Selasa, 14 Februari 2023

2 Times The Difference Of X And 3

2 Times The Difference Of X And 3

the difference of positive number A and B is 324.A is 3 times of B.Find the value of A.

1. the difference of positive number A and B is 324.A is 3 times of B.Find the value of A.

a = 3b... (2)
(2) substitute to (1)
b= 162

if b = 162 then the value of a = 3 x 162
a = 486

2. find the sum of 3/10 and the difference bettwen 3 1/2 and 1 3/5.​


[tex] \frac{3}{10} + (3 \frac{1}{2} - 1 \frac{3}{5} ) = \frac{3}{10} + (2 + \frac{3}{2} - 1 \frac{3 }{5} )[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{3}{10} + (2 - 1 + \frac{15}{10} - \frac{6}{10}) = \frac{3}{10} + 1 \frac{9}{10} [/tex]

[tex] = 1 \frac{12}{10} = 2 \frac{2}{10} = 2 \frac{1}{5} [/tex]

3. the difference of "wish" and "hope"??

Kalo wish itu mengharapkan sesuatu yang tidak nyata or just a dream.. Kalo hope itu mengharapkan sesuatu yang nyata atau yang benar2 ada di kehidupan sehari-hariwish itu artinya seperti menginginkan kalau hope berharap atau mengimpikan sesuatu

4. what is the difference of alif and hamzah​

the shape......... and how to pronounce

5. the difference between x and y

x dan y bila digunakan dalam konteks yang sama, keduanya mewakili jenis yang berbeda.

Sebagai contoh, dalam kelas terdapat x siswa laki-laki dan y siswa perempuan. x dan y sama-sama berada dalam konteks kelas, namun mereka mewakili jenis yang berbeda.

6. What's the difference and weaknesses of Universal and Particular

apa perbedaan dan kelemahan dari umum dan khusus

7. what is the difference of 1st and 1​


1st itu kayak urutan atau di bilang ordinal number


1: cardinal number is a whole number, for example 1, 2, 3 that shows quantity

1 st:ordinal number is a number that shows the order or position of something in a series: ‘First’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ are ordinals”.


Maaf kalo salah yaa

8. Find the difference of 2/5 and 1/4​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2/5 = 8/20

1/4 = 5/20

jadi, 2/5 > 1/4

9. achmad has 60 kg weight. that is 10 kg more weight than ashya. the weight difference between ahhsan and achmad is 2 times the weight difference between ahsan and ashya. so the weight of ahsan is ... kg

Achmad = 60 kg
Ahsya=60-10=50 kg
Achmad-Ahsan=2 ( Ahsya - Ahsan )
60 - A = 2 ( 50 - A )
60 - A = 100 -2A
60 -100=-2A + A
-40= -A

so the weight of Ahsan is 40 kg

10. What is the difference of "sympathy" and "attention" ?

sympathy itu menyatakan perasaan.
tapi kalau
attention itu cuma perhatian untuk disimak

11. What is the difference of supposed And proposed​

Supposed sifatnya mengharuskan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu yg disarankan.

Proposed lebih seperti mengusulkan.

Maaf kl kurang tepat

12. please explain 3 kinds of comparison and explain the difference​


tolong jelaskan 3 macam perbandingan dan jelaskan perbedaannya


perbandingan apa sama perbadaan apa ? nanti aku jawab


There are three levels of comparison for adjectives and adverbs in English, namely:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

The positive degree is used to express something at a level state:


I am as happy as my parents.

The comparative degree is formed by adding the suffix "-er" and adding more ... than ... if the adjective consists of more than one syllable.


Tony is younger than i am.  

I think Book A is more interesting than Book B.

Superlative degree is formed by adding the suffix "-est" or the word "the most" if the adjective consists of more than 2 syllables and has a meaning as the most so that it cannot be compared anymore.


I am the youngest person in my family.

Last night my brother told me the most interesting story that i have ever heard


Rumus Degrees of Comparison:

Terdapat tiga tingkat perbandingan untuk kata sifat dan kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

Positive degree digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu dalam keadaan selevel:

Contoh : I am as happy as my parents. (Aku sebahagia kedua orang tuaku)

Comparative degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-er" dan menambahkan more ... than jika kata sifatnya terdiri lebih dari satu suku kata.

Contoh : Tony is younger than i am. (Tony lebih muda dariku)

I think Book A is more interesting than Book B. (Menurutku buku A lebih menarik daripada buku B)

Superlative degree dengan menambahkan akhiran "-est" the most jika kata sifat terdiri lebih dari 2 suku kata dan memiliki arti sebagai yang paling sehingga tidak bisa dibandingkan lagi.

Contoh : I am the youngest person in my family. (Aku adalah orang termuda / yang paling muda di dalam keluargaku)

Last night my brother told me the most interesting story that I have ever heard. (Tadi malam, saudara laki lakiku menceriterakan cerita yang paling menarik yang pernah aku dengar)

Semoga membantu ya.

13. What is the difference of too and enough?

too is more like same
and enough is like stop or already fulltoo diikuti dg adjective.
contoh : we are too tired to do this games.

enough diikuti dg noun.
contoh : i had enough money to buy this bag.

14. What is the difference of procedure text of Recipe and Manual ?


The answer in the photo



Please make the best answer ^^

15. the difference of 675 and 325 is

675 - 325 = 350

16. What is the difference of "too" and "enough"

biasanya dipakai sebagai keterangan
seperti "too bad" = terlalu buruk
tapi bisa juga "me too!" = saya juga! (kembali lagi fungsinya sebagai keterangan)

dipakai sebagai keterangan, bisa juga pernyataan
seperti "i have enough courage" = aku punya cukup keberanian (pernyataan)
atau "i have some evidence for this, which is enough" = aku punya beberapa bukti untuk ini, yang akan menjadi cukup (keterangan)

17. 'What is the difference of"sympathy" and "attention"?

simpati: Kasihan tapi tdk ada interaksi
Perhatian : Kasih sayang trhdp org lain

18. What is the difference of colander and sieve?

Colanders have fewer holes and are made of sturdy materials like stainless steel or silicone; meanwhile, the surface of a sieve is typically mesh, so it’s lighter and more delicate. In fact, sometimes the mesh can be so fine that you’ll need to press the material you’re straining through it with a spatula.

Aside from that, it really comes down to stability. Colanders usually have handles on both sides of the top of the bowl and a footed base. You can set a colander down on the counter or in the sink and walk away without worrying it’ll topple over, scattering your just-rinsed grapes everywhere.

Sieves, on the other hand, usually have just one handle and no base. You’ll need to hold onto a sieve while you use it, usually over a sink or a pot. Some sieves are even designed with small helper handles that latch onto the top of a larger pot or bowl, so you can rest the sieve over the thing you’re straining into.

So when do I use a colander instead of a sieve?

Reach for a colander when you’re washing produce or straining cooked food, like pasta or potatoes. Grab a sieve for more delicate tasks like rinsing raw grains of rice, straining little egg bits out of a custard or pouring a tisane.

19. what is the difference of a and an ?..​


a: biasanya diawali huruf konsonan

maap taunya itu doang


What is the difference of a and an?

*A used on letters that sound consonants.

*Example: Avanza is A car.


Because the noun starts from the letter C, it is the letter A before the noun.

*An used on letters that sound vocal.

Example: Bees are AN insects.


Because the noun starts from the letter I, it is the letter AN before the noun.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

20. What is the difference of smartphone and telephone?


Smartphone refers to phone that can perform tasks like running apps, daily reminders, browse the internet, and more. While telephone refers to a phone that can only perform calls.


Smartphone = iPhone, android

Telephone = Nokia 3310

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