Rabu, 10 Agustus 2022

Two Memorable Characters/voices Created By Hughes

Two Memorable Characters/voices Created By Hughes

Apa sajak puisi dreams by langston hughes ????

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1. Apa sajak puisi dreams by langston hughes ????

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

by Langston Hughes

2. volleyball created by​


William G. Morgan

Volleyball has come a long way from the dusty-old YMCA gymnasium of Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA, where the visionary William G. Morgan invented the sport back in 1895. It has seen the start of two centuries and the dawn of a new millennium.

3. artinya the puppets are made of leather . there are two groups of puppets good characters and bad characters.

wayang terbuat dari kulit, ada dua jenis wayang yaitu yang mempunyai karakter baik dan karakter burukWayang terbuat dari kulit. Ada 2 grup wayang karakter baik dan karakter jahat

4. attractive,memorable,

Protective, and objective.

Semoga membantu:)

5. Pesan moral lagu two voices one song ost barbie and the diamond castle. Mohon jawabannya

Friendship is important, more than anything. A good friend is all that we need to survive in this cruel world. Friend is someone who will always be there when you need him/her.

6. What is the object created by Steve Paul Jobs​


it's a computer


Gadgets (Apple) maaf klo salah

7. apa yang memorable buat kalian ditahun 2021??memorable itu artinya mudah diingat,​


Pesawat jatuh,banjir,kebakaran,gunung semeru.


itu aja

8. How many passive voices can be found in the text?a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. Foure. Five​


B. Two


Rumus passive voice:

S + be + past participle + (by agent)

9. Who is Robert Hughes?​


robert hughes itu siapa

10. apakah lagu two voices one song (dari lagu Barbie and the Diamond Castle) lagu mancanegara? tolong dijawab ya.. terimakasih

ya,lagu luar negeri
maaf klo salah

11. Change these sentences into Passive Voices. Elsy had given two pens to me last year.


Two pen had given by Elsy to me last year.


Past Perfect passive voice rumus:

S + Had + Been + Verb 3 + By + Object

12. ada berapa baris dan bait di dalam puisi 'mimpi' langston hughes?​


tolong sertakan gambar puisinya

13. artinya what is the memorable moment had by robby durling the futsal competition​



apa momen yang berkesan dimiliki oleh robi saat mengikuti kompetisi futsam

14. Change the sentences into active voices : 1. They are separated by Good Island.

Good Island separate them.answer :

good island separates  them..

good luck!

15. mention two main characters in text A Donkey and A Lapdog?​

where’s the text...?

16. write down and change these passive voices to be active voices*the books have been returned by him*the place must be left by us before noondibantu jawab ya​


- He has return the book

- We must leave the place before noon


passive voice rumusnya ditukar S dan O lalu diberi be yang sesuai dan diikuti V3.

sedangkan mengubah ke kalimat aktif, kita balik prosesnya.

He has returned the books.

We must leave the place before noon.

semangat belajar


17. what is the object created by the weight brother?​

Wilbur and Orville Wright spent four years of research and development to create the first successful powered airplane, the 1903 Wright Flyer

18. what is the object created by The wright brother ?​

What is the object created by The wwright brother? Airplane

They created airplane

19. “Dibuat oleh” bener nya “created by” atau “create by” bantu jelasin juga ya

Kata dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris ditulis created by


Dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice), subjek menjadi pihak yang menerima aksi. Rumus dasar passive voice adalah sbb :

be + verb₃

1. Simple present tense

The song is created by the famous lyricist (Lagu itu dibuat oleh penulis terkenal)

2. Simple present continuous tense

The product is being considered by the committee (Produk tersebut sedang dipertimbangkan oleh panitia)

3. Present perfect / past perfect tense

The new equipment has been ordered by the company (peralatan baru telah di order oleh perusahaan)

The new equipment had been ordered by the company (peralatan baru telah di order oleh perusahaan)

4. Modal

The contract should be signed by the manager (Kontrak itu seharusnya di tandatangani oleh manajer)

Pelajari lebih lanjutKalimat passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6541349Pengertian lengkap tentang passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13708348Rumus passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10852935-----------------------Detil jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Translation

Kode: -


20. write you memorable events by using simple past tense​


It was a hot summer day when the storm clouds rolled in. The sky turned dark and the wind picked up, sending leaves and debris flying through the air. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder echoed through the valley, followed by a deluge of rain. The water came down in sheets, quickly filling the streets and overflowing the gutters.

People ran for cover, seeking shelter from the flash floods that were sweeping through the town. Some tried to make their way to higher ground, but the water was already waist-high in some places. Cars floated down the street, bumping into each other and knocking over lampposts. Trees were uprooted and houses were inundated, their foundations washed away by the raging waters.

The flash floods caused widespread destruction, turning the once-picturesque town into a scene of chaos and devastation. Emergency crews worked tirelessly to rescue people from their homes and cars, using boats and helicopters to reach those stranded by the floods. The town was in shambles, but the people were united in their determination to rebuild and recover from the disaster.

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