Minggu, 06 November 2022

What Did The Policeman Tell The Burglar In The Bathroom

What Did The Policeman Tell The Burglar In The Bathroom

the burglar - the policeman - interrogating - is​

Daftar Isi

1. the burglar - the policeman - interrogating - is​


the policeman is interrogating the burglar


the policeman is interrogating the burglar


polisi sedang menginterogasi pencuri

semoga membantu

2. what did you know about the burglar


apa yang kamu ketahui tentang pencuri itu


Maaf Kalau Salah


They do things like stealing, robbing, telling off people.


3. 1.what does the text tell about?2.what is the colour of the bathroom wall?3.How many windows are there in the writer's bathroom?4.What is the colour of the bathroom floor?5."we have many little porcelain...."What does the underlined word refer to?​


1. About how pretty his/her bathroom is

2. The bathroom walls are White tiles

3. Two

4 The bathroom floor are White tiles

5 Family


4. Questions: 1. What is the occupation in the text? Answer: How should a policeman be? Answer: 3. What does policeman do to bad people? Answer 4. How does policeman help people in the street? Answer: 5 What does the writer do around the schools? Answer:​


1.Police 2.help a student walk safely3.put him in jail or to the office to explain itu4.very kind and firm5.to their schools and homes Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik pliss!!!

5. what are three in the bathroom ?​


what are three in the bathroom?

apa tiga di kamar mandi?

there are three in the bathroom viz:

toilet = toilet

sink = wastafel


maaf kalo slh aku liat diterjemah sih gituu..

6. what did the third pragraf tell US about?​

artinya , "apa yang dikatakan paragraf ketiga tentang kami"

7. what did the waiter tell them to do?


The waiter tell them to wash the dishes


By: Casandra Sherlyn Adams

Adams : marga

BTW kamu sekolah di petra ????



the waiter tell them to pay for the bill, but they didnt have any money/goldstars so the waiter said they must work in the kitchen for a week instead

8. what did the story tell us about

A.The writer was left by the bus on his trip ro bandung

Hope it is useful :)

9. is the sofa in the bathroom!​


no, it is not


sofa in the living room

10. Apa artinya what is the girl doing in the bathroom

Apa yang dia lakukan di kamar mandi


ARTINYA : apa yang gadis itu lakukan di kamar mandi

Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya..

11. once a man was walking in a park when he across a pinguin.he took it to a policeman and said what should I do? the policeman replied take it to the zoo!. the next day.th policeman saw the man in the same park.the man was still carrying the pinguin.the policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked why are you still carrying th pinguin?didnt you take it to the zoo? the man replied I certainly did and it was a great idea because the pinguin really enjoyed it.so today I am taking it to the movie. 1.what happen when a man was walking in the park 2.what did he do after that 3.what did the policeman ask to the man 4 what did a man do in the next day 5.what kind of the text above

1. He acroos a pinguin
2. He took it to a policeman an said what should i do?the policeman replied take it to the zoo.
3. Why are you still crarrying the pinguin? didn't you take it to the zoo.
1.he walk across the penguin
2.he took it and ask to the police what should he do
3.to bring the penguin to the zoo
4.he go back to the park with the penguin
5.recound text?
Maaf kalau salah semoga membantu

12. Tell or ask others to do something in the bathroom

Soap, brush,towel, tooth paste If someone in the bathroom means they are bathing / shampoo / toothbrush

13. what did the latter tell us about


what letter then?


14. what did the wife tell to samosir

Answer :

His wife tell to Samosir :
→ ' Why you say it to Toba , ?? '

15. Why does the writer write the above text? What did the writer do in the afternoon? What does paragraph three tell us about?

jawabannya sesuai option
1. a
2. b
3. aA, B, A Itu yg saya tau

16. What does the writer tell in the body of the letter


Unsur unsur surat pribadi adalah :

Tempat dan tanggal pembuatan. Alamat penerima. Kata sapaan. Paragraf pembuka.

17. is the sofa in the bathroom​


no, that's not true...




Is the sofa in the bathroom

>No, it isn't

18. What did the king tell the guards to do?​


What did the king tell the guards to do?

Apa yang raja suruh para penjaga lakukan?

19. What did the aunt tell the boy to do ?


I do not know

Apa yang bibi menyuruh anak itu lakukan?

20. what did the third pragraf tell US about?​


what did the third pragraf tell US about?


apa yang dikatakan paragraf ketiga tentang kamil


gk bisa bahasa inggris


ra iso bohoso inggris

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