Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023

Volume Of Cylinders Cones And Spheres Worksheet Answers

Volume Of Cylinders Cones And Spheres Worksheet Answers

If height of two cones are in the ratio 1:4 and radii of their bales are in ratio 4:1 ,then the ra tio of their volume is

Daftar Isi

1. If height of two cones are in the ratio 1:4 and radii of their bales are in ratio 4:1 ,then the ra tio of their volume is

volume of cone = ⅓ π r² t

volume of cone A = ⅓ π 4² 1
volume of cone A = 16/3 π

volume of cone B = ⅓ π 1² 4
volume of cone B = 4/3 π

so the ratio of cone A's volume to cone B's volume

[tex] \frac{ \frac{16}{3}\pi }{ \frac{4}{3} \pi} = \frac{16}{3} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{4}{1} [/tex]
4 : 1

2. Reading comprehension about direction and preposition of place worksheet


When were you born?

Where were you grew up?

When was the first summer olympic

What street do you live?

Semoga maaf salah

3. list some examples of plants that produce cones and spores(ga boleh fern sama moss) ​pelajaran science


list some examples of plants that produce cones and spores


daftar beberapa contoh tumbuhan yang menghasilkan kerucut dan spora

tu artinya

4. much di gunakan untuk menangkan harga sesuatu barangexample: 2kg of sugar rp. 35.000 answers: much 2kg of sugar many di gunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah sesuatu barangexample: 1 ons of onion answers: how many of onion 1. 5 a loaf biead rp. 75.000 answers: 2. 12 bowl of noodleanswers: 3. 23 box of chacle rp. 185.000 answers: 4. 8 slice of meat answers: 5. 2 cup of cliem rp. 23.000 answers: bntu jwb ya tmn² online​​


2 box of cliem Rp.50.000

5. Three identical cones each have a radius of 50 and a height of 120. The cones are placed so that their circular bases are touching each other. A sphere is placed so that it rests in the space created by the three cones, as shown. If the top of the sphere is level with the tops of the cones, then the radius of the sphere is closest to…a. 38,9b. 38,5c. 38,7d. 38,3e. 38,1​



ga bisa basa engres

6. ice cream - eat - three - cones - of - you. tolong di susun​


Ice cream - eat - three - cones - of - you.


You eat three cones of ice cream


Dari soal acak tersebut terdiri dari subject (You) Verb 1 (eat) maka gunakan Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es) + O

= you + eat + three cones of ice cream

(Kamu makan 3 ice cream)

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Present Tense

Kode Mapel: 5

7. Answers the questions below! Make the examples of cause and effect by using Because


what happens because of littering?


sorry if wrong


Q:mom can i give elsa a cookie?

A:sure honey^^


Q:dad can i have a teddy plz?

A:sure sweetheart^^


Q:mom can i buy that action figure?

A:no honey!its to expensive:)


Q;can i give kotaro chocolate plz?

A:sure baby:)


Q:can i have that toy plzO-O

A:no honey,you already say you are not gonna buy anything


Q:can i give my bestfriend a bag?

A;yes sweetheart


Q;can ou plz buy it for me daddy?

A:uh..sorry sweetheart i can't


Q:can you give me that candy plz?

A:no!you are already eat that yesterday


Q:can i buy that for miya?

A:sure honey^^


Q:can i buy that for nathan's party?

-sorry honey,you cant buuy that


maaf kalau salah:)

saya bikinnya lama ini jadi toloong di kasih jawban terbaik:)

9. SQUARES cones cubes​

Squares = Kotak

Cubes = Kubus

NB : Maaf Kalau Kurang Dan Salah

square = kotak
cone = kerucut
cube = kubus
oval = lonjong / bulat telur
circle = lingkaran
cylinder = tabung
triangle = segitiga
rectangle = persegi panjang



ga bisa bahasa Inggris;(




"Lembar Kerja Yang Meminta dan Memberi Pendapat".

11. Make 5 questions and all of the answers is SURABAYA!


1. Where do you live with your parents?


2. if you wan't to get a perfect vacation where's your destination?


3. where's place that you born?


4. what is your favorite indonesian's city?


5. instead of bandung, what your favorite java's island city?



1. Where do you live? Surabaya.

2. What is your favorite holiday destination? Surabaya.

3. Where do you come from? Surabaya.

4. Where does Rujak Cingur come from? Surabaya.

5. Where is Heroes Monument located? Surabaya.

12. Two concave spherical mirrors are parts of two spheres of diameter 1:3,what is the ratio of their focal length

Karena nilai diameter juga senilai dengan panjang fokus, maka rasio panjang fokus kedua cermin tersebut masih sama yaitu 1:3

13. Write an example of area and perimeter of composite figures on a circle worksheet!


artinya tulis contoh luas dan keliling angka komposit pada lembar kerja lingkaran


( itu arti soalnya) maafkan aku jika jawabanku salah

14. much di gunakan untuk menangkan harga sesuatu barang example: 2kg of sugar rp. 35.000 answers: much 2kg of sugar many di gunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah sesuatu barang example: 1 ons of onion answers: how many of onion 1. 5 a loaf biead rp. 75.000 answers: 2. 12 bowl of noodle answers: 3. 23 box of chacle rp. 185.000 answers: 4. 8 slice of meat answers: 5. 2 cup of cliem rp. 23.000 answers: bntu jwb ya tmn² online​


1. 5 a loaf *bread rp. 75.000

answers: How much 5 a loaf bread?

2. 12 bowl of noodle

answers: How many bowl of noodle?

3. 23 box of chacle rp. 185.000

answers: How much 23 box of chacle?

4. 8 slice of meat

answers: How many slice of meat?

5. 2 cup of cliem rp. 23.000

answers: How much 2 cup of cliem?

Cuma ini yang saya tahu.

Terima kasih kembali.

15. please make a table of questions and answers about your father job or professions​

please make a table of questions and answers your father's job or profession!

16. Write down the difference of veins and venous vessels?answers? ​

jawaban: veins adalah pembuluh darah sedangkan venous vessels adalah jenis pembuluh darah yang mengembalikan darah terdeoksigenasi dari organ Anda kembali ke jantung Anda.

maaf jika salah :D


there's virtually no difference outside of lexical concerns. a vein is a blood vessel. a venous vessel is a vein


artinya sama aja paling beda penyebutan

17. buat masing masing kalimat mnggunakan adver of time worksheet adverbs​

The company issues its financial report monthly


Monthly will explain the frequency of activities. It can be used as adverbial of time..

18. Bagaimana bentuk pasif dari Most of motor cycles which have 4 cylinders usually take more gasoline than the 2 cylinders one. 

more gasoline is usually taken by most of motor cycles which have 4 cylinders than the 2 cylinders one

19. past tense exercise worksheet and

1. I …………………… a strange dream last A. night.
B. have
C. had
2. The people …………………….. at the
A. bull thief.
B. yelled
C. have yelled
D. had yelled
3. The young man …………………. his own life to save the life of his friend.
A. was risking
B. risked
C. had risked
4. I myself …………………… this.
A. see
B. had seen
C. saw
5. He …………………. gently to the child.
A. spoke
B. had spoken
C. have spoken
6. The children …………………. their best.
A. tried
B. were trying
C. try
7. The two men ………………….. ready to
leave on their pilgrimage.
A. are
B. were
C. had been
8. He ………………… at the entrance hesitantly.
A. stand
B. stood
C. had stood
9. Their families ……………….. them to prepare for the journey.
A. were helping
B. helped
C. had helped
10. Kabir ………………… the value of devotion and humility.
A. teaching
B. taught
C. had caught
11. The children …………………. and ………………….
A. were singing, dancing
B. sang, danced
C. had sung, danced
12. She ………………………… a letter to her grandmother.
A. wrote
B. had written
C. have written

1. I had a strange dream last night.

2. The people yelled at the bull thief.

3. The young man risked his own life to save the life of his friend.

4. I myself saw this.

5. He spoke gently to the child.

6. The children tried their best.

7. The two men were ready to leave on their pilgrimage.

8. He stood at the entrance hesitantly.

9. Their families helped them to prepare for the journey.

10. Kabir taught the value of devotion and humility.

11. The children sang and danced.

12. She wrote a letter to her grandmother.

20. The volumes of two similar cones are 36pi cm and 288 cm. The base radius of the smaller cone is 3cm. Calculate the base radius of the larger cone.

English Version,
Lets calculate where the smallest cone that can be known from thair volume.
For 36π cm² = 113.04 cm²
So, can be proved that the smaller cone is from 36π cm²
By reinput the cone volume formula, get: (With r = 3)
[tex]36\pi =\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2t \\ 36=\frac{1}{3}r^2 t \\ 108=r^2t \\ 108=(3)^2t \\ 108=9t \\ t=108:9 \\ t=12$ cm[/tex]
With the information:
The second volume:
[tex]288=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2 t \\ 288=\frac{1}{3}\times\pi\times r\times 12 \\ 288=4\pi r^2 \\ 72=\pi r^2 \\ r^2=\frac{72}{\pi} \\\\ r=\sqrt{\frac{72}{\pi}}\approx 4,789$ cm$[/tex]

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