Selasa, 06 Desember 2022

Given Two Integer Variables Distance And Speed

Given Two Integer Variables Distance And Speed

Given two points P ( 4,5 ) and Q ( -2, -3 ). The distance between P and Q is?... Tolong bantuanya ya guys :)

Daftar Isi

1. Given two points P ( 4,5 ) and Q ( -2, -3 ). The distance between P and Q is?... Tolong bantuanya ya guys :)

PQ =
[tex] \sqrt{ {(x2 \: - x1)}^{2} + {(y2 - y1)}^{2} } [/tex]
[tex] \sqrt{ {(4 - ( - 2))}^{2} + {(5 - ( - 3))}^{2} } [/tex]
[tex] \sqrt{ {(4 + 2)}^{2} + {(5 + 3)}^{2} } [/tex]
[tex] \sqrt{ {6}^{2} + {8}^{2} } = \sqrt{36 + 64} [/tex]
[tex] \sqrt{100} = 10[/tex]
The distance between P and Q is 10

2. given array of integer, = [-2,3,5,4,8]. find smallest and largest number of from an integer array​

public class LargerstSmallestArray {

public static void main(String[] args) {

 int[] arr = { -2, 3, 5, 4, 8 };

 int max = arr[0];

 int min = arr[0];

 for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i += 2) {

  if (i + 2 == arr.length) {

   if (arr[i + 1] > max)

    max = arr[i + 1];

   if (arr[i + 1] < min)

    min = arr[i + 1];


  if (arr[i] > arr[i - 1]) {

   if (arr[i] > max)

    max = arr[i];

   if (arr[i - 1] < min)

    min = arr[i];


  if (arr[i] < arr[i - 1]) {

   if (arr[i] > max)

    max = arr[i];

   if (arr[i - 1] < min)

    min = arr[i];



 System.out.println("Nilai maksimum: " + max + "\nNilai minimum: " + min);



3. By driving a car, the distance of two cities can be reached in 6 hours with the average speed 75 km/hour. If the distance of two cities is reached by average speed 50 km/hour, then it needs...​


Distance = time * speed = 6h * 75km/h = 450km

Time = distance : speed = 450km : 50km/h = 9h

Answer : 9hours

4. Write down the linear inequalities of the following two variables​

Nomor 6.

Persamaan garis yg melalui titik (28 , 0) dan titik (0 , 21) adalah :


Karena DHP berada di bawah garis tersebut, maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]3x+4y-84\leq 0[/tex]

Persamaan garis yg melalui titik (32 , 0) dan titik (0 , 16) adalah :


Karena DHP berada di bawah garis tersebut, maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]x+2y-32\leq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di atas sumbu-X [tex]\to x\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di kanan sumbu-Y [tex]\to y\geq 0[/tex]

Jadi, DHP adalah penyelesaian dari sistem pertidaksamaan linier :

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\left\{\begin{array}{l}3x+4y-84\leq 0\\~\\x+2y-32\leq 0\\~\\x\geq 0~;~y\geq 0\end{array}\right\}}}[/tex]


Nomor 7.

Karena ada 2 DHP, maka jawaban dari soal ini juga ada 2, yaitu :

I ) Untuk DHP I :

Persamaan garis yg melalui titik (18 , 0) dan titik (0 , 6) adalah :


Karena DHP berada di bawah garis tersebut, maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]x+3y-18\leq 0[/tex]

Persamaan garis yg melalui titik (8 , 0) dan titik (0 , 16) adalah :


Karena DHP berada di bawah garis tersebut, maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]2x+y-16\leq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di atas sumbu-X [tex]\to x\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di kanan sumbu-Y [tex]\to y\geq 0[/tex]

Jadi, DHP I adalah penyelesaian dari sistem pertidaksamaan linier :

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\left\{\begin{array}{l}x+3y-18\leq 0\\~\\2x+y-16\leq 0\\~\\x\geq 0~;~y\geq 0\end{array}\right\}}}[/tex]


II ) Untuk DHP II :

Karena DHP berada di atas garis [tex]x+3y-18=0[/tex], maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]x+3y-18\geq 0[/tex]

Karena DHP berada di atas garis [tex]2x+y-16=0[/tex], maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]2x+y-16\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di atas sumbu-X [tex]\to x\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di kanan sumbu-Y [tex]\to y\geq 0[/tex]

Jadi, DHP II adalah penyelesaian dari sistem pertidaksamaan linier :

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\left\{\begin{array}{l}x+3y-18\geq 0\\~\\2x+y-16\geq 0\\~\\x\geq 0~;~y\geq 0\end{array}\right\}}}[/tex]


Nomor 8.

Persamaan garis pada soal ini sama dengan persamaan garis pada soal nomor 6, maka kita langsung mengevaluasi DHP-nya saja.

Karena DHP berada di bawah garis [tex]3x+4y-84=0[/tex], maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]3x+4y-84\geq 0[/tex]

Karena DHP berada di bawah garis [tex]x+2y-32=0[/tex], maka pertidaksamaan yg memenuhi adalah : [tex]x+2y-32\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di atas sumbu-X [tex]\to x\geq 0[/tex]

DHP berada di kanan sumbu-Y [tex]\to y\geq 0[/tex]

Jadi, DHP adalah penyelesaian dari sistem pertidaksamaan linier :

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\left\{\begin{array}{l}3x+4y-84\geq 0\\~\\x+2y-32\geq 0\\~\\x\geq 0~;~y\geq 0\end{array}\right\}}}[/tex]

5. Design an algorithm in pseudocode that will receive two integer items from a terminal operator, and display to the screen their sum, difference, product, and quotient. Note that the quotient calculation (first integer divided by second integer) is only to be performed if the second integer does not equal zero.​

I’ve answered your question in this link:
So, pseudocodes presented here are based on those flowcharts.

Here are the required pseudocodes.


You may substitute INPUT for READ, and OUTPUT for PRINT.Comment lines are started by # character.{var} means type-casting the var value into string. != means "doesn't equal to". You may change it to something else which is commonly used, like <>.


Pseudocode #1
Using 4 additional variables for sum, difference, product, and quotient.

# Declaration
DECLARE a, b, sum, diff, prod, quot AS INTEGER
# User inputs two numbers.
READ a, b
# Process: calculate sum, diff, and prod.
sum ← a + b
diff ← a – b
prod ← a * b
# Output sum, diff, and prod.
PRINT ”{a} + {b} = {sum}“
PRINT ”{a} – {b} = {diff}“
PRINT ”{a} * {b} = {prod}“
# Calculate quotient
IF b != 0 THEN
   quot ← a / b
   PRINT ”{a} / {b} = {quot}“
   PRINT ”{a} / {b} = undefined“
   # or raise a division-by-zero error exception


Pseudocode #2
Using only one additional variable for storing all operation results.

# Declaration
# User inputs two numbers.
READ a, b
# Process each calculation, and then print the result.
result ← a + b
PRINT ”{a} + {b} = {result}“
result ← a – b
PRINT ”{a} – {b} = {result}“
result ← a * b
PRINT ”{a} * {b} = {result}“
# Calculate quotient
IF b != 0 THEN
   result ← a / b
   PRINT ”{a} / {b} = {result}“
   PRINT ”{a} / {b} = undefined“
   # or raise a division-by-zero error exception

6. What id the speed if the time is 5.30 and the Distance is 60 km per hour

speed= distance/time
5,30 hour "I think" or we can say 5½ hour
so speed = 60/ 5½
= 10,9 km/hour

7. Make two expression of stating campability stance​


Buatlah dua ekspresi pernyataan sikap berkemah

8. Identify if the given number is a measurement of distance, speed or time. 100 km/h

100 km/h —> speed

speed is based on how quick an object is moving (the ratio between the distance traveled by the object and the time required to do so).

9. Given A (1,3) and B (6,15); determine distance A to B = . . . tolong di jawab ya... tq​


distance A to B can be found by subtracting point B tp A,that is:


so the distance of a to b is (5,12)

jadi jarak titik a ke titik b adalah 5 satuan ke sumbu x dan 12 satuan ke sumbu y

10. A cyclist is traveling at the speed of 15 kilometers per hour. Find the distance he travels in two hours.Ini Matematika inggris tolong harus kumpul sekarang​


per hour = 1 hour

1 hour = 15 kilometers

2 hours = 15 × 2 = 30 ✅

11. State two variables that the students kept the same in this experiment


Variabel kontrol

12. Distance= 240 km, Time= 3 hours, Speed= ... km/hour ​


Since 240 divided by three is 80, the velocity the car is traveling at is 80 kilometers per hour.

13. The distance between two towns are 15 km, if the distance of the two towns mapped at the map, the scale is 1 250 000. The distance between two town on the map are...​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

S = Ug/Us



Ug= 1.500.000/250.000


14. which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing

Which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing is the line on the graph is sloping downwards. Additionally, you may also notice that the distance between points on the graph is getting smaller as well - this, too, is an indication that the speed is slowing down.


Pada pokok bahasan kinematika, grafik dijadikan salah satu representasi untuk menjelaskan konsep gerak. Konsep-konsep kinematika gerak meliputi perpindahan, kecepatan dan percepatan yang berhubungan dengan fungsi waktu. Bentuk-bentuk gerakan partikel (benda) dapat diketahui dengan menelaah grafik kinematika.

Pada umumnya grafik jarak-waktu ditunjukkan dengan grafik garis yang dapat menjelaskan suatu benda pergerakannya cepat atau lambat dalam waktu tertentu. Ada faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi grafik jarak-waktu (seperti percepatan), jadi penting untuk mempertimbangkan semua ini sebelum membuat kesimpulan. Namun, jika Anda melihat kemiringan ke bawah atau jarak antar titik yang lebih kecil, dapat dikatakan bahwa kecepatan yang ditunjukkan oleh grafik memang menurun.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang grafik hubungan antara jarak tempuh dengan waktu tempuh pada GLB:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

15. In the diagram, A and B are two kites that are 50 m above the ground PQ. Given that PA = 67 m and PB = 84 m, find the distance between A and B.​

Materi : Teorama Phytagoras

Gambar yang Terlampirkan

Semoga bisa membantu

[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{lightblue}{ \sf{ \color{blue}{ Answer By\:BlueBraxGeometry}}}} [/tex]

16. A car moving at a distance of 10 km the first 5 minutes, 10 minutes later a distance 45 km and 15 minutes later the car was a distance 15 km. average speed of the car it is..

• GL

S₁ = 10 km. t₁ = 5 min
S₂ = 45 km. t₂ = 10 min
S₃ = 15 km. t₃ = 15 min
v = __?

laku rata-rata
v = ΣS / Σt
v = (S₁ + S₂ + S₃) / (t₁ + t₂ + t₃)
v = [(10 + 45 + 15) km] / [(5 + 10 + 15) min]
v = (70 km) / (30 min)
v = (70 km / (½ jam)
v = 140 km/jam ✔️

——— id berarti Indonesia
Sesuai pertanyaan dengan bahasa yang bersesuaian

17. A high-speed train travels at a speed of 200 km/h. If the train sets off from Station A st 1224 hours, and reaches Station B at 1412 hours, find the distance between the two stations, giving your answer in metres.

The distance between station A and station B is 360.000 m



Pertanyaan di atas dapat diselesaikan dengan rumus di bawah ini.


[tex] k = \frac{j}{w} [/tex]



[tex] j = k \times w [/tex]



[tex] w = \frac{j}{k} [/tex]




j=Jarak (meter atau satuan panjang yang lain)

w=Waktu (menit atau satuan waktu yang lain)



Velocity=200 km/h



The distance between station A and station B is... m







01.48=1 hour 48 minutes=108 minutes



[tex]j = k \times w[/tex]

[tex]j = \frac{200 \: km}{h} \times 108 \: minutes[/tex]

[tex]j = \frac{200 \: km}{60 \: minutes} \times 108 \: minutes[/tex]

[tex]j = \frac{200 \: km}{5} \times 9[/tex]

[tex]j = 40 \: km \times 9[/tex]

[tex]j = 360 \: km[/tex]

[tex]j = 360.000 \: m[/tex]


So, the distance between station A and station B is 360.000 m


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi mengenai kecepatan, skala, debit dapat dipelajari di link berikut:

Contoh soal serupa: mengenai jarak tempuh: mengenai waktu tempuh:



Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 5

Mapel: Matematika

Kategori: Kecepatan, skala, debit

Kode: 5.2.2

Kata kunci: Jarak, kecepatan, waktu

18. A high-speed train travels at a speed of 200 km/h. if the train sets off from station a st 1224 hours, and reaches station b at 1412 hours, find the distance between the two stations, giving your answer in metres


37600 km or 37600000 meters

sorry if i wrong

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

19. In the US, ____________ is measured in miles. distanceapproximatelylongspeed​


In the US, ____________ is measured in miles.


semoga membantu...

20. The height of two building is 34 m and 29 m respectively. If the distance between the two building is 12 m, find the distance between their tops.


13 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given :

Hight of first building is : AC = 34 m

Hight of Second building is : DE = 29 m

The distance between the two building is = 12 m

To find :

Distance between the tops of the building ,i.e., AE

Solution :



B |___\ E

C |_____| D

AB = 5 m, BC = 29m, & DE = 29m

BE = CD = 12 m

The distance between the tops of building be x m.

Using Pythagoras theorem


 AE² = AB² + BE²

=> x² = 5² + 12²

=> x² = 25 + 144

=> x = √169 = 13 m

So, the distance between the tops of building is 13 m✓

Sources of :

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