Selasa, 23 Agustus 2022

Beauty When The Other Dancer Is The Self

Beauty When The Other Dancer Is The Self

what is the social fungcion of introducing self and other people

Daftar Isi

1. what is the social fungcion of introducing self and other people

to give an impression of who you are. I think, first impression is very important because other people will judge you based on first impression.

the social function of introducing yourself is to let society or peole where you live in know you. society in at your school, society in your neighborhood or it may be society surround you.

by introducing yourself people may know who you are where you live where you study and about your family background.

introducing is not always about people to know you but more to have identity where you must miggle and make friends to other people your age.

it is better to be familiar than being stranger.

2. No other dancer is as graceful as she is in the play. (Most graceful) Artinya apa ya dan maksutnya?


Most graceful: orang  yang paling anggun


Maksudnya adalah orang yang paling menawan dan biasanya dapat menarik perhatian orang

3. the book is ... the self

the book is in the bookThe book is  reflection the self
buku itu cerminan diri mungkin maaf kalo salah

4. ini yg mana yah, yg betul?- my sister is (the best) dancer in the group. atau- my sister is (best) dancer in the group.

My sister is the best dancer in the groupMy sister is the best dancer in the group

semoga bermanfaat yh :)

5. the man is a dancer....dances beautifully​





karena dia adalah seorang laki laki ( man )

maka kata gantinya adalah he

arti soalnya:

"pria ini adalah penari...menari dengan indah "

jawabannya adalah dia bahasa inggrisnya yaitu ( he )

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

selamat belajar ...! :)

6. The sun is


sinar? shine? maybe..

Jawaban: ITS


"The sun is showing ITS beauty"

7. Explaining yaur self when in the past tense


i was a very bad person


kalo salah sori cuk

8. the self the bed​


going to the bed atau go to the bed

9. 5. What is in the ankle of the Remo dancer?​

artinya: apa yg ada dipergelangan kaki penari remo

10. when you sent the congratulation for the other?

when she or he got the best effortwhen she or he made achievement on something worth

11. the girl is too young to join the beauty contest. it means ... a. the girl is young enough to join the beauty contest b. the girl is not too young to join the beauty contest c. the girl may not join the beauty contest d. the girl can join the beauty contest e. the girl is not young enough to join the beauty contest


maaf kalau salah:))))

Semoga membantuu

(Gadis itu terlalu muda untuk bergabung dalam kontes kecantikan)

Jawaban :

C. The girl may not join the contest

(gadis itu tidak boleh ikut kontes)

Pembahasan :

Pernyataan A, D menyatakan bahwa dia dapat bergabung dalam kontes

Pernyataan B dan E menunjukkan bahwa dia terlalu tua untuk bergabung

12. on the other hand Ratu is insecure and unsure of herself her sister is full of self confidence​

trs lanjutan nya apa? berati topik/ kata² soal nya ap?

13. Which is the beauty of the season

spring is the beauty of the season 

14. on the self?the radio​


What is on the self? The radio​


What is on the self?the radio

15. 1. Would you please stop singing? I'm studying and you sing too ... a. soft b. loud c. beautiful d. good e. proud 2. The girl is too young to join the beauty contest. it means ... a. the girl is young enough to join the beauty contest b. the girl is not young to join the beauty contest. c. the girl may not join the beauty contest d. the girl can join the beauty contest e. the girl is not young to join the beauty contest

Nomor 1. B
Nomor 2. C1. B. Loud
2. C. The girl may not join the beauty contest

16. what is the purpose of the storytelling beauty and the beast?

to entertain the readersin my opinion, the purposes of Beauty and The Beast are, 1. We had to fight our fears 2. We had not to appraise someone because her/his face but because her/his personality 3. We had to believe this world had happily ever after i'm so sorry about my bad grammar and if i had wrong opinion about that story

17. 1.The dancer is performing among theaudiences. The audiences are standing ...the dancer.A. aroundC. besideB. next toD. in font of​

Setelah melihat postingan ini saya mengajak berantem orang yg lewat didepan rumah saya


a. around


semoga membantu^^

maaf kalo salah

18. she is a dancer. she work in the....

orang dance biasanya di panggung berati stage kayaknya sih maaf klo salahBismillah...

She is a dancer .She work in the Dancing schools/dance schools.

dia adalah penari.Dia kerja di sekolah menari.

maaf kalau salah

19. dancer / wearning / dress / red /the / is / a /​


the dancer is wearing a red dress


artinya: penari itu mengenakan baju berwarna merah

maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu


the wearning dancer dress is a red


maaf klo slh

20. The girl is vey....(beauty)

the girl is very pretty/beautiful
maaf bgt kalo salah


jawabannya adalah The girl is very Beautiful.


Kenapa memakai Beautiful dan bukan beauty??

Karena Beautifulitu seperti untuk 1 org ato lebih.

sama jika memakai Beautiful itu lebih enak didengar daripada Beauty.

Contoh : - They are very Beautiful.

- You are very Beautifultoday.

- The book is very Beautiful.

Itu adalah contoh untuk kata Beautiful.

jika ingin memakai kata Beauty...

Boleh seperti contoh ini

Contoh : - She's the Beautyof my life.

- The Princess is the Beauty.

- They're sleeping like a Beauty.

Ini adalah contoh untuk kata Beauty

Bisa liat sendiri kan perbedaannya??

Semoga ini membantu Trima Kasih atas Perhatiannya.

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