Sabtu, 17 September 2022

Stop Codons Are Unique Because They

Stop Codons Are Unique Because They

the cakes in Mrs.sita bakery are best consumed immediately because they.A.have various colours.B.have unique shapes.C.use artificial ingredients.D.contain no preservatives.​

Daftar Isi

1. the cakes in Mrs.sita bakery are best consumed immediately because they.A.have various colours.B.have unique shapes.C.use artificial ingredients.D.contain no preservatives.​




maaf ya kalau salah

karena menurut aku jawabannya C


A. have various colours

2. .....Other types of monkeys, proboscis monkeys are unique because of their big noses​


..... Jenis kera lainnya, kera bekantan unik karena hidung besarnya

3. Cari jawaban no 2 Other types of monkeys proboscis monkeys are unique because of their big noses

monyet monyet jenis belalai lainya unik karena hidungnya yg besar

maaf kalo salah

4. 23. Intan: What do you think of this new earrings. Susy: Wow... I like the style. They are unique. A. What beautiful are they C. What beautiful earrings they are D. What are they beautiful. B. What are the earrings they are 24. Guide: this is the highest and the biggest building in this city. Tourist : . This is the most remarkable building I've ever seen ...


23. A

materi adjective


question word + adj + tobe + object

disini objek merupakan kata ganti subjek yg di anggap sebagai benda

5. 7. Dholpins areunique since they can produce an infrasonic ....People must obey the ... protocol during the pandemic situation.​




Correct me if I'm wrong

6. you are unique i like youartinya? ​


kau itu unik.aku suka kamu


kamu unik aku suka kamu

maaf klw salah

7. benarkan grammarnyaAre you interested to create an invitation in a videa?Yes, I'm interested because it's unique and interesting to see.​

Are you interested creating an invitation in a video?Yes, I'm interested because it's unique and interesting to see.

aku coba bantu jawab, maaf kalau kurang tepat ya. semoga membantu: )

8. Why are the chameleons considered to be unique animal​


Senses. Chameleons have the most distinctive eyes of any reptile. The upper and lower eyelids are joined, with only a pinhole large enough for the pupil to see through. Each eye can pivot and focus independently, allowing the chameleon to observe two different objects simultaneously.

9. Erlin : Denias,do you have pets?Denias : Yes, I do. I have .......Erlin : What are they like?Denias : They are small. They have white feathers,small eyes, ...... and small legs. They like flying around my neighborhood.Erlin : Why don't you keep them in cage?Denias : They are unique. They can fly home after flying for miles, so I am not worried about losing them.Erlin : Wow! They are ......

Dialog ini membicarakan tentang binatang peliharaan Dennias yaitu seekor merpati. Burung merpati yang mempunyai bulu berwarna putih, mata kecil, paruh yang runcing dan kaki yang kecil. Setiap kalimat dalam dialog ini menggunakan kalimat simple present tense.



Erlin : Denias,do you have pets?

Denias : Yes, I do. I have doves

Erlin : What are they like?

Denias : They are small. They have white feathers,small eyes, pointed beak and small legs. They like flying around my neighborhood.

Erlin : Why don't you keep them in cage?

Denias : They are unique. They can fly home after flying for miles, so I am not worried about losing them.

Erlin : Wow! They are so awesome.


Erlin: Denias, apakah kamu mempunyai hewan peliharaan?

Denias: Ya, saya punya. Saya punya burung-burung merpati

Erlin: Seperti apa mereka?

Denias: Mereka kecil. Mereka memiliki bulu putih, mata kecil, paruh runcing dan kaki kecil. Mereka suka terbang di sekitar lingkungan saya.

Erlin: Mengapa kamu tidak mengurungnya di dalam kandang?

Denias: Mereka unik. Mereka bisa terbang pulang setelah terbang bermil-mil dari rumah, jadi saya tidak khawatir kehilangan mereka.

Erlin: Wow! Mereka sangat mengagumkan.



Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Ciri khas kalimat yang menggunakan simple present tense adalah menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama/ infinitive verb seperti go, see, play, work. Secara terperinci Simple present digunakan untuk:  

to give your opinion (Untuk menyampaikan pendapat). Contohnya: I like ice cream. I don't like spicy food.  to talk about schedules (Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan jadwal). Contohnya: The library opens at eight. It doesn't open at 7.  to talk about daily habits (routine actions) (Untuk meyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari/ kegiatan rutin). Contohnya: Sara eats a cheese for breakfast every day. She doesn't eat cereal.

Kata Keterangan yang biasa digunakan di dalam kalimat simple present tense yaitu:

- Always : selalu

- Usually : biasanya

- Often/ frequently : sering kali

- Generally/ commonly : umumnya

- Rarely/ seldom : jarang- jarang

- Sometimes/ once in while : kadang- kadang

- Never : tidak pernah

- Every day (setiap hari), Every week (setiap minggu), Every month (setiap bulan), Every year (setiap tahun), Every Sunday night(setiap malam minggu), dan lain sebagainya(etc).

Rumus simple present tense adalah  S+VERB1 + (ES/S) +O/C. Dan S+IS/AM/ARE+NOUN/ADJECTIVE/ADVERB.  

Penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai penggunaan simple present tense adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Kalimat Positif.  

I, YOU THEY WE + V1 + O/C.  

SHE/HE/IT + V1+ S/ES + O/C.  





a. Nancy and James speak good German.  

b. Nancy works in a restaurant downtown.  

c. I am happy.  

d. She is helpful.  

2. Kalimat Negatif  

I, YOU THEY WE + DO+ NOT + V1 + O/C.  

SHE/HE/IT + DOES+ NOT + V1+ O/C.  





a. I don't speak German.  

b. She doesn't work in a restaurant downtown.  

c. I am not a doctor.  

d. She is not old.  

e. They aren’t teachers.  

3. Kalimat Pertanyaan.  

DO + I, YOU THEY WE + V1 + O/C+ ?  

DOES + SHE/HE/IT + V1+s/es + O/C + ?  





a. Do you speak good German?  

b. Does Nancy work in a restaurant downtown?  

c. Is she cruel?  

d. Are they students?  

Kata kerja untuk tunggal orang ketiga dari simple present  

Semua kata kerja haruslah menambahkan "s" atau 'es" ketika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), conto kata kerja yang mengalami penambahan s atau es adalah sebagai berikut:  

close = closes  

note = notes  

play = plays  

say = says  

study = studies  

go = goes  

do = does  

miss = misses  

buzz = buzzes  

hatch = hatches  

finish = finishes  

teach = teaches  

Contoh kalimat:  

a. She drives to work every morning.  

b. He says he plays football on the weekends  

c. My wife visits her parents every weekend.  

b. My brother meets his girlfriend everyday.  

kata kerja have  

berubah menjadi has. dengan ketentuan :I have = he / she / it has . Contohnya: I have two sisters and two brothers. But she has one sister and two brothers.  

Pelajari lebih lanjut:  

1. Materi tentang simple present tense


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas: 7  

Mapel: B.Inggris  

Bab: Grammar  

Kode: 7.5.3  

Kata Kunci: Pet, dialogue, present tense,

10. They have a unique house That

traditional house
moga membantu


They have a Unique Housethat's was Unique house

11. artikan ke dlm b.indo of the destination objectb.the building is very attractive and combines three cultures they are java,chinese and of course islam ​


A. salah satu dari objek tujuan

B. bangunannya sangat menarik dan unik

C. menggabungkan tiga budaya mereka Jawa, Cina dan tentu saja islam

12. Why do the Mexican call the river as Rio bravo? a Because of its unique twists and turns b Because of its uniqueness c Because specialty d Because of its length​


Why do the Mexican call the river as Rio bravo?

 a Because of its unique twists and turns ( Benar )

 b Because of its uniqueness

 c Because specialty

 d Because of its length


Mexican call the river as Rio bravo cause its uniwue twists and turns

smg bermanfaat ✨!!

13. australian sea lions are unique

Of course their unique and CUTE >w<

*I don't understand your question

Arti: Singa laut Australia itu unik.

14. Arrange the following words into correct and meaningful sentences.a fish - carnivorous - Napoleon - eat-during-they-are-the day-and.b. dates-are-family-of - belonging - to - fruits - Arecaceae - the.c. have - they-unique-flowers-are- from different - which - others.​

a. Napoleon fish are carnivorous and they eat during the day.

b. Arecacae are fruits belonging to the family of dates.

c. They have unique flowers which are different from others.

15. laces.39. The antonym of the word "unique" in "The patters are very unique..." isA. commonC. distinctiveB. specialD. extraordinary​


C. distinctive




A. Common

B. Indonesia = Biasa


Antonim kata UNIK adalah BIASA

16. there are five ... in the room. everyone has a unique style

people / person / girls / boys / women / men / etc

17. A: Look there are so many COWS in the field. B: Oh, yeah you are right. Do you notice something unique about them? A: Not really. What is it? B: They A: Wow. That is amazing. the same direction when they are eating. a. face b. faces C. is facing d. are facing​


d. are facing


many cows berarti banyak sapi, are itu digunakan bila ada lebih dari 2 subject

18. Arrange the following words into correct and meaningful sentences.a. fish - carnivorous - Napoleon - eat - during - they -are-the day- and.b. dates -are - family-of - belonging - to - fruits - Arecaceae - the.c. have - they - unique - flowers -are - from different - which - others.secepatnya ya​


a. Napoleon fish are carnivorous and they eat during the day

b. The dates fruits are belonging to the family of Arecaceae

c. From different?


A. Napoleon fish are carnivorous and they eat during the day

B. the family are belonging to dates of fruits Arecaceae

C. they have unique flowers are different from which others


Maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu

19. wow!unique!you are really​

Wow! You are really unique!

Wow you are really unique

20. You are grateful that your aunt gives you a unique face shield​

Good aunt

My:Hi, aunt

Aunt: hello sita

My:How are you, aunt

aunt:Healthy, how about you?

My: healthy aunt

aunt:Oh, yes, I have a present for you

What auntie

aunt:This is a unique elephant mask

My:Thank you, auntie

Aunt: you're welcome

Brother: you are very grateful to that


Brother:You gave you a shield

What a unique face.

My:Yes, I'm very grateful


Semoga bermanfaat

jadikan jawaban ini menjadi jawaban tercerdas plisssssssssssssssssss

follow aku ya teman-teman

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