Kamis, 22 September 2022

How Effective Is It To Submit Vendor Invoices Only

How Effective Is It To Submit Vendor Invoices Only

Submit it today is closest in meaning to

Daftar Isi

1. Submit it today is closest in meaning to

kirimkan hari ini paling dekat

2. toefl it is more difficult to write simply direcly and effective than to employ. Flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning A. More difficult B. effective C. To employ D. Vague


toefl it is more difficult to write simply direcly and effective than to employ. Flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning

A. More difficult

B. effective

C. To employ

D. Vague. the answer is A.More difficult

toefl lebih sulit untuk menulis secara langsung dan efektif daripada mempekerjakan. Ekspresi bunga tapi samar-samar yang hanya mengaburkan makna seseorang

A. Lebih sulit

B. efektif

C. Untuk mempekerjakan

D. Samar. jawabannya adalah A. Lebih sulit


maaf kalau ada yang salah semoga membantu


A.More difficult


ya maap klo salah dikasi tau translate wkwkkw

3. Vendor: It’ll be on your _____. Right ______ to it is Scott Walter Hotel. You cannot _____ it.



4. lok It is the time for you to submit your task. your porget to do it​

Bhs. inggris:
Look, it is the the time you to submit your task. You forget to do it

Bhs indo:
Lihat, Sudah waktunya bagi kamu untuk mengirim tugas Kamu. kamu lupa melakukannya.

Maaf jika salah :(

5. Complete the following dialog! *Student : Must we submit the assignmenttomorrow. Sir?Teacher: ....Yes. You should submit it tomorrow.Yes. You have to submit it tomorrow.Yes. You are forbidden to submit ittomorrow.O Yes. You must not submit it tomorrow.​


B, Yes. You have to submit it tomorrow.

Semoga membantu ^^

6. help i need to submit it today​


7. 1). What are effective spoken and written advertisements?2). How to design effective spoken advertisements? 3). How to design effective written advertisements?​

1. Written advertising and spoken advertising are not very effective.

2. By utilizing technology to design effective advertisements

3. By gaining the trust of others and taking advantage of technology.


Iklan merupakan sebuah bentuk promosi barang dalam bentuk yang menarik, iklan juga harus bisa menarik perhatian banyak orang, iklan harus efektif agar bisa dipercayai masyarakat dengan cepat. Berikut contoh jenis iklan :

 ・Iklan layanan masyarakat

 ・Iklan kesehatan

 ・Iklan komersial

 ・Iklan non-komersial

 ・Iklan barang, dll

Ciri-ciri iklan yang efektif :

 ・Jangkauan maksimum


 ・Menarik Pelanggan

 ・Dapat meyakinkan orang

 ・Mengikuti praktik Periklanan standar


Advertising is a form of promotion of goods in an attractive form, advertisements must also be able to attract the attention of many people, advertisements must be effective so that people can quickly trust them. Following are examples of ad types:

 ・Public service Advertisement

 ・ Health advertisements

 ・ Commercial advertising

 ・ Non-commercial advertising

 ・ Goods advertisements, etc.

Effective advertising features:

 ・ Maximum reach

 ・ Economy

 ・ Attract Customers

 ・ Can convince people

 ・ Follow standard Advertising practices

8. What is your idea about new normal ? Is it effective to decrease Covid 19 ? answer :




If you ask me about it, i will say no.

New normal will not be effective if Indonesian people is still not still not paying attention health protocol.

It's just my opinion

Stay healthy

9. Sam...surf well he is Only learning to do it

modal verb?

Sam CAN'T surf well he is Only learning to do it
Sam CAN'T surf..........
semoga membantu

10. how to submit a url on google..?

Just head over to https://www.google.com/webmasters/ and navigate to yourwebsite and on the left hand side you will see a navigation item named “Crawl” which you can expand and then select “Fetch as Google”. Give Googlethe address of your URL, select fetch and then select “Request Indexing”

11. The underlined word in i have to submit it today is closest in meaning to

the word "submit" has the closest in meaning to "hand in"

12. you have to submit it

kamu harus mengumpulkannya

13. It is more dillicult to write simply, directly, andeffective than to employ flowery but vagueexpressions that only obscure one's meaningA.more difficultB.effetiveC.to employD.vague​


A.more difficult


maaf kalau salah:)

14. A ="tomorrow is due date for our assigment." b = yes,you are right but.....i can submit it tomorrow i have a lot of sobs to do how about you ? A = well,.....i can submit it tomorrow because i'm going to finish to night

B = Now i can submit it tomorrow
A = Do

15. 7. A : Only for bikers.B : What does it mean?a. It is for only pedestrians.b. It is for only bikers.C. It is for only students.d. It is for only childrens.​


b. it is for only bikers


jadikan jawaban tercerdas


b. It is for only bikers.


Semoga membantu

16. Berti: what do you think we should do to reduce global warming? andini: .....it is one of the effective ways to do it.


ada bacaannya atau terserah? There are many things to do to reduce global warming, one of those is start to use public transportation/bike because it's very effective to minimalizing gas emissions.


Kunjungi blogku renbookclub. blogspot .com untuk menambah wawasan bahasa inggrismu. Juga menerima kursus bahasa Inggris online, harga bersahbat. terima kasih!

17. help need to submit it today​

mobil mantap mana saya tahu

18. Kelly: How much is it? Shop assistant: Well, it _____ €25, but it's on special offer. Only €15.a. is used to beingb. got used to beingc. isd. used to be​


yang bener opsi D.

used to be

artinya sama dengan was

19. the film is good, but only....... come to wacht it​



Artinya : Sedikit.

Arti seluruhnya : filmnya bagus , hanya saja hanya ada sedikit yang menontonnya.


Maaf kalo salah :)

Terimakasih :)

20. How much money ..............in a pocket? It is only a thosand rupiahs​

How much money do you bring/have in a pocket? It is only a thousand rupiah.

Hope this helps!

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