Selasa, 09 Agustus 2022

Rei Sells Snowboards Assume The Following Information

Rei Sells Snowboards Assume The Following Information

The following is selected information

1. The following is selected information

Dimana task nyaa atau gambarnya?

2. complete the missing information in the following dialogue​


lengkapi informasi yang hilang dalam dialog berikut


Maaf, saya hanya bisa memerjemahkan saja

3. complete the following table with the information you found​


Why people learn English

1. English is a worldwide language.

2. Studying English might help you get a job.

3. You can communicate with more people.

The negative effects of the internet

1. If we are a student,  it may effect our studies.

2. We might get too caught up in the internet, we forget reality.

3. Cyber bullying might happen to you.

The positive effects of green school

1. It may increase students focus in learning with a green enviroment.

2. A green enviroment is healthier for students.

3. It can help decrease absenteeism.

Why is the flag ceremony important in indonesian schools

1. Students can learn to love and respect their country

2. Students will learn how important it is

3. Students will feel like real indonesians


Hopefully this helps, im tots sry if its wrong

4. Answer the following question based on the above information


B. TUNO (Test Uraian Non Objectif)

1) A sentence on Conditional sentence Type 2.
Formula of Conditional sentence Type 2:
If + simple past, would + infinitive

so the answer is: If I knew your phone number, I would call you.

2) An expression of offering service.
- How may I help you, Sir?
- What can I do for you?
- Let me help you.

3) Two traffic sign along with their meaning in English.
(see the attached file for the picture)
Picture 1: Crossroads Ahead. Be aware that there would be a crossroad ahead.
Picture 2: Sharp right turn ahead. Be aware that there would be a sharp right turn ahead.

4) An expression of asking for direction.
- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the airport?
- Excuse me, do you know where the hospital is?
- Is this the right way for Monas?

5) A short conversation on asking and giving direction.
Rita: Excuse me, Sir.
Bayu: Yes? How may I help you?
Rita: Could you tell me how to get to the airport?
Bayu: Sure. Just go ahead and follow this street. Turn right in the crossroad. Turn left in the T-junction. You could see the airport then.
Rita: Thank you very much, Sir.
Bayu: You're welcome.

5. Which of the following will find the information most useful artinya


The meaning of "Which of the following will find the information most useful" adalah

• Mana dari pernyataan ini (seharusnya diikuti kata sentence) yang akan ditemukan informasi yang sangat berguna?

6. the information in the following report got mixed up

Religion of some own people

7. find the statements that have the following information -asking for information -accepting an invitation - giving information - greeting - invitation

cari masalah itu untuk mengikuti informasi -bertanya untuk Informasi
-setujui infprmasi
-berikan informasi
- salam

8. Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following information


pertanyaan nya mana ya???


pertanyaan ga lengkap

9. write the sentences with the following words!a. Manageb. Information

a. I learned how to manage money flowing.
b. The information about money flowing is important to run our bussines.

10. 3.complete the following dialogues with the information below chasing graft​


Where is the dialogue located?

11. answer the following questions with the information you get from the text​

1.) bag

maaf yang lain bingung

12. Analyse the information of the label by completing the following table.


A. Nancis Frozen Yogurt

B. In the refrigerator

C. 12-31-2020


Kasih Bintang 5 Kawan

13. match the following fields and the information needed activity 4​

Maaf foto pilihan jawaban yang disampingnya terpotong jadi kurang jelas

14. complete the following from with information from the text.

sempurnakan isian dari dengan informasi dari teks

15. Which of the following information can be found in the text

yang mana dari informasi berikut yang dapat ditemukan di Teks/tulisanyang mana dari berikut informasi yang dapat d temukan dalam teks?

16. Complete the following short text based on the information information in the dialog in task 10 ​


B.Inggris: Complete the following short text based on the information information in the dialog in task 10

bila diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia, akan menjadi:

B.Indonesia: Lengkapi teks pendek berikut ini berdasarkan informasi informasi dalam dialog dalam tugas 10

17. Write the correct information from the dialog based on the following picture!=​


Write the correct information from the dialog

based on the following picture!


maaf kalo salah

18. read and understand the following information artinya​


baca dan pahami informasi berikut

semoga benar dan bermanfaat


baca dan pahami informasi berikut


semoga membantu

19. Complete the following Dialog with the information below chasing graft​

Where is the dialogue located?

20. Fill in the following tabel with information from the text!​


This one is a bit tricky, but I'll give you an example so you can figure the rest out! Let's look at Functions: In paragraph 3, it states that Laptops can be used for all sorts of purposes, such as: Work, studying and other activities. You can also say that the function of the laptop is: "A Laptop allows you to access the internet, etc" based on the last line of Paragraph 3. Hope it helps!

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