Selasa, 08 November 2022

A Team Is Selling Discount Cards As A Fundraiser

A Team Is Selling Discount Cards As A Fundraiser

A rice cooker is sold at the discount of 15%. if the discount is $24, find: a. its marked price b. its selling price

Daftar Isi

1. A rice cooker is sold at the discount of 15%. if the discount is $24, find: a. its marked price b. its selling price

Harga yang tertera: $160Harga jual: $ 136Pembahasan dengan langkah-langkahDiketahui: Sebuah rice cooker terjual dengan diskon 15 %, nilai diskonnya: $24Ditanya: Harga yang tertera dan harga jual?Jawab

Diskon yang di dapat= [tex]15[/tex]%, persen artinya per-seratus.

Jadi, 15 % = [tex]\frac{15}{100} = 0,15[/tex]

Diskon yang di dapatkan= [tex]0,15=[/tex]$ 24

Kita anggap harga yang tertera adalah: 1

Maka, harga jual= [tex]1-0,15=0,85[/tex]

Harga yang tertera: [tex]\frac{1}{0,15}[/tex] × $ [tex]24=[/tex] $ [tex]160[/tex]

Harga jual= [tex]\frac{0,85}{0,15}[/tex] × $ [tex]24=[/tex] $ [tex]136[/tex]

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh soal diskon dan rabat:


2. What is a discount?



a deduction from the usual cost of something, typically given for prompt or advance payment or to a special category of buyers.

"many stores will offer a discount on bulk purchases"



1.deduct an amount from (the usual price of something).

"current users qualify for a discounted price"


regard (a possibility, fact, or person) as being unworthy of consideration because it lacks credibility.

"I'd heard rumors, but discounted them"


(of a store or business) offering goods for sale at discounted prices.

"a discount drugstore chain"

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga Membantu

3. What is a discount?


What is a discount?

discount / Diskon adalah pengurangan harga yang diberikan kepada pembeli saat melakukan pembelian barang atau jasa

4. there is a big discount in the market the meaning of discount is​


price cut


5. Amy bought an armchair that was sold at a 10 discount She paid 385.20 including a 7% gst find the selling price of the armchair before discount excluding gst​


[tex]32 \times 2682 - 9000 = 5056[/tex]

By Answer :WaterZone

6. there is a big discount in the market the meaning of discount is​

Meaning dari Discount adalah Diskon(potongan harga)

Terima kasih -ᄒᴥᄒ-


Potongan Harga


Maaf kalau Salah :)

7. The price of a skirt is Rp. 50,OOO. How much should a customer pay during the discount period if the discount is about 30%?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Original Price = Rp50,000

Discount Price

= 30% × Rp50,000

= 30/100 × Rp50,000

= Rp15,000

8. Pertanyaan:Jeon Jungkook is selling jeans at 15% off the regular price. The regular price is $25.00 per pair. What is the discount amount?​​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

disc = $ 25.00 x 15%

= $ 3.75


Jumlah potongan harga reguler yang diberikan Jeon Jungook adalah $3.75.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Potongan harga reguler = 15%

Harga reguler = $25.00


Berapa potongan harga reguler tersebut?


Harga diskon = $25.00 × 15%

                       = $25.00 × 15


                       = 25 × 15

                       = $3.75

9. Notebook price is $150 more expensive than a desktop computer. A server price is twice as expensive as a desktop computer. If 5% quantity purchase discount of 6 (six) servers equals to $600, how much is the price of the notebook?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

tolong berbahasa indonesia saya tidak mengerti dengan pertanyaan anda

10. 5. The man in front of the store.a. is sellb. is sellingc. are sellingd. am selling​


b. is selling


semoga membantu


B. is Selling


Disitu dia menyatakan bahwa "The Man" yang arti nya 1 orang. berarti yang di gunakan itu "Is" jika "are" arti nya Banyak. dan dalam melakukan sesuatu gunakan yang berakhiran dengan "ing"

jika masih belum mengerti silahkan pelajari penjelasan di YouTube.

11. a bicycle costs $875, there is 3/7 discount for it. how much is the discount?


artinya sebuah sepeda berharga $875, ada diskon 3/7 untuk itu. berapa diskonnya?

12. 19. How does Thomas get much money?a. By working hardb. By selling stampsc. By collecting stampsd. By buying and selling telephone cards​


A.By working hard


semoga membantu

13. the shoe store gives special discount in its anniversary. a basketball shoes sold with a 50% discount. the price of the shoes from the factory is 140.000. the store already got 20% profit even if 50% discount was applied. the selling price of the shoes are​

Price from factory = 140.000

% provit = (selling price - buying price)/buying price x 100%
20% = (selling price - 140.000)/140.000 x 100%
20%/100% x 140.000 = selling price - 140.000
2 x 14.000 = selling price - 140.000
28.000 = selling price - 140.000
28.000 + 140.000 = selling price
168.000 = selling price -> after discount

Final price = selling price - discount
168.000 = selling price - (50% x selling price)
168.000 = sp - (50/100 x sp)
168.000 = sp - 1/2 sp
168.000 = 2/2 sp - 1/2 sp
168.000 = 1/2 sp
168.000 x 2/1 = sp
336.000 = sp -> selling price before discount

14. 7. You (be) (sell) the new producta. Are sellingc. Am sellingb. Is sellingd. Are selled​


a.are selling


topic:present continuous tense

perhatikan be Dan sell(be+verb)



15. create a greeting cards,the tittle is : Valentine's day

to: amira
Happy valentine's day sweetheart! I hope you be good without me. I will go home late, so you can enjoy the party more longer, and i'm sorry i can't join the party.

16. Fiona, anuar and reza had some cards. Fiona and anuar had a total of 349. Fiona had 145 cards. Anuar had 3 times as many cards as reza. How many cards did fiona and reza have altogether?


213 cards

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Fiona + Anuar = 349

Anuar = 349- 145 = 204

3 units = 204

1 unit = 204 ÷ 3 = 68

Reza have 68 cards

altogether = fiona + reza

= 145 + 68

= 213cards

17. Jimmy, Tara and Reina have 396 baseball cards altogether. Jimmy gives 18 baseball cards to Tara and 32 baseball cards to Reina. Jimmy then has 4 times as many baseball cards as Tara, Tara has twice as many as baseball cards as Reina. How many baseball cards does Jimmy have at first​

saya tdk mengetahui nya Kak IM sorry

18. What is the social function of greeting cards as you have learnt today?


for giving the good respons to another people

untuk memberikan respon baik kepada orang lain



What is the social function of greeting cards as you have learnt today?


Apa fungsi sosial dari kartu ucapan yang telah Anda pelajari hari ini?

fungsi sosial dari kartu ucapan adalah

untuk menyalurkan ekspresi positif terhadap orang yang ditujukan, memberi ucapan selamat, dukungan dan semangat

19. 5. The man in front of the store.a. is sellb. is sellingc. are sellingd. am selling​


B. Is selling.


"The man" yang merupakan kata benda ketiga dan tunggal berpasangan dengan "is". Karena, kalimat itu adalah bentuk masa kini dipasangkan dengan "selling"; memberitahukan bahwa seorang pria sedang menjual mangga di depan sebuah toko.

Semoga membantu!


Jawabannya selling


Maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

20. so-the-crowded-bookstore-because-is-,there-a-discount​

The bookstore is crowded because there is a discount.

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