Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2022

4 3 1 Journal Your Susceptibility To Disease

4 3 1 Journal Your Susceptibility To Disease

18. Arrange the following sentences into agood paragraphTo prevent gum disease:1. Quit smoking. Smoking increasesyour risk for gum disease.2. Brush your teeth twice a day withfluoride toothpaste.3. Visit your dentist regularly for acheckup and cleaning.4. Eat a well-balanced diet.5. Floss once a day.A. 2-1-3-4-5B. 1-2-5-4-3C. 2-5-3-4-1D. 1-2-4-5--3​

Daftar Isi

1. 18. Arrange the following sentences into agood paragraphTo prevent gum disease:1. Quit smoking. Smoking increasesyour risk for gum disease.2. Brush your teeth twice a day withfluoride toothpaste.3. Visit your dentist regularly for acheckup and cleaning.4. Eat a well-balanced diet.5. Floss once a day.A. 2-1-3-4-5B. 1-2-5-4-3C. 2-5-3-4-1D. 1-2-4-5--3​


C. 2-5-3-4-1



2. in your journal, write your reflection on your learning process in this chapter.

ini kamu jawab pake otak sendiri ini bukan ngartiin

3. write down your bulletin journal from your planning in a week​

tulis jurnal buletin Anda dari perencanaan Anda dalam seminggu....

Jurnal dapat mengacu pada beberapa hal berikut: Jurnal Ilmiah—tulisan khusus yang memuat artikel suatu bidang ilmu tertentu Buku harian Surat kabar Jurnal pembukuan—buku catatan transaksi harian

Ya,Kita selalu mengerjakan sesuatu misalnya Baca buku cerita,dll.


4. My journal i have just learnt to

jurnal saya, saya baru saja belajar untuk.

5. My Journalhave just learnt to​


jurnal saya baru saja belajar

6. what your opinion abot disease around you

the disease is very dangerous.............dangerous diseases if exposed someone that person will fall ill
penyakit yang berbahaya apabila terkena seseorang orang itu akan jatuh sakit

7. Please answer questions below based on your idea!1. Infectious diseases are caused by2. Non-infectious diseases are caused by3. Write 3 example of infectious disease!4. Write 3 example of non-infectious disease!5. What should you do to protect yourself from diseases!​


1. living organism such a bacteria , viruses, fungi or parasites.

2. genetic or environmental factors other than pathogens, such as toxic environmental exposures or unhealthy lifestyle choices.

3. • SARS

• tuberculosis (TB)

• Hepatitis A and B.

4. • Stroke

• Cancer

• heart disease

5. always eat healthy food,take a bath 2 times everyday,wash your hands before/after eating.


sorry for my bad English :/

8. Lina's advice Dialouge 1 Siti:? Lina:in ordernot to gest serios di sease


why should i go home soon?


9. My journal i have just learnt to

jurnal saya, saya baru saja belajar untuk.

10. My journal i have just learnt to

jurnal saya, saya baru saja belajar untuk.

11. 1. are - safe - to prevent - COVID-19 vaccines – currently - disease ​

===================================== Jawaban:Urutan kata yang benar adalah "Are safe COVID - 19 vaccines to prevent disease currently? ===================================== Penjelasan:Are = Apakah Safe = Aman To prevent = Untuk mencegah COVID - 19 vaccines = Vaksin COVID - 19 Currently = Saat ini Disease = Penyakit

= Bhs. Inggris = Kelas VI = Semester......===================================== Semoga membantu Have a nice day ~=====================================

12. The effect of honeybee's sting on a human being ......... on that person's susceptibility to the bee's venom.


13. how to write a reflective journal?

1.Always keep the journal nearby
2.Make regular entries
3.Participate, Observe, Summarize and Contemplate
4.Review Regulary

14. how to make this as account journal ?


Please double check the accounts and nominals

15. my journal i have just learn to kls 9 semester 1

kegiatan saya , saya mendapatkan pelajaran kelas 9 semester 1

16. 1. What is the virus ?2. Why we should use microscope to see virus ?3. Why it called COVID-19 ?4.When did the disease identified ?5. Where did the disease start from ?​


1. Virus is a bad cell that live inside of living cell

2. Not all the virus can be seen with microscope, cause there's a virus that only can be seen with nanoscope

3. CO=Corona, VI= Virus, D= Disease, 19(year of the first case of coronavirus)

4. when we come in contact with someone who has been indicated by the virus (physical contact)

5. Wuhan, China


1) Viruses are pathogenic microorganisms that, ranging from animals, grow, to bacteria and archaic

2)Scientists can observe the inside of a human cell and examine live viruses for the first time

3)While the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 corona virus infection is called COVID-19

4)Diseases to be eradicated must be clearly identified, and accurate diagnostic tools must be in place. Economic considerations

5)to avoid people who oppose disease and can also be a source of learning and information that can be done Related plague in the future

17. Please answer questions below based on your idea!1. Infectious diseases are caused by2. Non-infectious diseases are caused by3. Write 3 example of infectious disease!4. Write 3 example of non-infectious disease!5. What should you do to protect yourself from diseases!OF2 77 WORDSENGLISH (UNITED STATES)​


(vs Indonesia Language)

1. penyakit menular adalah infeksi yang disebabkan mikroorganisme virus, bakteri, jamur, dan parasit.

2. Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) adalah penyakit yang tidak menular dan bukan disebabkan oleh penularan vektor, virus atau bakteri, namun lebih banyak disebabkan oleh perilaku dan gaya hidup.

3. Cacar Air,Demam berdarah,Malaria.

4. Stroke, penyakit jantung, Hipertensi

5. Asupan makanan bergizi, Olahraga teratur,Tidur yang cukup serta Menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan

(vs Inggris Language)

1. Infectious disease is an infection caused by viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic microorganisms.

2. Non-Communicable Disease (PTM) is a disease that is not contagious and is not caused by vector, virus or bacteria transmission, but is mainly caused by behavior and lifestyle.

3. Chickenpox, Dengue Fever, Malaria.

4. Stroke, heart disease, hypertension

5. Nutritious food intake, regular exercise, adequate sleep and maintaining personal and environmental hygiene

18. What is journal according to the expert ​



19. What your opinion if your friend get positive coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19)?​


I think she/he should quarantine her/his self from the society. It's good for her/him and people around her/him. Actually, I am afraid of being infected, but I have to think positively, don't be panic and protect my self by paying attention for the body health.

Penjelasan :

Kalo utk menyatakan opini dlm B. Inggris biasanya menggunakan ungkapan "I think......."

20. Make sentences based on the vocabulary below!1. take a photograph2. robber3. to be a workaholic4. journal​


1.taking a photograph :I took our vacation photo

2. robber:I saw a robber stealing money in the bank

3. to be workaholic:my dad often works overtime

4. journal:my dad is following the journal


semoga membantu;)

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