Kamis, 26 Januari 2023

Match Each Sentence To The Correct Literary Device

Match Each Sentence To The Correct Literary Device

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence​

Daftar Isi

1. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence​

Without -s





(Multiple person name | Group)

With -s




(A person's name)

Thence, we can find the answer using the "table" above:

She always helps ....I jump over ....My mother listens ....Zack laughs at my jokes ....The chef bakes ....I walk around ....She answers ....Celine lives ....The dog barks ....

For the number ten, answer it yourself. Please, do not be lazy.

2. listen carefully to write each sentence in the correct column!​

dengarkan baik baik untuk menulis setiap kalimat di kolom yang benar!

3. 3. match the two halves of each sentence​


1 - C

2 - F

3 - A

4 - B

5 - E

6 - D

maaf kalau salah

4. Match the sentence endings ini the box with the first half of each sentence below

1. If you ask for a discount the sales person will give you extra promotion. (f.)
2. The pavement will be slippery if it rains. (i.)
3. If you organize a fantastic during your holiday, it will be the one you're dreaming. (h.)
4. If you take an umbrella with you, you wont get wet on your trip. (b.)
5. The front desk clerk wont offer you a special price if you don't ask. (c.)
6. If you use a map, you wont get lost. (j.)
7. You will make your parents happy if you sent them postcards along your holiday trip. (a.)
8. If you go to bed earlier, you will be able to see the sunrise tomorrow morning. (d.)
9. You will have to buy another ticket if you are late for your flight. (e.)
10. She will cook something delicious for you if you come to her house. (g.)

5. Choose the correct verb for each 'indirect sentence',The students aren't listening to me.'The teacher said the students.....to her.


weren't listening


dalam kalimat indirect speech, kalimat present continuous diubah menjadi past continuous

Semoga membantu

6. Maksud dri Match each phrase with the correct store


Match each phrase with the correct store =

Cocokan setiap frasa dengan toko yang benar


Maksudnya kamu disuruh mencocokan frasa dengan toko yang benar

7. match the picture the correct sentencepls tolong besok di kumpulinnn​



2.Playing Voliball





7.Playing Football

8.Blow out the candles on the birthday cake






8. What is the correct form of verb thatmatch to the sentence below ? "Doesyour cat.... the meat in the kitchen?"​




sudah Ada does maka verb 1 Tanpa s/es/ies

the meat: makanan

9. Circle the verb that completes each sentence. Then, rewrite each sentence with the correct irregular verb.​

past tense adalah kalimat yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. kata kerja yang digunakan yaitu kata kerja kedua (verb 2)

jawab :

1. marty blewout the candles lastnight

(marty meniup lilin semalam)

blow = verb 1

blew = verb 2

2. the teacher spoketo me yesterday before school

(guru berbicara kepadaku kemarin sebelum sekolah)

speak = verb 1

spoke = verb 2

3. oops, i brokethe flower vase

(ups, aku menghancurkan vas bunganya)

break = verb 1

broke = verb 2

4. we tookthe bus to school lastweek

(kami naik bus ke sekolah minggu kemarin?

take = verb 1

took = verb 2

5. the police dog cameinto my classroom today

(anjyng polisi memasuki ke kelasku hari ini)

come = verb 1

came = verb 2

6. lastnight,we gavemoney to the homeless shelter

(semalam, kami memberi uang ke penampungan tuna wisma)

give = verb 1

gave = verb 2

7. a big yellow bird flewover my head

(burung kuning besar terbang di atas kepalaku)

fly = verb 1

flew = verb 2

10. Circle the correct answer for each sentence​

1.b.have to

2.a.have to enter

3.b.does your sister have to/ doesn't

4.c.have to show it

5.b.do i have to clean

6.c.have to practice

7.a.had to go

8.a.must stop

sorry kalo semisalnta ada yang salah B)


1. B

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

Sorry if the answers are wrong/Maaf kalau jawabanya salah

11. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. ​

1.Can i have a glass of water please(tidak pakai a didepan kata water)

2ive travelled to more than ten countries(tidak pakai kata “already”)

3.we have been living here for 3 years
(simple present progressive)

4. i went to a party last night
(harus pakai verb 2 karena simple past bukan past perfect)

5.this is my bicycle i have been owning this for 2 years (diubah karena kalimat yang tidak baku maka diubah menjadi simple present progressive)

6.it’s important to eat a lots of fruit if you want to be healthy (ditambahkan s di kata “lot” dan menghilangkan the sebelum kata “fruit”)

semoga membantu

12. choose the correct form of the noun in each sentence

1. children
2. men, woman
3. Babies
4. Potatoes
5. watches
6. memo
7. mice
8. buses

13. Q. Connect the correct dots to match the each image with its noun.Personplace thing. Student Pond​




yes is student but i am

14. fill in the blanks with the correct profession to complete each sentence! 1. ..........................designs clothes and accessories.

menurut saya designerJawabannya Designer.

15. work in pairs.read the proverbs and match each proverb with the correct meaning​


1. B

2. E

3. D

4. C

5. J

6. F

7. A

8. I

9. H

10. J

16. match the sentences to the correct clause! ​


this is the answer if wrong idk

17. match the words to the correct definitions. write the letter​


1. C

2. F

3. A

4. E

5. H

6. B

7. G

8. D


Based on cambridge dictionary :

1. Acceptance means general agreement that something is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group

2. Degree means a course of study at a college or university, or the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies

3. Promotion means the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank

4. Rensposibility means something that it is your job or duty to deal with

5. Challenge means (the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's ability

6. Innovative means using new methods or ideas

7. Strategy means a detailed plan for achieving success in situations such as war, politics, business, industry, or sport, or the skill of planning for such situations

8. Task means a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty

18. match left part of each sentence with the right part!

Cocokkan bagian kiri dari setiap kalimat dengan bagian kanannya!

19. match the sentence with the correct answer below No 1-16

1. g
2. l
3. b
4. a
5. f
6. p
7. j
8. m
9. e
10. k
11. n
12. i
13. o
14. d
15. h
16. c

















20. circle the correct auxiliary modal verb in each sentence

1. must
2. must
3. have to
4. must
5. must
6. has to
7. has to
8. must
9. must
10. have to

*maaf kalau salah

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