Selasa, 06 Desember 2022

Unit 5 Relationships In Triangles Homework 3 Answer Key

Unit 5 Relationships In Triangles Homework 3 Answer Key

looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

Daftar Isi

1. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

2. 1. What is Sita? Answer: She is a 2. How is Sita's bedroom? Answer: It is .......... 3. Mention 3 activities that Sita can do in the bedroom! Answer: They are ........ 4. When does Sita do her homework? Answer: She does her homework in the 5. When does Sita usually make the bed? Answer: She usually makes the bed in the and .....​


1. student

2. not big, it's wall is blue, clean, and there are so many things in it.

3. listen to the radio, take a nap, play doll.

4. in the afternoon

5. in the morning


semoga membantu

3. 1. Does Andra always wake up early in the morning?Answer:2. Does Andra usually go to the bed at nine o clock in the night?Answer:3. When does Toni usually do his homework?Answer:4. When does Andra frequently do his homework?Answer: .....5. What does Toni do on the weekend?Answer:​


1. yes, he does

2. yes, he does

3. tony does his homework usually at 8 pm

4. at 8 pm

5. tony plays football on the weekend

(tapi semua jawabannya tergantung isi passagenya sih. kalo ada ceritanya, coba dibaca lagi ya kak) karna jawabannya tergantung isi dr passagenya atau ceritanya

4. MyAnswer:3. After doing homework, Yuda usually feeds the chAnswer:TV.​

Ini dek seharusnya ada cerita kalau gak ada ceritanya gimana ku kerjakan

5. can the followinh nouns be counted or not? Choose the correct answer. Milk, room, butter, song, music, minute, tea, child, homework, key. Mohon bantuannya


   milk → uncountable

   room → countable

   butter → uncountable

   song → countable

   music → uncountable

   minute → countable

   tea → uncountable

   child → countable

   homework → uncountable

   key → countable


6. please answer my homework

1. Asking advice : "Do you have any advice for my problem?"
Giving advice : "I think you should..."

2. Asking opinion : "What do you think about..."
Giving opinion : "In my opinion..."

3. Accepting advice, opinion, recommendation : "Thank you. I'll try it.", "You're right. Thank you."

itu aja dulu ya

7. if you...your money in a bank it wouldn't be gone answer key is wrong ​


Put artinya mengambil


maaf jika salah

8. Social relationships in middle and late adolescence !


From high school to college, adolescents mature faster socially, and new lessons are learned especially on how their social interactions affirm their self-identity, increase their self-esteem, and develop their capacity to nurture relationships

9. If you... Your money in a bank, it wouldn't be gone -answer key is wrong

if you put your mony in a bank

10. Questions: 1. Who are involved in the dialogue 1? Answer: 2. When does the dialogue 1 probably occur? Answer: 3. What is Lintang doing? Answer: 4. Did Gino have finished his English homework? Answer: 5. What is Indra looking for? Answer:​


1. Who are involved in the dialogue 1?

Answer: Arimbi and the Teacher

2. When does the dialogue 1 probably occur?

Answer: The dialogue 1 probably occurs in the morning

3. What is Lintang doing?

Answer: Lintang is doing her homework

4. Did Gino have finished his English homework?

Answer: Gino has not finished his English homework

5. What is Indra looking for?

Answer:​ Indra is looking for some books for his homework

note: Tolong lain kali apabila ingin bertanya sertakan juga soalnya, agar memudahkan penjawabnya, terima kasih. semoga membantu

11. 11. How many triangles are there in the figure below?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sisi depan 8 sisi belakang 8 = 8+8=16

12. We've done this math problem at leastten times, but our answer is wrongaccording to the answer key. The answerin the book wrong.​



semoga membantu



semoga membantu ,maaf kalau salah

13. Tika Radit Tika : What do you do at 07.30 in the evening? : I do homework. What about you? : I watch television at 07.30 in the evening. 1. What does Radit do at 07.30 in the evening? Answer: dehomework 2. Who watches television at 07.30 in the evening? Answer: Tika... 3. What does the underlined sentence imply? HOTS Answer: 4. What does the bold word in the dialogue refer to? Answer: 5. What is the Indonesian of 'do homework'? Answer:​


1. dehomework

2. Tika


14. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

15. please help answer my homework

2. How many
3. How much
4. How much
5. How many1. how many
2. how much
3. how many
4. how much
5. how many

How many – Countable Noun / Plural Noun 

How much – Uncountable Noun / Singular Noun

16. 1.grammar2.key words from the unit3.reading and vocabulary​




17. A pattern has 5 blue triangles to every 80 yellow triangles. What is the ratio of blue Inangles to all triangles?

All triangles = 5 + 80 = 85

The ratio of blue : all triangles
= 5 : 85

Divide each by 5
= 1 : 17

18. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

19. Questions:1. Who are involved in the dialogue 1?Answer:2 When does the dialogue 1 probably occur?Answer:3 What is Lintang doing?Answer:4 Did gino have finished his english homework?Answer:5 What is indra looking for? Answer:Tolong jawab ​



1. Siapa yang terlibat dalam dialog 1?


2 Kapan dialog 1 mungkin terjadi?


3 Apa yang dilakukan Lintang?


4 Apakah gino telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah bahasa Inggrisnya?


5 Apa yang dicari indra?


Tolong jawab # cuman bisa mengartikan

20. Find length x in the right-angled triangles to 3s.f

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \sqrt{ {17}^{2} - {11}^{2} }\\ = \sqrt{289 -121 } \\ = \sqrt{168} [/tex]

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