Jumat, 25 November 2022

Write The Expression 6 7 12 In Radical Form

Write The Expression 6 7 12 In Radical Form

write the expression of giving instruction in the form 'be + adjective'!​

Daftar Isi

1. write the expression of giving instruction in the form 'be + adjective'!​


tuliskan ungkapan memberi instruksi dalam bentuk 'be + adjective'!


komon hap?


2. write the expression of giving instruction in the form 'be + adjective'!​


Be respectful to your seniors!

Be kind to each other!

Be grateful for what you have!

Be polite to your teachers!

Be nice to the new student!

3. Write the expression of Intention from the dialogue! ( in positive form ) - you can underline that expressions Write the expression of Intention from the dialogue! ( in interrogative form ) - you can underline that expressions


Tuliskan ekspresi Niat dari dialog! (dalam bentuk positif) - Anda dapat menggarisbawahi ekspresi tersebut

Tuliskan ekspresi Niat dari dialog! (dalam bentuk interogatif) - Anda dapat menggarisbawahi ekspresi tersebut


Semoga Membantu!!

4. Write the sentences below in the passive form ​


1.computer games are played by Nik and johan

2.the Science centre is visited by the children every weekend

3.interesting rocks are collected by me

4.the naughty boy is ignored by the students

5.model ships are made by my brother

6.a lot of books are read by dev

7.my pet is taken by me to the every six months



RUMUS:Object+Tobe present+Verb3(past participle)+Byagent(subject)



Nik dan Johan bermain permainan komputer

maka dipasifkan menjadi

Permainan komputer dimainkan oleh Nik dan Johan

Computergamesareplayed byNik andJohan


Tobe presentdaricomputergamesadalahareKarena subjectnyajamak



byagent(by+subject/pelaku):Nik andjohan

5. 1. Write the expression of expressing asking opinion in the dialog?2.write the expression of expressing giving opinion in the dialog?3.write the expression of expressing showing appreciation in the dialog?4.write the response appreciation in the dialog?5.make the dialog about asking and giving attention?​


1. Tuliskan ungkapan menyatakan meminta pendapat dalam dialog?

2.Tuliskan ungkapan mengungkapkan pendapat dalam dialog?

3. tuliskan ungkapan mengungkapkan penghargaan dalam dialog?

4.tuliskan tanggapan apresiasi dalam dialog tersebut?

5.membuat dialog tentang meminta dan memberi perhatian?



6. write the fractions in their simplest form​

» Penyelesaian

The simplest form of the fraction

[tex](c) \frac{6}{24} = \frac{6 \div 6}{24 \div 6} = \frac{1}{4} [/tex]

[tex](f) \frac{90}{100} = \frac{90 \div 10}{100 \div 10} = \frac{9}{10} [/tex]

7. write the dates in word form​


1. 14-12-2010 = The fourteenth of December two thousand ten.

2. 19-01-2010 = The nineteenth of January two thousand ten.

3. 01-03-1999 = The first of March nineteen ninety-nine.

4. 10-08-2003 = The tenth of August two thousand and three.

5. 21-06-2007 = The twenty first of June two thousand and seven.

6. 20-10-1983 = The twentieth of October nineteen eighty-three.

7. 04-09-2014 = The fourth of September two thousand fourteen.

8. 11-02-2009 = The eleventh of February two thousand and nine.

9. 29-05-2008 = The twenty ninth of May two thousand and eight.

10. 22-07-2001 = The twenty second of July two thousand and one.


Pola dari penulisan tanggal di atas adalah

Cardinal number + of + month + year.

Cardinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk penulisan tanggal atau menunjukkan angka ke -.

Cardinal number ditandai dengan penambahan huruf st, nd, rd, dan th pada akhir angka.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cardinal number pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12166856


8. write the expression of offering help in the dialogua​


write the expression of offering help in the dialogua


tulis ekspresi menawarkan bantuan dalam dialogua


Write the expression of offering help in the dialogua


Tuliskan ekspresi menawarkan bantuan dalam dialogua


Semoga membantu

9. write the right expression in the following short dialogues​


tulis ekspresi yang benar


maaf kalau salah jadi kan jawaban yg tercedas ya thanks ☺️

10. Write 5 expression of asking for attention in formal end informal form


Tuliskan 5 ungkapan meminta perhatian dalam bentuk formal akhir informal


11. write in the correct form. purchase form

tulis dalam form yang benar

12. Look at the information given in each box.which form does the information1 belong in?write in the correct form.

lihat informasi yang diberikan di setiap kotak. yang mana dari informasi 1? tulis dari yang benar

13. write the notice in the correct form


tulis pemberitahuan dengan benar dari

14. 1. mention / write the expression of hope ! 2. write the expression of wish and the meaning ! 3. write the expression congratulation for happines and the meaning in your bahasa ! 4. write the expression congratulation for achiviement !

1. I hope you will be champion the next year = aku harap kamu menjadi pemenang tahun depan.
2. I wish we have a save trip = aku berharap kita memiliki kegiatan/trip yang aman.
3. Im happy for you = saya senang untukmu
4. Congratulation on your achivement = selamat atas prestasimu.

Semoga membantu!

15. 1. mention / write the expression of hope ! 2. write the expression of wish and the meaning ! 3. write the expression congratulation for happines and the meaning in your bahasa ! 4. write the expression congratulation for achiviement !

2.mmmm,like a dream come true
3.smiling,selamattt yaaa

16. Write the expression of say sorry in the dialog


A: “Katrina, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I know you were badly hurt by my thoughtlessness.”

B: “Forget about it. I wasn’t annoyed at all. I know these sorts of things can happen from time to time.”

A: “That’s so kind of you.”


A: “Katrina, aku minta maaf. Aku tidak seharusnya bicara seperti itu. Aku tahu kamu sakit hati dengan kecerobohanku.”

B: “Lupakan saja. Aku tak terganggu sama sekali. Hal seperti ini bisa terjadi kapan saja.”

A: “Alangkah baiknya.”

semoga membantu

17. Write the right expression in the following short dialogs

gambarnya mana.....kalo gk ada gambarnya gimana mau lihat dialogny

18. write the expression in the dialogue​


tulis ekspresi dalam dialog

19. write the expression of congratulating found in the card? ​


congratulation on your fabulous victory!

20. Look at the information given in each box.which form does the information1 belong in?write in the correct form.

Lihatlah informasi yang diberikan di masing-masing kotak. Formulir mana informasi 1 di dalamnya? Tulis dalam formulir yang benar.
good luck :)

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