang / ini / sayaThis is the scarft which I bought last week #helping

4. This is the book. I bought it yesterday

Ini adalah buku yang saya beli kemarin.I would say:
"I have one of the books I bought yesterday with me". :)

If you use "the book..." it implies that was the only book you bought yesterday. You could use "a book.." but that doesn't necessarily denote the existence of others.

maaf kalau salah
Terima kasih

5. i bought a new computer last week.but it....so i took it back to the shop​


Penjelasan:klo slh maapin

The answer is


Semoga bermanfaat

6. Task 2Write the time correetly!1.What time is it?What's the time?07:20It is ......It is ....2.What's the time?It is ...7.05:50What time is it?It is3.What time is it?It is ...12:00What's the time?It is ...4.What's the time?It is ...9.01:30What time is it?It is ...What's the time?10.06:05It is ...What time is it?It is ...​

1. seven e cloc'k

2.five e cloc'k

3.twelve e cloc'k

4.1 e cloc'k

5. ...

6.six e cloc'k

7. ...

7. What time is it? 03:00what time is it? 10:10what time is it? 05:45what time is it? 08:20what time is it? 11:55what time is it? 04:00​











Idk bro

8. the rich man bought a car. it cost ten bilion rupiahs

the rich man bought a car which costs ten billion rupiahs.

9. 1 I bought two books at the mall, it cost about Rp. 45.000. I bought the same books at the traditional market. It cost about Rp. 25.000. I think the books at the mall are. . O Cheap O Cool O Expensive O Little​


Answer= Expensive (Mahal)


Buku pada mall berharga dua kali lebih besar dibandingkan harga buku pada pasar tradisional, maka buku pada mall lebih mahal daripada buku di pasar tradisional yang murah.

10. They say that the house........ they bought it last year​


Mereka mengatakan bahwa rumah itu Miliknya mereka membelinya tahun lalu


They say that the house Hers they bought it last year



11. This is the girl. Her bag is red This is the book. I bought it yesterday.

this is the book, that i bought it yesterday?Actually...
This is a girl. Her bag is red.
This is a book. I bought it yesterday.

Ini seorang anak perempuan. Tas nya berwarna merah.
Ini adalah buku. Saya membelinya kemarin.

Semoga membantu :)

12. this .................. my house. my father bought it last month

this is my house.My father bought . . .

13. Dina: When did you buy the jacket?Ema:A. I bought it last yearB. I buy it last yearC. I bought it from a clothes storeD. I bought it because it was cold​


A. I bought it last year

Penjelasan:Dina: When did you buy the jacket?Ema: Iboughtitlastyear


Simple Past Tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yaitu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau.

Rumus :

● Positif (+) =

Subjek + Verb 2 + ObjekSubjek + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

I went to the hospital 2 days ago.

She was here yesterday.

They watched horror movies last week.

● Negatif (-) =

Subjek + did not + verb 1 + Objek danSubjek + was/were + not + adjective/adverb

I didn't go to the hospital 2 days ago.

She was not here yesterday.

They didn't watch horror movies last week.

● Interogatif (?) =

Did + subjek + verb 1 + objek + ?Was/were + subjek + adjective/adverb + ?

Did i go to the hospital 2 days ago?

Was she here yesterday?

Did they watch horror movies last week?

Keterangan Waktu :

last week, last month, last year, last holiday, three months ago, a few days ago, one year ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, this morning.

Kesimpulan:Bought merupakan bentuk lampau (past forms) dari BuyKarena yang ditanyakan yaitu When artinya Kapan maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A yaitu Iboughtitlastyear.



Detail Jawaban:

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Tenses

Sekolah Tingkat : SMP

Kode soal : 5

Kata Kunci : Simple Past Tense



14. Mohon bantuannya :) Combine the following sentences using adjective clause : a. This is my dictionary b. I bought it last Sunday

this is my dictionary which i bought last night.

15. This is....new laptop. I bought this last week





B. Inggris : This is a new laptop. I bought this last week.

B. Indonesia : Ini adalah laptop baru. Saya membeli ini minggu lalu


Moga membantu, maaf klo slh. Jadikan jawaban tercedas jika benar yya^^

16. Choose the appropriate option to complete the dialog.Mitha : Why is this computer not working? I heard that is new.Wulan : Yes, it's brand new. [...]Mitha : The shop will change with another one if the computer doesn't work. It has a one-year warranty.Wulan : OK, I will go to the store this evening.(A) It was found last week.® It would be bought last week.© It was bought last week.0 It was repaired last week.​

Jawaban: translate ajh google



© It was bought last week.

17. Choose the appropriate option to complete the dialog.Mitha : Why is this computer not working? I heard that is new.Wulan : Yes, it's brand new.....]Mithn : The shop will change with another one if the computer doesn't work. It has a one-year warrantyWulan : OK, I will go to the store this evening.It was found last week.® It would be bought last week.© It was bought last week,0 It was repaired last week,​




it was bought last week

18. fill in the below using prosessive pronoun! a. we bought that house last year. it is... b. i think i saw john drop this pen. it is ...

a. it is (ours)
b. it is ( his )

19. This is....new laptop. I bought this last week ISILAH TITIK TITIK ITU




semoga membantu, dan tetap semangat belajar!

20. I bought the knives last day. I need ___to cut this plant a.itb.theyc.themd.him​


A. it

karena pisau adalah benda

jawabannya bisa A dan C karena jawaban tersebut cocok kedalam pertanyaan tersebut jadi kamu bisa memilih jawabannya yang A atau C

"i bought the knife/knives last day. i need it to cut this plant"

"i bought the knife/knives last day. i need them to cut this plant"

semoga membantu!

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