Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023

Poem About Lies In A Relationship

Poem About Lies In A Relationship

Write a shape poem about a butterfly In english

1. Write a shape poem about a butterfly In english


Butterflies are one of the most beautiful animals to look at. Butterflies themselves have various types and various colors that adorn their wings.

No wonder this animal has become one of the icons of beauty for women

Penjelasan: jadikan jawaban terbaik

2. 1 . what do you think the poem is about ?in my opinion the poem is about is a house​


Its About Home Because You can see the Title

3. the best person to talk about your relationship is the person youre in a relationship with love

Orang terbaik untuk membicarakan tentang hubunganmu adalah orang yang juga memiliki hubungan cinta denganmu.

4. How Make a question about poem in simple present tense include imperative, positive and negative sentence.

Bagaimana Membuat pertanyaan tentang puisi dalam bentuk present present yang sederhana termasuk kalimat imperatif, positif, dan negatif.

5. About poem An Education 1.what is the message given by the writer in his poem? 2.what is your opinion about the poem above?? Tolong saya ya kk

Tentang puisi An Education
1.apa pesan yang diberikan oleh penulis dalam puisinya?
2.apa pendapat Anda tentang puisi di atas ?

6. About poem an education

Tentang puisi sebuah pelajaran
{semoga bisa membantu ,maaf kalau salah ^_^}tentang puisi pendidikan

7. write a poem about family!(two verses)

A Tribute To The Family 
I don't know when it started,
Or how it all began.
But God created families,
As only our Lord can.
He was teaching what it means,
To love, honor, and obey.
He wanted a strong bond,
That we don't see too much today.
He wanted someone to hold us,
And show respect for others.
He wanted someone who'd be gentle,
And so he created mothers.
He wanted someone strong,
A support filled with love.
And so he created fathers,
Sent from heaven up above.
Brothers and sisters came next,
With that, an instant friend.
Someone to look up to,
Someone on who to depend.
When he put them all together,
He was amazed at what he'd done.
He had created a family,
Mother, father, daughter, son.
But look at the family,
Created by only two.
How many we've become,
And all because of you.
We have a lot to be thankful for,
The memories through the years.
The many times together,
Full of laughter, full of tears.
I don't know where we'd be today,
If it weren't for the two of you.
To show us strength, support, and love,
Like only the two of you can do.

8. make a poem about the image below.





9. a poem about his village artinya ?

puisi tentang desa cowokpuisi itu tentang desanya
itu artinya

10. make a poem about ur favorite things​


buat lah puisi dari hal yg kamu suka



                                            Favorite Things

I love watching the penguins at the zoo.

I love the giraffes and the zebras too.

I love the sights and sounds of a carousel.

I love the distinctive toll of the Big Ben bell.

There are many shows I love on TV,

Like Doctor Who, Merlin, Coast and Glee.

I love eating out in Wetherspoons pubs.

I love eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream tubs.

I love to eat a slice of gooey chocolate cake.

I love to drink a thick, frothy milkshake.

I love the bassoon's deep resonant tone.

In summer, I love to eat an ice cream cone.

I love walking by the Thames on a sunny day.

I love cooked breakfasts when I go away.

I love watching swans swimming, gliding past.

I love floating bubbles - it's a shame they don't last!

I love hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and cream.

I love Edinburgh at festival time - have you been?

I love to go and see a theatre show.

I love the sight of freshly fallen snow.

I love seeing seals in their natural habitat.

I love to befriend and pet a cute cat.

I love to sing with a huge choir on the stage

And read a book which is compelling page after page.

I love lasagne and garlic bread.

I love the snuggly warmth of my bed.

I love to listen to music when I'm feeling low.

I love the moon and stars, which in the sky glow.

I love pastel colours of every hue -

Baby pink, lilac, lemon and powder blue

11. Write a shape poem about a butterflyin english




Terjemahlan aj itu jawaban nya



What a beautiful color you are

Flying among the flowers

Looking for honey

Sometimes I see you swinging

On the stalks and leaves

Or chase with your friends


How happy I am to see you

Can I have beautiful wings

Like your wings

Artinya :


Alangkah elok warnamu

Terbang di antara bunga-bunga

Mencari madu

Kadang kulihat engkau berayun

Di tangkai dan daun-daun

Atau berkejaran bersama kawanmu


Alangkah senang aku melihatmu

Dapatkah aku memiliki sayap indah

Seperti sayapmu

$emoga membantu :>

12. Create your own poem about friendship in English! (At least five sentences)​

(To All My Friends )

That I could be this human at this time
breathing, looking, seeing, smelling

That I could be this moment at this time
resting, calmly moving, feeling

That I could be this excellence at this time
sudden, changed, peaceful, & woke

To all my friends who have been with me in weakness
when water falls rush down my two sides

To all my friends who have felt me in anguish
when this earthen back breaks between the crack of two blades

To all my friends who have held me in rage
when fire tears through swallows behind tight grins

I know you
I see you
I hear you

Although the world is silent around you

I know you
I see you
I hear you

13. in a situation busy and lazy to discuss about the romance relationship​


oh yeah............................

14. poem about bestfriend pls

I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive,
I could be in a car crash, and still be alive.
The clouds could fall out of the sky, 
The oceans could disappear, and all turn dry.

These things in life are all bad I know, 
but there's far worse things, 
just thought you should know. 

Life would not be the same without someone like you,
You're there when I need you to help me through.
Through the good times and through the bad,
Be them happy, or be them sad.

I don't have to be with you, to know you're there,
We don't have to see each other, to know that we care.
We could be apart for years upon end,
and still remain the best of friends.

Life goes on, and people change,
And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same.
That's such as a life, and how things come to be.
Just thought you should know,
HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME.this is half made by me.. .-.v

When days are gloomy
And the sun doesn’t shine
You always find a way
To make everything feel bright
When my heart feels heavy
And the sadness too much to bear
You somehow find away
To always be right thereWhen troubles and tough times
Find their way to my door
You’re always there to greet them
And so much more
When hope and faith
Suddenly pay off
And happy days have finally come
You’re always there cheering along
No matter the situation
I sometimes find myself in
You’re there for me
You feel my happiness and sorrow, too
And I’m more blessed everyday
To have a friend in you

15. Make a poem about fear in your life4 stanza4 linesPlease help :(​

I lived on dread; to those who know

The stimulus there is

In danger, other impetus

Is numb and vital-less.

As 't were a spur upon the soul,

A fear will urge it where

To go without the spectre's aid

Were challenging despair

16. Write a poem about family! (Two verses)

Dear Family, it'a a best place to me happy, rest, and dreaming...
I don't know about But I fell Super thare It's said superman gate nothing on me when I thare...
Yes My Family my Hero

17. pls make a poem about offline school pls​



always on the screen


I miss playing with my friend

I miss visiting our teacher

I hope that this end so I can go back see my friend

All this will be pass and fine

if we take care our self and other people

18. write a poem about family! (two verses)

menulis ...,........ tentang keluarga

19. what do you think about relationship in junior high school? express in a paragraph

as a student, we dont have to think about it. We just have to learn, and then we gone a be a successful person. Because if we have some relationship in under age, it will obeying our brain. So we just have to study and follow your dream.i think that's clearly unnecessary to have a relationship in junior high school because, in that age, teenagers have to find their identity. if they do that thing, mostly they will fail at the end. for the example: a student (girl) has a relationship with a boy, so it will be distracting the focus to study. and then they fail to get a perfect score ini their exams, because they prefer to think about the relationship

20. make a poem about coronavirus​

we are distant

we are together

and together

we shall overcome

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