Rabu, 24 Agustus 2022

Kip Is Using A Recipe That Calls For 1/4

Kip Is Using A Recipe That Calls For 1/4

A recipe you found online calls for 5/8 kilograms of beef. how many grams of beef is that?

Daftar Isi

1. A recipe you found online calls for 5/8 kilograms of beef. how many grams of beef is that?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{5}{8} \times 1000 = \frac{5000}{8} = 625gram[/tex]

2. cyntia is writing the recipe for


cyntia is writing the recipe for : patient(pasien)

3. Michael has to pay $39 for 650 minutes of outgoingcalls made using his handphone. Findo the amount he is charged for each minute ofoutgoing calls(ii) the amount hehastopayirhe makes 160 minutesof outgoing calls​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

just make comparison


for 1 minutes = 650÷39= 16,67 dollar (approx)

no. ii

[tex] \frac{160}{650} \times 39 = 9.6 dollar[/tex]

4. my sister is a receptionist whose job is responsible for dealing with gusts and making and receive calls

is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is D. Karena jika making itu verb+ing, berarti receive juga, jadinya receiving.

5. make the examples that explain a. future tense using for conditional sentence type! b. future tense using for asking something

a. Next monday rina will be singing in studio b. what will you do next week anna?

6. make the examples that explain a. future tense using for conditional sentence type! b. future tense using for asking something

B.future tense using for asking something

7. passive voice dari john is calling the other members by using microphone dan somebody who works in that office calls the manager every day

active : john is calling the other members by using microphone
paasive: the other members are being called by john

active : somebody who works in that office calls the manager every day
passive : the manager is called by somebody who works in that office every day


8. Who discovered that elephant have different type of calls they use for communication


Who discovered that elephants have different types of calls they use for communication

9. Task Make a sentence using "Is this/is that (Buatlah kalimat menggunakan "Is this is that") Is this ? Is that ..? = Apakah ini ? = Apakah itu ...? Is this a pencil? this is 3 ats 4. N 000 6 5 5. HANDY 2005.03.​


Is this your house?

Apakah ini rumahmu?

Is that true?

Apakah itu benar?

10. (1)......... prepare paper that using for makeisi titik titik itu ya​




maaf klo salah semoga membantu...




11. make the examples that explain a. future tense using for conditional sentence type! b. future tense using for asking something

membuat contoh yang menjelaskan

Sebuah. future tense menggunakan untuk jenis kalimat bersyarat!

b. future tense menggunakan untuk meminta sesuatu

12. my sister is a receptionist whose job is responsible for dealing with gusts and making and receive calls

Saudara perempuanku adalah resepsionis yang tugasnya adalah bertanggung jawab untuk berurusan dengan tamu dan menerima telepon.
Semoga membantu. My sister is a receptionist whose job is responsible for dealing with guests and making and receiving calls.

maaf kalo salah :)

13. He calls his friend by using​



Semoga membantu


He calls his friend by using his name Dia memanggil temannya dengan menggunakan namanya


Dia memanggil temannya dengan menggunakan namanya


semoga membantu

14. make the examples that explain a. future tense using for conditional sentence type! b. future tense using for asking something

membuat contoh yang menjelaskan

Sebuah. future tense menggunakan untuk jenis kalimat bersyarat!

b. future tense menggunakan untuk meminta sesuatu

15. right or wrong 1. butet and iwan are writing a recipe [ ] 2. butet is holding the recipe [ ]

1. Right, sudah ok

2. Right, sudah ok

1. right. because butet and iwan plural, so use are + continuous
2. right, because butet singular, so use is + continuous

16. What is the standard for picking up guest calls?​



ARTI;Apa standar untuk menerima panggilan tamu?

17. it is for stir a cup tea by using it. it is..

it is for stir a cup tea by using it. it is a Spoon

artinya : (benda) itu untuk mengaduk secangkir teh dengan menggunkannya. Itu adalah sebuah Sendok

Semoga Membantu :)Jadikan Jawaban Yang Terbaik Ya Kak :) By : SM :)

18. A slushy recipe calls for 4 cups of fruit juice, but you only have 3 1/2 cups. By what percentage do you need to cut back all the ingredients to make the recipe turn out correctly? Kalo bisa dengan penjelasan ya



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 cups - 3,5=0,5

so what we need is 3,5 cups

so the minus cup is 0.5

sorry if wrong

19. An ingredient in the recipe that mentions Amount kind thing is.


An ingredient in the recipe that mentions Amount kind thing is. ARTINYA:

Bahan dalam resep yang menyebutkan jumlah adalah hal yang baik.

20. What is the transportation thatusing a horse for the power ....a.carb.pedicabc.cartd.train​


c. cart

smg membantu.....


transportasi apa yang menggunakan kuda sebagai tenaga the answer b. pedicab. sorry if wrong.

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