Jumat, 09 Desember 2022

Why Shouldn t You Let A Doctor Worksheet Answer Key

Why Shouldn t You Let A Doctor Worksheet Answer Key

Why did you become a doctor? Answer : I became a doctor because.......

Daftar Isi

1. Why did you become a doctor? Answer : I became a doctor because.......



mengapa aku datang ke dokter karena....


because... iam sick

karena aku sakit..


semoga membantu ya!...

2. why we shouldn ' t remove the toast using metal tongs​


mengapa kita tidak harus menghapus roti panggang menggunakan penjepit logam


ini udah aku terjemahkan

semoga membantu ^_^

3. You were expelled from school. You ... on that exam. (A) shouldn‟t cheat (B) shouldn‟t have cheated (C) mustn‟t cheat (D) mustn‟t have cheated

B. Shouldn't have cheated
semoga membantu yaB. shouldn"t have cheated

semoga bisa membantu
#mahkotanya dong

4. You shouldn t have to go through this alone.


You shouldn t have to go through this alone.


Anda tidak harus melalui ini sendirian.



You shouldn t have to go through this alone = Kamu tidak harus melalui ini sendirian

maaf kalo salah :v

5. when you get to meet and know someone for the first time,you shouldn t ask their​


religion, personal life, age, phone number


age, because it is someone's privacy and can be offensive

artinya: usia, karena itu adalah privasi seseorang dan bisa menyinggung


maaf jika salah

jadikan jawaban terbaik

6. Negative form of "l should see the doctor is A. Shouldn' t l see the doctor b. The doctor should see by me C. l should' t see the doctor D. The doctor should' t see by me ​



Semoga membantu. Semangat terus belajarnya dan salam sehat! Jadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa!

7. Answer a job that being describe in the question below (Jawablah dengan jenis pekerjaan yang tepat sesuai dengan pertanyaanya) 1. Who can repair your sink? Answer : A __________________. 2. Who can work on ship? Answer : A__________________. 3. Who can fix your car? Answer : A__________________. 4. Who do you go to when you are sick? Answer : I go to a____________. 5. Who can fly an airplane? Answer : A_________________. 6. Who can teach you English? Answer : A________________. Now explain your reason why you want that job (Jelaskan alasanmu kenapa kamu menginginkan jenis pekerjaan tersebut) 7. Why did you become an engineer? Answer : I became an engineer because_____________________________________. 8. Why did you become a lawyer? Answer : I became a lawyer because_______________________________________. 9. Why did you become a doctor? Answer : I became a doctor because_______________________________________. 10. Why did you become an astronaut? Answer : I became an astronnaut because___________________________________. Tolong tulis dibuku tulis dan pakai soal nanti saya kasih terimakasih sama di kasih bintang lima Kalau di jawab doang gak di buku gak papa tapi tolong di buku tulis yaa



1. Who can repair your sink?

Answer: A plumber

2. Who can work on ship?

Answer: A captain

3. Who can fix your car?

Answer: A mechanic

4. Who do you go to when you are sick?

Answer: I go to Hospital to see a Doctor

5. Who can fly an airplane?

Answer: A pilot

6. Who can teach you English?

Answer: English teacher

7. Why did you become an engineer?

Answer : I became an engineer because being an engineer have the biggest impact in the world like making the solution about global warming, create machine and others.

8. Why did you become a lawyer?

Answer : I became a lawyer because i like to deal with a lot of people, and  have the ability to help others  

9. Why did you become a doctor?

Answer : I became a doctor because I like to help people, want to have the ability to build a meaningful relationship with the patient dan love problem-solving.

10. Why did you become an astronaut?

Answer : I became an astronaut because I have interested in space


8. 1. Who can repair your sink?Answer : A __________________.2. Who can work on ship?Answer : A__________________.3. Who can fix your car?Answer : A__________________.4. Who do you go to when you are sick?Answer : I go to a____________.5. Who can fly an airplane?Answer : A_________________.6. Who can teach you English?Answer : A________________.Now explain your reason why you want that job7. Why did you become an engineer?Answer : I became an engineer because_____________________________________.8. Why did you become a lawyer?Answer : I became a lawyer because_______________________________________.9. Why did you become a doctor?Answer : I became a doctor because_______________________________________.10. Why did you become an astronaut?Answer : I became an astronnaut because______​

Here are the answer for each number above:

A PlumberA SailorA MechanicA DoctorA PilotAnyone but ideally an English teacherI became an engineer because I'm so into the way how a machine worksbecause lawyer is profitable and can be rich when you have a celebrity client dealing with their divorce case.because my family is all doctors, they push me and expect me to follow their footsteps.because I fancy the astronomy and would like to explore the outer space to reveal what's beyond our universe.


The questions above are mainly about occupation and jobs, which is fairly easy and straightforward for number 1-6 and can be opinion-based for the rest of the numbers. Not everyone has the ideal same reason for having or picking certain profession. The two examples from number 8 and 9 are based on the real ones, that people chose that job mainly because of the money (lawyer is not always about crime. Such profession tends to be rather pragmatic and looking for any ways to win the case no matter who the clients are. In fact, being the divorce lawyer for celebrity is more promising. ) or the family background/ pressure.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang jobs




Detil Jawaban:

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: English

Bab: jobs



9. Soal Latihan Job and OccupationAnswer a job that being describe in the question belowWho can repair your sink?Answer : A __________________.Who can work on ship?Answer : A__________________.Who can fix your car?Answer : A__________________.Who do you go to when you are sick?Answer : I go to a____________.Who can fly an airplane?Answer : A_________________.Who can teach you English?Answer : A________________.Now explain your reason why you want that jobWhy did you become an engineer?Answer : I became an engineer because_____________________________________.Why did you become a lawyer?Answer : I became a lawyer because_______________________________________.Why did you become a doctor?Answer : I became a doctor because_______________________________________.Why did you become an astronaut?Answer : I became an astronnaut because___________________________________.​


Who can repair your sink?Answer : A ___plumber_______________.

Who can work on ship?Answer : A___salior____


di atas jawabanya maaf kalok salah

10. According te the dialog why shouldn t' we chat while cycling​


arti:Menurut dialognya kenapa kita tidak ngobrol sambil bersepeda


semoga membantu

11. what shouldn ,t he conssume​


apa yang tidak boleh dia konsumsi

12. Man : Why do you look so pale and weak ? Women : I have a painful stomachache Man : You should go to the doctor. Let i’ll a company you What does the man express ? the man express

Man: Mengapa Anda terlihat begitu pucat dan lemah?
Wanita: Aku punya sakit perut yang menyakitkan
Man: Anda harus pergi ke dokter. Biarkan saya akan perusahaan Anda
Apa yang pria itu mengungkapkan? pria express

13. 1. Have you got a cough?Answer:2 Did you see a doctor when you got a cough?Answer:3. What did the doctor do to you? Did He Examine You?Answer :4. What did he give to your mother? Did he give you a prescription?Answer:5. Where Did Your Mother Buy The Medicines?Answer:​


1. i got


3.yes he is

4.yes he is

5.my mother may buy the medicines

14. 1. why did you become an engineer?Answer: I became an engineer because...2. why did you become a lawyer?Answer: I became a lawyer because...3. why you becone a doctor?Answer: I became a doctor because...4. why did you became an astronnautAnswer: I became an astronnaut because...Jawabnya jangan ngasal yak kalo ngasal aku report​


1.because I thought it would be a lot of fun! Engineering is the field that solves the most impactful of our problems in the world

2.because they want the chance to help make the world a better place. ... Lawyers have a chance to further the public good and have an impact on the way the world runs

3.Medical doctors have a significant degree of autonomy over their schedules and time. Medical doctors know that they get to help people solve problems

4.Because a what to go explore outer space


Maaf Kalo Salah :)


jawaban terlampir.......

15. Doctor:.....? patient: my stomach aches Doctor: let me see a.what can you do for me b.what's wrong with you c.why dont you take a rest d.why dont you see the doctor.

b. what's wrong with youB. Whats wrong with you?

16. you are a doctor a.are you b.aren,t you c.don't you d.do you​


b. aren't you

Maaf kalo salah Kalo benar jadikan yang terbaik yah

A. are you

Are you a doctor?

17. ason why you want that jo7. Why did you become an engineer?Answer: I became an engineer because8. Why did you become a lawyer?Answer: I became a lawyer because9. Why did you become doctor?Answer: I became a doctor because10. Why did you become an astronaut?Answer: I became an astronnaut becau​

ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ7 - I became an engineer because I want to build my own hotel

Answer8 - I became a lawyer because I want to protect my own opinion

Answer9 - I became a doctor because I want to help people to still alive

Answer10 - I became an astronout because I want to studying other planets



18. tambhkan a/ an / thewe shouldn 't use ......... pesticides!​


we shouldn't use the pesticides!


we shouldn't use an pesticides


Karna object (pesticid*es) lebih dari satu

19. Just because it u psets me doesn t mean i don t want to know or that you shouldn t tell me.


Hanya karena itu membuatku kesal bukan berarti aku tidak ingin tahu atau seharusnya kamu tidak boleh memberitahuku/mengatakan kepadaku.


just: hanya

because: karena

it: itu

upsets: membuat

me: aku

doesn't: bukan

mean: berarti, maksud,

don't: tidak

want: ingin

to know: tahu,(tau)

or: atau

that: itu

or that: itu

you: kamu

shouldn't: seharusnya tidak

tell: mengatakan, memberitahu

me: aku


semoga membantu

20. Howard hughes medical institute cells of the immune system student worksheet answer key !


Answer key


A key answer is an answer that is key. That is, it's the most important of several possible answers to a question.

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