Kamis, 22 September 2022

Match Each Quadratic Equation With Its Solution Set

Match Each Quadratic Equation With Its Solution Set

Write the quadratic equation given its solution x = 3, x = 4

1. Write the quadratic equation given its solution x = 3, x = 4

x=3 and x=4

We get

x-3 = 0 and x -4 = 0

Next to do

(x-3)(x-4) = 0

x²-7x+12 = 0

Hope this will help

2. match each question with its suitable answer

1. i
3. g
4. k
5. d
6. j
7. a
8. e

semoga bermanfaat dan dpt.membantu.

jgn lupa follow dan jadikan ini sbg jawaban terbaiq

3. Match each animal with its suitable sound.​


Cow = to moo

ape = gibber

Fly = to buzz

Goat = to bleat

Elephant = trumpet

eagle = cheep

donkey = bray

crow = to caw

rabbit = gtau

rooster = crow

maaf kalo ada yg salah














4. Match each word on the left with its meaning on the right​


1. moisture (e) - kelembapan

2. soil (j) - tanah atau lapisan paling atas bumi

3. nutrient (a) - nutrisi untuk makhluk hidup

4. research (i) - riset atau penelitian

5. yields (b) - hasil atau keuntungan

6. mature (c) - matang

7. hail (g) - pelet es

8. frost (d) - embun beku

9. draught (f) - aliran gas

10. weeds (h) - tanaman liar atau gulma

Semoga bermanfaat terima kasih

5. match each expression with its appropriate response

which one? insert picccc

6. Tolong jawab perintahnya match each job with its suitable workplace and duty​


a. judge = a court = to make decisions on a trial

b. pharmacist = a drug store = to prepare and make medicine

c. web developer = a company = to create and develop websites

d. bellboy = a hotel = to carry hotel guests luggage

e. principal = a school = to lead and manage the school

f. cameraman = a television station = to record events or news

g. butcher = the market = to sell meat

h. postman = the post office = to deliver packages and letters

i. lifeguard = the beach = to ensure swimmers safety

j. flight attendant = a plane = to serve the passagers during the flight


7. solve the quadratic equation below​

Step by step explanation


Nomor 1


[tex]\begin{aligned}\rm \frac{5x+12}{3x}&=\rm x\\\rm 5x+12&=\rm 3x^2\\0&=\rm 3x^2-5x-12\\0&=\rm (3x+4)(x-3)\\&\bf x=-\frac{4}{3}~atau~x=3\end{aligned}[/tex]


Nomor 2


[tex]\begin{aligned}\rm \frac{20-8k}{k-5}&=\rm 3k\\\rm 20-8k&=\rm 3k^2-15k\\0&=\rm 3k^2-15k+8k-20\\0&=\rm 3k^2-7k-20\\0&=\rm (3k+5)(k-4)\\&\bf k=-\frac{5}{3}~atau~k=4\end{aligned}[/tex]

8. match each expression with its suitable response​


1. Good to see you!

Response: Good to see you too!

2. How are you?

Response: I am good!

3. How are you feeling?

Response: I am Happy!

4. Good bye!

Response: Good bye!

5. See you!

Response: See you!

6. Thanks a million!

Response: My pleasure!

7. Please forgive me!

Response: Sure!

8. I'm sorry for coming late!

Response: It's OK. Please be on time in the future!


Jawaban sudah dicocokkan sesuai dengan tanggapan (Response) nya dan merupakan materi pembelajaran memberikan salam (Greetings) dan memohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semua contoh kalimat dan tanggapan ada pada jawaban di atas.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. Match each question with its suitable answer beserta artinya

jodohkan setiap pertanyaan dengan jawaban yg sesuai with meaning

10. match each kind of greeting card with its function or purpose,correctly

huruf a jwabannya no 4
huruf c jwabannya no8
huruf d jwabannya no10
huruf e jwabanya no2
huruf b jwabannya no6
huruf g jwabannya no9
huruf l jwabannya no7
maaf klau slh, saya jawab sebisanya gk bisa saya jwb semua1. wedding card = msh rancu krn bisa 2 arti antara jawaban H (to celebrate a marriage) dengan J (to send congratulation to a couple on their engagement to be married) ,,mungkin prefer ke Jawaban J
klo celebrate a marriage bisa di artikan ke anniversary card

4. A
9. G
10 D

smg membantu

11. Match each animal with its suitable sound. bantu kakak​

Cow Moo (Melenguh)

Ape gibber

Fly buzz (Nging nging)

Goat bleat (mengembik)

Elephant trumpet (Suara gajah)

Eagle caw (Caw...caw...)

A donkey bray ( kalau kuda neigh)

A crow scream

Rabbit squeak

A rooster crow

12. Practice 2 Pronounce the words in the table correctly. Match each word with its suitable meaning.​


Account = g

Applicant = j

Branch = c

Cash = b

Cheque = i

Correspondence = f

Deposit = d

Identity = a

Occupation = e

Permanent = h

Maap kalo salah

13. match each word with its opposite!Help me!​


Conclusion >< g. BeginningFictional >< d. TruePlural >< i. oneReveal >< a. coverRecognize >< e. not knowEmphasize >< j. show to be not importantNegative >< f. positiveFollow >< c. come before

Semoga membantu:)

14. Match each job in column A with its suitable duty in column B


Match each job in column A with its suitable duty in column B.

1. A pilot = to operate the flying controls of an aircraft.

2. A bricklayer = to build walls/ buildings using bricks.

3. A plumber = to fit and repair pipes and other apparatus of water supply.

4. A lifeguard = to save lives where people swim (at beach or swimming pool) from drowning.

5. A cashier = to handle payment or receipts in a store or restaurant.

6. A welder = to weld metal together.

7. A travel agent = to organize and sell tours and ticketing services for others.

8. A lawyer = to provide people with legal advices and services.

9. An oculist = to treat diseases of one's eyes.

10. An electrician = to install and maintain electrical equipment.


Bila diartikan:

1. Seorang penerbang

2. Seorang tukang bangunan

3. Seorang tukang pipa

4. Seorang anggota SAR

5. Seorang kasir

6. Seorang tukang las

7. Seorang agen travel

8. Seorang pengacara

9. Seorang dokter mata

10. Seorang tukang reparasi listrik

Pelajari lebih lanjut nama pekerjaan dan tempat bekerja dalam bahasa Inggris pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14334327


15. Match each animal in the box with its description.​


1. a monkey

2. a cow

3. an elephant

4. a hen

5. a rabbits

6. a giraffe

7. a shark

8. a bee

9. a polar bear

10. a lion

16. match each word with its suitable meaning... Bahasa InggrisContoh : no 1 cocok dengan BTolong ya

No 1 d
No 2 j
No 3 c
No 4 g
No 5 b
No 6 f
No 7 i
No8 a
No 9 e
No 10 h
Maaf kalo salah
Semoga membantu

17. task 12 match each question with its suibtable answer.

1. I

2. C

3. G

4. L

5. D

6. J

7. A

8. E

9. H

10. B

Semoga membantu..:)

18. x^2-12=0 pakai quadratic equation



19. match each word in column A with its correct meaning in column B​


Match each word in column A with its correct meaning in column B.

1. Specialist = A person who specialises in a certain field of study (g)

2. Valeting = Cleaning services, mainly road transport (d)

3. Range = The space between two or more areas (k)

4. Upholstery = The soft, padded covering used for furniture (b)

5. To thrive = To grow or develop well or vigorously (i)

6. Impeccable = Without faults or mistakes (e)

7. To enquire = To ask (a)

8. Premises = A land (j)

9 Customer = A purchaser or client (f)

10. Favourable = Advantages or helpful (c)


Pada pilihan jawaban terdapat 11 pilihan. Pilihan yang tidak termasuk adalah "to answer question" yang berarti "untuk menjawab pertanyaan".

Pada soal di atas, hanya nomor 5 dan 7 yang berbentuk kata kerja atau verb. Lainnya berbentuk noun atau kata benda.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai specialist means pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18576436


20. One solution of the quadratic equation x^2 + px + 12=0 is 3, then p=... and another solution is...

x² + px + 12 = 0
salah astu penyelesaian x = 3
x² + px + 12 = 0
⇒ (3)² + p(3) + 12 = 0
⇒ 9 + 3p + 12 = 0
⇒ 3p = -21
⇒ p = -7

x² - 7x + 12 = 0
⇒ (x - 3)(x - 4) = 0
x - 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3
x - 4 = 0 ⇒ x = 4

Jadi, p = -7, dan penyelesaian yang satunya = 4

Terimakasih semoga membantu

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