Rabu, 24 Agustus 2022

Calculate The Current In 25 ω Resistor

Calculate The Current In 25 ω Resistor

what is the magnitude of current in the 40 ohm resistor?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the magnitude of current in the 40 ohm resistor?​


Dig a hole and cover it. Lah Yes, if you just want to share, the info will not answer at all


jawabannya ada di foto


2. Explain why the current in the circuit would be bigger if there was only one resistor in the circuit.​


An alternating current is energized when connected to an alternating voltage source. The resistor circuit in alternating current is used to reduce the electric potential in the circuit or to limit the incoming electric current so that the current and voltage in the resistor circuit have the same phase when connected to an alternating voltage source.


Sebuah resistor akan dialiri arus bolak-balik ketika dihubungkan dengan sumber tegangan bolak-balik. Rangkaian resistor dalam arus bolak-balik digunakan untuk menurunkan potensial listrik dalam rangkaian atau sebagai pembatas arus listrik yang masuk sehingga arus dan tegangan dalam rangkaian resistor mempunyai fase yang sama saat terhubung dengan sumber tegangan bolak-balik.


maaf jika ada kesalahan dgn jawaban yg saya berikan kepada anda ..

follow yah


3. when a resistor decrease the current will...

Ohm's Law
When a resistor decrease the current will increase (constant voltage)

4. Calculate the unknown in each of the following diagrams ​


[tex]d = \sqrt{165} [/tex]

[tex]e = \sqrt{201} [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





Step 2:




5. For the ladder network below (Figure 9): a) Determine RT. b) Calculate Vx. c) Find the power delivered to the 50 resistor. ​


RT = 100Ω

Vx  = 1,25 V

P₅   = 0.3125 watt


a) Lihat gambar

Rs1 = 5+5 =10Ω

Rp1 =10.10/(10+10) = 5Ω

Rs2 = 15 + 5 = 20

Rp2= 20.20/(20+20) =10Ω

Rs3 = 90 + 10 =100Ω

RT= RS3 =100Ω

b) Arus mll 90Ω

I₉₀ = V/RT = 100/100 = 1 A

Arus mll  RS₂= 0,5 A

Arus mll R₁₅ dan Rp1 = 0,5 A

Arus mll Rs1 = 0,25Ω

Arus mll 5 Ω = 0,25 A

Vx = I.R₅ = 0,25. 5 = 1,25 V

Daya ( Power) P₅ = I.Vx =   0,25 . 1,25 = 0.3125 watt

atau bisa juga P₅= I².R₅ = 0,25².5 =0.3125 watt

6. Calculate the mass in grams: 0.5 mol of oxygen atoms

mass (g) = mol x Ar Oxygen= 0.5 x 16 = 8 gram

7. “ In my current position ….” What does the underlined word (current) closely mean ?​


current = present, latest, now



current artinya sekarang ini

now artinya sekarang


maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat

8. A glass house is in the shape as shown in the figure . calculate total area of glass needed and calculate the volume of the glass house​


Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bangunan ini adalah gabungan dari prisma segitiga dan balok.

Diketahui :

Prisma segitiga : alas = 5 m

                         tinggi alas = 6 m

                         tinggi prisma = 11 m - 7 m = 4 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L = 2 X Luas alas + Keliling alas + tinggi

  = 2 X (1/2 X 5X6) + (5+5+6) x 4

  = 2 x (15 + 16 x 4)

  = 2 x 124 = 248 m²

Volume = Luas alas X tinggi

             = (1/2 X 5X6) X 4

             = 60 m³

Sekarang kita hitung balok.

Diketahui : p = 8 m

                  l = 6 m

                  t = 7 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L balok = 2 (pl + pt + lt)

             = 2 (8X6 + 8X7 + 6X7)

             = 2 (48+56+42)

             = 2 x 146 = 292 m²

Volume balok = pxlxt

                        = 8 X 6 X 7

                        = 336 m³

Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

9. the 21st century is the current century in the gregorian calendar. it began on....


January 1, 2001

10. calculate the surface area,in cm²,of the wood

aku  jawab pake bahasa indonesia aja ya

cari sisi miring dulu
= √15² + 8²
= 17 cm

luas permukaan
= 2x luas alas + keliling . Tinggi prisma
= ( 2 . 1/2 . 15 . 8) +[(15 + 8 + 17) . 20]
= 120 + 800
= 920 cm2

Hypotenuse = √15² + 8²
                    = √225 + 64
                    = √289
                    = 17 cm

surface area :
circumference of the base x tall + 2 x broad base
= (17 + 15 + 8) x 20 + 2 x (15 x 8 x 1/2)
= 40 x 20 + 2 x (15 x 4)
= 800 + 2 x 60
= 800 + 120
= 920 cm²

I hope this help :)

11. What causes the eletric current to flow in fixed direction?​


because electricity is energy that can be channeled through a conductor in the form of a cable, the electric current is due to the electric charge flowing from the positive channel to the negative channel

#Hope This Help:)

12. Calculate the concentration in mol/dm3

1. 500 cm³ = 0,5 dm³

= 1 mol/0,5 dm³ = 2 mol/dm³

2. 1000 cm³ = 1 dm³

= 0,2 mol/ 1 dm³ = 0,2 mol/dm³

3. 100 cm³ = 0,1 dm³

= 0,1 mol/0,1 dm³ = 1 mol/dm³

4. Mr NaOH: 40

mol NaOH: 0,8 gr/40 = 0,02 mol

= 0,02 mol/1 dm³ = 0,02 mol/dm³


13. Calculate the value x+y in the diagram

[tex]y + x \\ 150 { = 1589}^{2} [/tex]

14. The circuit diagram shows a 4.0 ω resistor and an 8.0ω resistor connected to a 6.0v battery. what is the current in the battery ?

Based on the circuit diagram, when two resistors connected in a series form, the total value of the resistance is the sum of all the resistor. So the total resistance of the resistors is 12 Ohm.

The next step is to calculate the current which flows to the circuit, based on the formula to find the current which is the total voltage divided by the total resistance, hence 6 divided by 12 which is 0.5 Ampere.


Soal di atas adalah descriptive text tentang teknik elektronika. CIri-ciri teks seperti ini adalah memakai simple present tense karena selalu membicarakan fakta ilmiah dan menggunakan arti denotatif dalam kalimatnya sehingga mudah dipahami tanpa harus mencernanya dengan susah.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang descriptive text: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/38889858

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

15. If a battery produces 12.6 volts, what would be the current for a 6 ohm resistor


The current is about 6 Ampere


V = I×R

12,6 = I×6

I = 12,6 ÷ 6

I = 6 Ampere

I = Current

R = Resistor

V = Voltage

16. Apa bahasa indonesianya hate in the current zone

Benci di zona saat ini.
Mungkin maksudnya dia ingin berganti suasana baru

17. who was the person involved in current news? write statement!​


v CV 0☹️☹️☹️

18. Change to passive sentences below: A. Calculate this formula B. Connected the electrical current with one bulb


b.calculate this formula

19. Does the electric current flow in a circuit when the switch open?

A switch has two states open or close when a switch is open no current can flow through it. When a switch is closed current flows through it


in the open circuit image, the light does not turn on because there is no flow of electric charge on the conductor because the switch is opened, often called an open circuit. Thus, electric current flows only in closed circuits

in the open circuit image, the light does not turn on because there is no flow of electric charge on the conductor because the switch is opened, often called an open circuit. Thus, electric current flows only in closed circuitsPenjelasan:

An electric current or dynamic electricity is the rate at which electric charge flows through a point or part. Electric current is said to exist when there is a net flow of electric charge through a part. Electric charge is carried by charged particles, so an electric current is a flow of charged particles.


Materi:Bahasa Inggris

Kategori:Arus listrik

Kelas :SD

semoga bermanfaat


20. 2. At the beginning of the year, a firm had current assets of $121,306 and current liabilities of $124,509. At the end of the year, the current assets were $122,418 and the current liabilities were $103,718. What is the change in net working capital?


apa itu saya tidak mengerti wkwkwkwk:v

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