Selasa, 04 Oktober 2022

The Princess Wants To Die Comfortably

The Princess Wants To Die Comfortably

Jack wants to go to the... he wants to movie ​

Daftar Isi

1. Jack wants to go to the... he wants to movie ​




sedikit koreksi

itu yang bener kalimatnya : ↓

Jack wants to go to the Cinema. He wants to watch movie


Semoga membantu >,<


Jack wants to go to the theater . He wants to movie.

2. jack wants to go to the cinema.he wants​


he want to watchmovie

3. 59. what is the purpose of the text ?a to inform about princess and the peab. to describe the story of the princess and the peac. to give information that the prince looked for the real princessd. to amuse the reader with the story of the princess and the pea​


d. to amuse the reader with the story of the princess and the pea


semoga membantu ^ᴗ^

4. My mother wants to go the ... She wants to buy a di artikan​

Ibuku ingin pergi ke ... Dia ingin membeli ...

semoga membantu!


Ibu saya ingin pergi ke ... Dia ingin membeli sebuah


maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu :3

5. 1. What are they doing?2. Who wants to go to the beach?3. Who wants to go camping?4. Who wants to go to the mountain?​

1. What are they doing?

-Planing something

2. Who wants to go to the beach?

-their kids/daughter

3. Who wants to go camping?

- mother

4. Who wants to go to the mountain?​



1. Apa yang mereka lakukan?

- Merencanakan sesuatu

2. Siapa yang ingin pergi ke pantai?

anak-anak mereka / anak perempuan

3. Siapa yang ingin pergi berkemah?

- ibu

4. Siapa yang ingin pergi ke gunung?


tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik , semoga membantu :))

6. 3. Which of the following statement is trueaccording to the text?a. The princess hid at the back of thepalaceb. The princess tried not to keep herpromiseThe frog couldn't help the beautifulprincessC.​

jawabannye A

sorry if wrong


b. The princess tried not to keep her



kalo salah maaf:3

7. Nia wants to go to the park. She wants to play (bermain ayunan) there. ​

she wants to play swing in there


semoga membantu^^

8. To whom would the princess only marry ?jawab ya cerita dongen princess api

to the prince lah karena biasanya princess itu pasanganya prince

9. the notice above wants to?

We can't smoke ini that areaB. artinya meminta seseorang untuk tidak merokok

10. rani wants to go to the​




maaf kalo salah;)


rani ingin pergi ke


11. tolong bantu jawab yaQuestions:1. Who was Princess Aurora? 2. According to you, why was the Princess called Sleeping Beauty? 3. What did the King do to welcome the birth of the Princess?4. Why did the 13th fairy curse the Princess?5. What did the King do to avoid the curse?​


1.princess aurora was the daughter of the king

2.because princess aurora had sleeping for hundred of years and she is a princess that is so beautiful

3.the king was making a huge celebration

4. the 13th fairy is angry because she was not invited by the king order to avoid the cure the king ordered to get rid of all the needles in that place


mohon maaf kalo salah dan mohon bintang lima nya termakasih

12. 10. Why does nova go to school earlier?a.she wants to clean at the classb.she wants to do the taksc.she wants to has breakfast in the classd.she wants to help her friend​


c. she wants to has breakfest in the class


smoga mmbntu:))

A atau B


A = dia mau bersihkan kelasnya

B = dia mau kerjakan tugas

13. what does the song tell us about?a. the writer wants to go to Paris and romeb. the writer wants to take aero planec. the writer wants a summer dayd. the writer wants to go hometolong dijawab​

What does the song tell us about?

Artinya :

Apa yang diceritakan lagu itu kepada kita?


Lagunya mana :v

14. The girl wants to go home. a. the girl b. to go home C. the girl wants d. wants to go e. wanted to leave


B). To go Home.


Karena Menunjukkan Konteks kalimat Tempat atau Tujuan.

15. romi wants to.........In the water to the waterfall ​


Romi wants to swim in the water to the waterfall ​

16. 12. Why does the writer's best friend want to go to the post office?a. She wants to send the letter to her parents.b. She wants to mail the packet to her parents.c. She wants to send the letter to her cousin.d. She wants to mail the letter to her cousin.​


12. Mengapa sahabat penulis ingin pergi ke kantor pos? sebuah. dia ingin mengirim surat itu kepada orang tuanya. b. dia ingin mengirim paket itu kepada orang tuanya. c. dia ingin mengirim surat itu kepada sepupunya. d. Saya ingin mengirimkan surat itu kepada sepupunya.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jawabanya adalah a. dia ingin mengirim surat itu kepada orang tuanya.

17. 5Bhs.inggris1.what are theybdoing?2.who wants to go to the beach?3.who wants to go camping?4.who wants to go to the mountain?​


Ini maksudnya suruh artikan atau ada ceritanya yaa


1. apa yang mereka lakukan?

2.siapa yang mau ke pantai

3.siapa yang mau camping

4.siapa yang mau ke gunung

18. 1. Who was Princess Aurora?2. According to you, why was the princess called Sleeping Beauty?3. What did the king do to welcome the birth of the princess?4. Why did the 13th fairy curse the princess?5. What did the king do to avoid the curse?​




Putri Aurora memiliki paras yang cantik. Dia dilahirkan dengan diiringi kebahagiaan dari seluruh kerajaan . Banyak peri-peri yang memberinya hadiah sebuah mantra. namun tiba-tiba ada seorang penyihir datang tanpa diundang dan dia merasa tersinggung mengapa dia tak diundang. Akhirnya ia memberi kutukan kepada Putri Aurora, pada umur ke-17 nya dia akan mati tertusuk jarum . Kemudian sang penyihir pun pergi meninggalkan kerjaan. Sang Raja dan Ratu, serta para rakyat pun gelisah. Kemudian peri terakhir segera menyampaikan hadiah mantranya agar Putri Aurora tidak akan mati saat tertusuk jarum namun dia akan tertidur panjang sampai ada Pangeran gagah berani yang mampu menciumnya dan menghilangkan kutukan tersebut.

Selang beberapa tahun, akhirnya Putri Aurora menginjak usia 17 tahun. Rasa ingin tahunya memuncak dan dia berjalan-jalan kekoridor istana. Kemudian dia mendengar suara mesin dari sebuah pintu, lalu dengan sigap dia masuk kedalam dan melihat seorang perempuan paruh baya yang sedang menjahit. Kemudian dia minta diajari bagaimana cara menjahit. Tanpa disangka, ternyata perempuan itu adalah sang penyihir. Saat Putri Aurora mulai menjahit, tiba-tiba tangannya tertusuk jarum dan kemudian tergeletak dilantai. Para prajurit membawanya kekamar dan sontak sang penyihir senang. Putri Aurora ternyata tertidur dan seluruh istana pun juga tertidur panjang sampai datangnya seorang pangeran gagah berani yang bisa mencium sang Putri .

Telah banyak Pangeran yang mencoba masuk kedalam Istana namun tak ada yang bisa semuanya menyerah. Pada akhirnya ada seorang Pangeran dan kudanya yang berani memasuki Istana. Pangeran itu bernama Pangeran Phillip. Setelah susah payah dia memasuki Istana tersebut, akhirnya ia berhasil masuk kedalam istana. Dia melihat para pelayan,prajurit, bahkan Raja dan Ratu mematung tertidur pulas. Dengan cekatan sang Pangeran mencari sang Putri lalu menciumnya. Pada akhirnya sihir itu lenyap, sang Putri dan semua yang ada dikerajaan hidup kembali. Dan sang Putri dan Pangeran hidup bahagia selamanya.

Princess Aurora has a beautiful face. He was born with the happiness of the whole kingdom. Many fairies are gifted with a spell. but suddenly a magician came uninvited and he felt offended why he was not invited. Finally, he gave a curse to Princess Aurora, at the age of 17 he would die of needles. Then the magician left work. The King and Queen, as well as the people were restless. Then the last fairy immediately delivered the gift of the spell so that Princess Aurora would not die when she was pricked by a needle but she would fall asleep until a brave Prince was able to kiss her and remove the curse.

After a few years, finally Princess Aurora turned 17 years old. His curiosity peaked and he walked to the palace corridors. Then he heard a machine sound from a door, then he swiftly entered and saw a middle-aged woman who was sewing. Then he asked to be taught how to sew. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the woman was the witch. When Princess Aurora started sewing, suddenly her hand was pricked by a needle and then lay on the floor. The soldiers took him to the room and suddenly the magician was happy. Princess Aurora was asleep and the whole palace fell asleep too long until the arrival of a brave prince who could kiss her.

There have been many princes who have tried to enter the palace but no one can all give up. In the end there was a Prince and his horse who dared to enter the Palace. The prince was named Prince Phillip. After struggling to enter the palace, he finally managed to enter the palace. He saw the servants, soldiers, even the King and Queen were frozen asleep. Deftly the Prince looked for the Princess and then kissed her. In the end the magic disappeared, the Princess and everything in the kingdom came to life. And the Princess and the Prince lived happily ever after.

19. rani wants to go to the​


dimana ceritanya ya

20. did the princess find difficulty to answer the frog's question?

Artinya : Apakah putri raja menemukan hal yang sulit untuk menjawab pertanyaan si katak?

Catatan : Dalam tenses simple past tense
Semoga membantuyes,she did

semoga membantu

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