Minggu, 13 November 2022

According To This Diagram What Is Tan 74

According To This Diagram What Is Tan 74

What is caption according to you

1. What is caption according to you

Jawaban:a caption for me is a sentence or more that describe something.

2. According to farah what is formalin


apa emang yang farah bilang


3. what is translation according to you? explain.

semoga bermanffat➡ what is translation according to you? explain.
➡ apa terjemahan menurutmu?jelaskan.
Jwb :
➡ I think the translation is interpreting or interpreting a word, sentence and paragraph to be understood by others according to their ability .
➡ menurut saya terjemahan adalah mengartikan atau memaknakan suatu kata, kalimat dan paragraf agar dimengerti oleh orang lain sesuai kemampuannya .


4. What is journal according to the expert ​



5. what is WISH according to your opinion?​


Wish adalah ingin

do you want something

wish could be hope

sorry if wrong: ')

In my opinion Wish means you want something, for example.. you want some ice cream, and then you make a wish.. and the wish = I wish I can get some ice cream today :))

comment if u do not understand what I mean

6. what is flood according to the text​


car and motorcycle


maaf kalo salah ya saya tidak bisa

7. According to you, what is computer addiction?​


maybe because he played games a lot

Computer Addiction is a person who develop an Addict with computers. They would spend all day in front of computer monitor screen and will not care with other things, except if the things/problems have to do with the Computers.

Computer Addiction is like Drug Addiction.

Just the difference is Computer Addiction is with Computers, and Drug Addiction is with Drugs

8. What, according to the leaflet, is " passive smoking"?




Maybe, if we smoke to much we would have lung cancer and we have a chance to live a better live but probably 70% of the chance of we dying.

9. What is your plan in the future ?? What is happiness according to you ?


My future recana is that I will happy my parents if you plan yes. what?

10. what is HOPE according to your opinion?​


Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.[1] As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation."


hahaha aku liat wikipedia



if I think hope is j-Hope:v

because I'm a kpopers

that's in my opinion...

11. 2. What is TRUE according to the letter?​


apa yang benar menurut surat itu?


apa yang benar dari surat itu kalau dak salah si

12. What is tomi characteristic according to dewi ?


btw what do you mean to do with it, no ...

13. What is Texas like according to nowo?

Jawaban : According to Nowo, Texas is immense

Penjelasan : make the best answer for you

14. Jawaban what is possible according to dona


what. what is possible according to dona



15. What is the Friend according to budi​


Apa teman itu menurut budi


cuma bisa translitin doang. semoga membantu :)

16. what is song according to your opinion? ​


artinya what is song according to your opinion artinya

menurut kalian lagu apa?

17. What is restaurent according to the text

apa restoran menurut berikutnya
Maaf klo slh

18. what is from according to the Vidio​


maksud pertanyaannya apa yah? video apa?

19. what is CONGRUTALION according to your opinion?​


Did you mean congratulation?

If so, congratulation is used to express joy or acknowledgement

1. In my opinion, congratulation means give someone appreciate of what someone doing

Or it can be

2. Congratulation in my opinion means I feel happy for what someone doing

But, I prefer the first one.. u can use the first one if u want :))

20. What is grafiti according to the text above



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