Minggu, 09 Oktober 2022

Show How To Make One Addend The Next Tens Number

Show How To Make One Addend The Next Tens Number

how do you make the number one disappear

Daftar Isi

1. how do you make the number one disappear


2. What does the recipe show you how to make




maaf kk, kk bisa kirim ulang soal yang full tidak??

nanti biar saya jawab:>


3. apa arti dari what does the recipe show you how to make ?

Buk Google lalu tulis google translate!apa resep yang menampilkan cara membuat

4. Which one is not the expresion of asking information about how to do something? * 10 poin What's next? firstly, ...... How do I....? Do you know how to...? The expression to ac?​


yo ndak tau kok tanya saya

5. 12 number next to the english is..​


gimana maksudnya ????

6. Number the order to make a good sentence from these jumbledwords. Number one is an example artinya​


Number the order to make a good sentence from these jumbled

words. Number one is an example

Beri nomor pada urutan untuk membuat kalimat yang baik dari campur aduk ini

kata-kata. Nomor satu adalah contohnya.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu:)

7. 1. Count on this number in tens: 567 .The next number is:O 557O 5770 587O 667​


O 577 itu hasil jawaban nya, dan maaf jika jawabannya itu salah atau kalau tidak salah jawabannya adalah yaitu O 557, pilih lah salah satu di antara 2 jawaban tsb. itu jawabannya jika tidak salah mungkin

8. If you want to show that one thing is directly linked to the next thing , you can say , " this (...........) me to my next point


ini artinya


Jika Anda ingin menunjukkan bahwa satu hal terkait langsung dengan hal berikutnya, Anda dapat mengatakan, "ini (...........) saya ke poin saya berikutnya

9. Rearrange these worlds into a good sentence !shoelaces - tie - the - to - me - how - show - please? ...A. Show me how the shoelaces to tie, please?B. Please, to tie the shoelaces show me howC. Please, to tie the shoelaces how show meD. Show me how to tie the shoelaces, please?​

D. show me how to tie the shoelaces, please?

mohon dijadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

10. If you want to show that one thing is directly linked to the next thing, you can say, "This _____ me to my next point.​


Jika Anda ingin menunjukkan bahwa satu hal terkait langsung dengan hal berikutnya, Anda dapat berkata, "Ini _____ saya untuk poin saya berikutnya.


maaf can only translate it

11. 32. The text above is purposed to ... banana bread.a. Describe the steps to serveb. Explain how to makec. Show how to selld. Tell about how to taste​


B. Explain how to make



12. Hello, everybody!! would show you how to make a kite first ...... second: make the frame! tie the joint with string,etc


Prepare the materials that using for make the kite.

After that look at the explenation below !!


How to make a kite :

Prepare paper that using for make the kiteCut the paper with 2 side in unsame lengthAdd string 2 stick to be oneMaking 4 hole in a paper in every cornerTie the thread in the right side and horizontal left sideString the paper or ribbon to make tail

Thank you, i hope it's help...

13. Show how to operate the handphone?

just press power buttom for operate handphone
Press the power button and unlock the phone screen with your fingers.

14. 7. Me - how - show - please? - shoelacestie - the - toThe best order of the jumbled words is ....a. Show me how the shoelaces to tie,please?b. Please, to tie the shoelaces show mehowC. Please, to tie the shoelaces how showmed. Show me how to tie the shoelaces,please?​




b. Please, to tie the shoelaces show me



15. Jawaban pertanyaan what does the recipe show you how to make

Apa resep yang menunjukkan cara membuathow to make apa dulu? kalau resep ya ingredient nya.

16. what does the customer ask to the shopkeeper? a. toh show how to use dust bag b.to show to pay the product c. to show how to use vacuum cleaner d. to show how to clean vacuum cleaner

b.to show to pay the productc. to show how to use vacuum cleaner

17. The use of cardinal number is to show??


Penggunaan nomor kardinal adalah untuk menunjukkan??

18. 6. Rearrange these words into a goodsentence!me-how-show-please?-shoelaces-tie-the-to ....a. Show me how the shoelaces totie, please?b. Please, to tie the shoelaces showme howC. Please, to tie the shoelaces howshow med. Show me how to tie the shoelaces,please?​



The correct answer is D.

Show me how to tie the shoelaces,please?


Question:Re erangge the words into good words.


D. Show me how to tie the shoelaces, please?

Explanation :

Why is the answer "D"? because the correct sentence in the question is "D".

___________________B. Indonesia :

Atur ulang kata-kata ini menjadi baik


saya-bagaimana-tunjukkan-tolong? -shoelaces-


a. Tunjukkan bagaimana tali sepatu itu

tolong dasi?.

b. Tolong, untuk mengikat pertunjukan tali sepatu

saya bagaimana.

c. Tolong, untuk mengikat tali sepatu bagaimana

tunjukkan kepadaku.

d. Tunjukkan cara mengikat tali sepatu,


___________________#I hope this help's

19. the text is for question number 14-16 How to make grape cruzz​

artinya dibawah ini⬇️⬇️

teks untuk pertanyaan nomor 14-16 Bagaimana membuat anggur cruzz

20. 10. Write the things needed to make iced fruits ! - - - - - And how to make it. First; Second: Next : Finally:​


first buy or pick from your garden a jackfruit, a pineapple, a dragon fruit and a papayaonce you get them, put them all on a tablestart by slicing the jackfruit openseparate the flesh from the seednext dice the flesh and put it aside in a bowlmove on to the pineappleremove its stem and skin as well as its "eyes"then slice it up, remove its core, dice the sliced parts and put them in the same bowl as the jackfruit fleshdo the same thing with the rest of the fruits i.e. skin, remove the inedible parts, dice and put them in the bowlnext fill the bowl with 100 ml of condensed milk and 900 ml of coconut waterfinally top it off with shaved ice or ice cubes


tutorial bikin es buah. semoga membantu

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