Sabtu, 24 Desember 2022

The Circles Are Congruent Which Conclusion Can You Draw

The Circles Are Congruent Which Conclusion Can You Draw

1. What is the part of speech of the words printed in bold in the object position? 2. What are the base forms of the words? 3. What are the parts of speech of the words before they are put in the object position? 4. What conclusion can you draw?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What is the part of speech of the words printed in bold in the object position? 2. What are the base forms of the words? 3. What are the parts of speech of the words before they are put in the object position? 4. What conclusion can you draw?​


1. apa bagian kata yg di cetak tebal

dalam posisi objek?

2.apa bentuk dasar dari kata katanya?

3.apa bagian dari pembicaraan kata kata sebelum mereka

apakah dimasukkan kedalam posisi objek?

4.apa yg dapat saudara simpulkan?

2. ShapeTask 6Answer the questions with your own words!Jawablah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan kata-katamu sendiri!SpeakingExample: A : "Can you draw a circle?"B: "Yes, I can draw a circle."Or"No, I can not draw a circle."A: "Can you draw a pyramid?"B: "No,A: "Can you draw a hexagon?"B: "Yes,A: "Can you draw a star?"B: "No,A: "Can you draw a sphere?"B: "Yes, ....A: "Can you draw a triangle?"B: "No, ......6. A : "Can you draw a cone?"B: "Yes, ......7. A : "Can you draw a semicircle?"B: "No, ....8. A : "Can you draw a pentagon?"B: "Yes,9. A : "Can you draw a diamond?"B: "No,10.A : "Can you draw a rectangle?"B: "Yes, ....​


"Can you draw a pyramid?"

B: "No, i Can not draw a pyramid

A: "Can you draw a hexagon?"

B: "Yes, i can draw a hexagon

A: "Can you draw a star?"

B: "No, i can not draw a star

A: "Can you draw a sphere?"

B: "Yes, i can draw a sphere

A: "Can you draw a triangle?"

B: "No, i can not draw a triangle

6. A : "Can you draw a cone?"

B: "Yes, i can draw a cone

7. A : "Can you draw a semicircle?"

B: "No, i can not draw a semicircle

8. A : "Can you draw a pentagon?"

B: "Yes, i can draw a pentagon

9. A : "Can you draw a diamond?"

B: "No, i can not draw a diamond

10.A : "Can you draw a rectangle?"

B: "Yes, i can draw a rectangle

3. these two quadrilateral are congruent

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then consecutive angles are supplementary. If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. If one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel and congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

4. Example:A What is the shape of the hat?B It is conicalA Can you draw a hat?B Yes, I can. / No, I can not(Bisa) (Tidak bisa)Irene What is the shape of the painting?:Joy : It is ......Irene Can you draw aJoy : (Bisa).Tom What is the shape of the glass?Dean : It is ...Tom Can you draw aDean : (Tidak Bisa)Josh What is the shape of the table?Erina : It isJosh Can you draw aErina : (Tidak Bisa)Arin What is the shape of the protactor?Dita : It isArin Can you draw aDita (Tidak Bisa)tolong dong soal nya bntr lg di kumpuk​


joy: it is squareirene: can you draw a square?joy: yes, I candean: it is tubetom: can you draw a tube? dean: no I can noterina: it is rectanglejosh: can you draw a rectangle?erina: no, I can notdita: it is circlearin: can you draw a circle?dita: no, I can not

CMIIW ya:)

5. Use your imagination and draw a scene, which you think is very important for the story

Gunakan imajinasi Anda dan menggambar pemandangan, yang Anda pikir sangat penting untuk cerita

6. The base and lateral faces of a pyramid are congruent. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply. The base of this pyramid is a square. This pyramid has three lateral faces. The lateral faces are equilateral triangles. This pyramid is a tetrahedron.


Terjemahanya Adalah

Wajah dasar dan lateral piramida kongruen. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini yang benar? Pilih semua yang berlaku. Basis piramida ini berbentuk bujur sangkar. Piramida ini memiliki tiga wajah lateral. Wajah lateral adalah segitiga sama sisi. Piramida ini adalah tetrahedron.


Selamat Belajar

7. irene can draw the painting...​


EN : Irene can draw the painting

Translation ID : Irene bisa melukis lukisan

8. tolong ke insec't body has three parts,so start by drawing three simple shapes.add small circles for the insecy has six legs.when you draw the legs,remember that the back legs are longer than the front ones.3.draw an antenna on their head and wings on their thorax

1. badan serangga memiliki tiga bagian, jadi mulai menggambar 3 bentuk sederhana. letakkan lingkaran kecil untuk matanya.
3. serangga memiliki 6 kaki. ketika kamu menggambar kakinya, ingat kalau kaki belakang lebih panjang daripada yang di depannya
3. gambarkan antena di atas kepala mereka dan sayap di atas .... mereka
thorax aku gak tau aku cari di kamus gak ada. tapi setidaknya aku bisa jawab:v

9. Can you draw a blackboard​


Bisakah Anda menggambar papan tulis

hoho nyimak ae lh biar sneng

10. what is the shape of the pyramid ,it is,,,,can you draw a pyramid?,yes,,,,

it is a triangle , yes,icanit is Pyramid
yes, I can

11. which is the instrument used to draw parallel lines fast​




Ruler ( Penggaris )

12. Which word draw your listensin to the advertisment 1and2​


kata mana yang menarik Anda mendengarkan adverstis 1and2

13. Draw a concept map/mind map of the materials in modules 1-9. You can draw it either manually or digitally. Then, please upload it in the form of an image in the reply section. Which part of the topics in this tutorial that: you are confident about, and you are not confident about? Write down if you have any questions related to the learning materials and post a comment to your friend(s)’ post if you know the answer as your contribution to the learning community.

Teks di atas adalah instruksi pengerjaan, bukan soal. Jadi di dalam instruksi tersebut kamu diminta untuk membuat gambar Mind Map (Peta Pikiran) yang isinya adalah materi pelajaran yang sudah kamu ikuti. Kamu bisa membuat gambar tersebut dengan cara manual (gambar tangan) atau secara digital (misalnya dengan menggunakan aplikasi Paint di Windows).


Kemudian instruksi selanjutnya kamu tuliskan:

Materi apa saja yang kamu yakin sudah menguasainya dan materi apa saja yang kamu belum yakin menguasainya. Tulislah bila kamu mempunyai pertanyaan mengenai materi tersebut dan berilah komentar untuk rekan-rekanmu.

Metode di atas sangat bagus kamu gunakan dalam mempelajari apa pun, karena kamu akan secara aktif mengikuti materi, berlatih dan menanyakan apa pun yang belum kamu kuasai. Dengan cara ini kamu akan lebih yakin dalam menguasai materi apa pun.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian budaya akademik

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

14. 3. What conclusion can you make about the substances that pass through thewall of the small intestine?​

substances that pass through the wall of the small intestine are passed by diffusion. Water-soluble nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and Fat soluble lipid compounds are absorbed into the lymp rather than the blood, then it will go to the next process

15. Draw 3 Prohibition Signs you can find in the school​

Don't get dirty.

Don't damage the plants at school

No electronics at school

Elementary school special

Hopefully help

16. complete this sentence based on the marks! (+) you can draw a picture in the canvas (-) .......... (?)..........


(-)you can not draw a picture in the canvas

(?) can you draw a picture in the canvas?

17. Irene : "What is the shape of the thing?"Joy: "It is ........Irene : "Can you draw aJoy : "(Bisa).....?"2Tom : "What is the shape of the thing?"Dean : "It isTom : "Can you draw aDean : "(Tidak Bisa)?"3Josh : "What is the shape of the thing?"Erina : "It isJosh : "Can you draw aErina : "(Tidak Bisa) .....?"4.Arin : "What is the shape of the thing?"Dita : "It isArin : "Can you draw aDita : "(Tidak Bisa).....5Sinta : "What is the shape of the thing?"Rudi : "It isSinta : "Can you draw aRudi : "(Tidak Bisa)​


1. irene:what is the shape of the thing?

joy: it is a square

irene: can you draw a square ?

joy: yes i can

2. tom: what is the shape of the thing?

dean: it is a tube ( tabung)

tom: can you draw a tube?

dean: no i can not

3. josh: what is the shape of the thing?

erina: it is a hexagon

josh: can you draw a hexagon?

erina: no i can not

4. arin: what is the shape of the thing?

dita: it is a semicircle (setengah lingkaran)

arin: can you draw a semicircle?

dita:no i can not

5. sinta: what is the shape of the thing ?

rudi : it is a triangle

sinta: can you draw a triangle ?

rudi: no i can not

18. can you draw a trapezoid​

semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa follow ya

19. Draw the symbol based on the following warning. A. you are not allowed to turn around

You are not allowed to turn around

20. Two circles with the center of O and Q, and the consecutive radius are 4 cm and 9 cm. Find the length of common external tangent of the circles.


gak tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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