Rabu, 25 Januari 2023

What Is The Remainder Of The Synthetic Division Problem Below

What Is The Remainder Of The Synthetic Division Problem Below

what is the division of 30?

1. what is the division of 30?

1,2,3,5,6,30 that is the answer

2. what is the main problem of the story?


Where's the story?


Dimana soal ceritanya?




penjelsanya aku

3. what is the main problem of the story?

apakah masalah utama dari cerita

4. what is the area of the rectangle shown below? ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The area= luas yaa

okee berarti sangat gampang kpk!

Luas persegi panjang= lebar x panjang

maka panjang= 5 3/4 =23/4 cm dan lebar=3 cm

L= pxl

= 23/4 x 3


=17 1/4 cm atau 17,25 cm

5. 1. what what is the topic of the dialogue2. what what is the problem that found in the dialogue3. what m i g h t be the solution of the problem..​

1. Ria can't open the documents.

2. Ria's can't open the documents and her laptop still working very slowly.

3. For the first problem Bobby give suggestions to press the 'escape' button first and wait for a while. If it doesn't work, you must press the 'control', 'alt', and 'delete' together to close the applications. For the second problem Bobby give suggestion to re-install the software (maybe).

semoga membantu: )

6. What is the theme of the song below ? *​



That hero song below Humanity

Semoga membantu ^-^

7. what is the long division of 794/4​


berapakah pembagian panjang 794/4?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

794÷4: 198.5

make answer me in the best , oky

folliw me

8. What is the adjective of the words below? *


apa kata sifat dari kata-kata di bawah ini

sorry if it's wrong

hopefully this is useful for all of us

artinya:maaf ya kalo salahsemoga bermanfaat buat kita semua

9. 1. What is global warming?2. Is it severe problem?why?3. What kind of text is given above?4. What is the goal of the text?5. Analyze the exposition belowbased on the structure of the text!​


1. What is global warming?

Global warming is a process of increasing the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and land

(Pemanasan global adalah suatu proses meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan daratan Bumi)

2. Is it severe problem?why?


1. the climate is starting to become unstable

2. sea level rise

3. global temperature tends to increase

4. ecological disturbance

5. ecosystem shift


1. iklim mulai tidak stabil

2. peningkatan permukaan laut

3. suhu global cenderung meningkat

4. gangguan ekologis

5.pergeseran ekosistem)

3. What kind of texs is given above?

question text

(teks pertanyaan)

4. What is the goal of the text?

to ask something

(untuk menanyakan sesuatu)

5. Analyze the exposition below

based on the structure of the text!

Global Warming is a condition where the earth's temperature is getting hotter. This global warming causes various adverse effects, such as depletion of ozone so that ultraviolet rays can directly enter the earth, rising sea levels due to melting of polar ice caps.

(Pemanasan Global merupakan keadaan dimana suhu bumi semakin panas. Pemanasan global ini mengakibatkan berbagai dampak buruk, seperti menipisnya ozon sehingga sinar ultraviolet dapat langsung masuk ke bumi, naiknya permukaan air laut karena mencairnya es di kutub)

Maaf kak kalo yang no 5 salah soalnya saya kurang paham ^ω^

#Semoga membantu

#Maaf kalo salah

10. 1. What is the purpose of the textbelow?​


1. apa tujuan dari tex di bawah ini?

11. What is the problem (complication)of the text cinderella​


huh gimana?


kalau bikin pertanyaan yang jelas dikit napa

12. what is the problem of the komala story


What is the problem of the komala story?

(Masalah apa yang terdapat dalam cerita Komala?)


13. what is the problem of the story Rapunzel ?

because rapunzel have long hair

14. Jawaban dari what is the main problem of the story'


where's the story?


1. take a photo of the story

2. publish it on brainly

15. What is the advantage of reading the label below? *


Apa keuntungan membaca label di bawah ini? *


klo ga salah ya

16. What is the story about? What did the early problem the main participant have? How did the main participant solve the problem? What is the moral value of the story? What is the purpose of the text above?

1. The story above tells that proud of the lion can be beaten by shrewdness of the rabbit.
2. The early problem happened because the lion always bully and frighten the rabbit.
3. Finally the rabbit found great idea to make the lion conscious to his false.
4. The moral value is proud can be overcome by smart thinking.
5. The story teaches us that we do not allow having proud of our smart and over strength.

17. 1.What is kinds of the text ?2.What is the problem discussed in the text?3.Mention all the arguments used to prove the problem in the text!4.What is reiteration of the text?​


1. Argumentation text

2. The dangerous of smoking

3. - because a smoker inhales a substance which contains 43 carcinogenic compounds

- a smoker also inhales 400 other toxins including nicotine and tar

- people who don't smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking

4. Smoking is very dangerous for our health


semoga membantu

18. 1. What is the tittle of the text below?​


Itu aslinya ada Bacaannya


Karena Pertanyaan itu menanyakan judulnya


"apa judul teks dibawah ini"

Seharusnya pertanyaan nya itu menyediakan teks

19. What is the purpose of the form below ?​


D. towithdrawmoneyintheaccount.

maaf kalo salah

20. What is the main problem of the story of malin kundang

Indo:maling kundang anak durhaka
English: maling kundang is a brat (ass hole) or mean to his motherHe (Mk) doesnt want to acknowledge his own mother

Si Malin Kundang ini ga mau ngakuin ibu kandungnya sendiri

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