Rabu, 25 Januari 2023

Is Lapices Masculine Or Feminine

Is Lapices Masculine Or Feminine

pengertian Masculine and feminine culture

Daftar Isi

1. pengertian Masculine and feminine culture

-Masculine negara yang terkenal dengan masyarakat yang bisa disebut memiliki Budaya Feminin.
-Feminine Culture pada masyarakat yang senang bersosialisai dan juga memiliki hubungan antarpribadi yang baik dengan masing-masing individu.

2. Jika masculine ny master maka feminine nya adalah

Bentuk Masculine: Mister (Mr.)

Bentuk Feminine: Miss (Ms.)

Semoga membantu. Jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya!



As a title…it can be ambiguous. Mistress is always feminine, but Master can be either, such as a “Master of Ceremonies”, who is usually male, but may sometimes be female.

3. Gimana sih cara membedakan Feminine Masculine dan Neuter dalam bahasa jerman ?

dari kata sandang di depan kata kerja,der untuk jenis mannlich(jantan), die untuk weiblich(betina/feminim) dan sachlich untuk netral

feminime (die, eine), biasanya kata2 yg artikelnya feminime, akhir katanya modelnya sprit -ei, t, ung, heit/keit, schaft

masculine (der), akhir katanya modelnya sprit-  ling, er

netural (das) akhir kata modelnya sprit chen (das hahnchen), lein (das fraulein)

4. 25. What is the feminine of"jack"? *O jannyO jonnyjenny​



Semangat ♡,


5. Draw lines to pair up the Masculine and Feminine Gender of the animal speciestolong dikerjakan ya<3kalo udah Terima kasih ya:D​

dog - bitch
boar - sow
drake - duck
bull - cow
drone - bee
gander - goose

sorry if i’m wrong

In Grammar-Nouns, there are FOUR GENDERS.

1. Masculine gender:

A noun is said to be in the Masculine gender if it refers to a male character or member of a species.

Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender.


• A boy is playing in the play-ground.

• Hero of the movie is not a native of this country.

In these sentences the words “boy" and “hero" are masculine-gender nouns.

The next in the Noun-Gender is feminine gender.

2. Feminine gender:

A noun is said to be in the feminine gender if it refers to a female member of a species.

Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use.


• A girl is playing in the play-ground.

• Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country.

In these sentences the words “girl" and “heroine" are feminine-gender nouns.

The next in the Noun-Gender is common gender.

3. Common gender:

A noun is said to be in Common gender if it refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female.

Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member,

parliamentarian and leader are few of the common-gender nouns.


• A child is playing in the play-ground.

• A Parliamentarian should have command over his language.

In these sentences the words, “child" and “parliamentarian" are nouns of common gender.

The next in the Noun-Gender is neuter gender.

4. Neuter gender:

A noun is said to be in the neuter gender if it refers to a member of a species which is neither a male nor a female.

Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are in neuter nouns.

Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school,

paper, pencil and computer are few of the neuter nouns which We use regularly.


• Computer has brought about drastic changes in our lives.

• Tree is cleansing the air.

• Stars are not visible in the day-time.

• Books are our best friends.

In these sentences the words, “computer", “tree", “stars" and “books" are the neuter-gender nouns.

7. peter.. apilot (+ rachel and pamela are feminine (-) (?) (-) that is n' taplane. (+) (?) (? am larogant? (+) (-)

1. (-) rachel and pamela are not feminine
(?) are rach and pamel fminine ?
2. (+) that is a plane
(?) is that a plane ?
3. (+) i am arrogant
(-) i am not arrogant(-) rachel and pamela aren't feminine
(?) are they feminine?

(+) that is a plane
(?) is that a plane?

(+) i am arrogant
(-) i am not arrogant

8. what is feminine gender ????​


bahasa Inggris nya↓

what is feminine gender????

bahasa Indonesia nya↓

apa itu jenis kelamin????

bahasa Inggris nya↓

gender is a living creature of different,

different types namely male and female which are referred to as genders.

bahasa Indonesia nya↓

jenis kelamin itu adalah mahluk hidup yg berbeda jenis yaitu laki²dan perempuan yg disebut sebagai jenis kelamin.

maaf jika salah

semoga membantu ya

9. Bagaimana cara membedakan mascullin dan feminine ??

kalo mascullin itu 'jantan' kalo femine 'betina' gt sihhh. tp kalo untuk nentuin bendanya yg harus nentuin yg mna harus pake 'un' atau 'une' harus dicari di kamus atau dihapal

10. choisis les mots entre parentheses masculine ou feminine.1.paul est (beau/belle) et (grand /grande tolong dibantu

Paul est belle et grand. (Maaf kalau salah ^-^)

11. Berilah pendapatmu tentang Men should look masculine

Based on my view over the conception on Men should look masculine, I highly dissagree with the given statement. My principle here is that people preferences are variable and erratic so masculine for A might differ for B , therefore there isnt any clear boundaries towards what masculine looks like. Furthermore by giving such statement , it incentivies people to indulge on transformation to look masculine based on others mockery , which by all means impede their own thoughts and hinder their self esteem.

12. masculine 5 kata gender

father - mother
son - daughter
uncle - aunt
grandfather - grandmother
husband - wife
male - female
man - woman

13. change the masculine gender into the feminine and make necessary changes in pronounstolong jawab dengan cepat besok di kumpulin sebelumnya terima kasih sudah mau jawab

the girl dropped her purse without her knowledge

the old woman forget to get ticket

women do hard work and they earn money for the family

as the teacher was ill, she could not take her class

the picture is popular because of the hero and her friends

the queen attended the party with her aunty

the maid-servant swept the room

14. 9. . . . sweep the floor?a. Do she c. Does Rina and Renob. Do Tiwi and Mika d. Are they10. I . . . here to wait you!a. Am c. Dob. Don’t d. Doesn’t11. Emperor is masculine gender, the feminine is . . .a. Aunt c. Daughterb. Queen d. Empress12. Hen is feminine gender, the masculine is . . .a. Tiger c. Foxb. Rooster d. Boar13. Below are the masculine genders, except . . .a. Princess c. Brotherb. Tiger d. King14. The hunters . . . the . . . in the forest.a. Shoots;deers c. Shoot;deersb. Shoot;deer d. Shoots;deer15. The secretary always . . . the letter for the human resources.a. Type c. Typesb. Typed d. Is typing16. “My father is a doctor at Sovian Hospital”. Based on the sentence, which word that include of proper noun . . .a. Sovian Hospital c. Fatherb. Doctor d. Hospitaljawab pliss nanti like 5 bintang ga bohong kok​


9. B

10. A

11. D

12. B

13. A

14. D

15. C

16. A


15. contoh masculine and feminime noun​







16. lebih masculine zodiak fire sign atau air sign?​


zodiak air sign lah Ada Di Chrome Kok

17. Kata lawan lord untuk feminine

lawan kata dari lord (raja) adalah : queen (ratu)

18. Negara yg menganut budaya feminism Dan masculine




karena menganut kebudayaan tersebut

19. Kewarganegaraan dalam bahasa Perancis feminin dan masculine

feminim : citoyenneté
masculine : Citoyennetéiseini bahasa prancis kewarganegaraan adalah citoyenneté

20. Apa dalam bahasa Perancis 'the' untuk merujuk kepada masculine ​



the' untuk merujuk kepada masculine

Lalu, apa bedanya he dan she? He adalah kata ganti untuk subjek yang bergender maskulin atau laki-laki.

bahasa Francis

le' pour désigner le masculin

artinya bahasa Perancis nya

Alors, quelle est la différence entre lui et elle ? Il est un pronom pour les sujets de genre masculin ou masculin



Dalam bahasa Perancis 'the' tidak selalu merujuk kepada masculine, karena the (tungga) dalam bahasa Prancis ada dua yaitu "Le" dan "La".


Dalam bahasa Prancis, setiap kata benda memiliki gender. Gender dalam bahasa Prancis ada dua yaitu masculin dan féminine. Dalam suatu kalimat, untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu benda sudah didefinisikan dengan jelas atau belum, kita bisa menggunakan article (artikel). Dalam bahasa Prancis ada enam artikel yang umumnya digunakan (Le, La, Les, Un, Une, Des).



Keterangan article défini maskulin bahasa Prancis :

⇒ Article Le digunakan untuk menyatakan objek tunggal maskulin yang sudah bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.

⇒ Article Les digunakan untuk menyatakan objek jamak / plural maskulin yang sudah bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.

Keterangan article défini feminin bahasa Prancis :

⇒ Article La digunakan untuk menyatakan objek tunggal feminin yang sudah bisa didefinisakan dengan jelas.

⇒ Article Les digunakan untuk menyatakan objek jamak / plural feminin yang sudah bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.



Keterangan article indéfini maskulin bahasa Prancis :

⇒ Article Un digunakan untuk menyatakan objek tunggal maskulin yang sudah belum bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.

⇒ Article Des digunakan untuk menyatakan objek jamak / plural maskulin yang belum bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.

Keterangan article indéfini feminin bahasa Prancis :

⇒ Article Une digunakan untuk menyatakan objek tunggal feminin yang belum bisa didefinisakan dengan jelas.

⇒ Article Des digunakan untuk menyatakan objek jamak / plural feminin yang belum bisa didefinisikan dengan jelas.

Pelajari lebih lanjutArticle contracté I https://brainly.co.id/tugas/38034648Article défini, indéfini I https://brainly.co.id/tugas/45641410Salutations au revoir I https://brainly.co.id/tugas/26144437

Detail jawaban

Kelas : 10

Level : Dasar (A1)

Mapel : Bahasa Prancis

Materi : Les articles en Français

Kode kategorisasi : 10.17

Kata kunci : Article "the" bahasa Prancis.

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