Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023

Why Did The Farmer s Daughter Watch The Lazy Cows

Why Did The Farmer s Daughter Watch The Lazy Cows

why did the farmer become rich​

Daftar Isi

1. why did the farmer become rich​


Because the farmer workhard

sorry if im wrong, ok?

2. why did the man stop being lazy

kenapa lelaki menjadi berhenti malas?mengapa pria ini menjadi malas

3. 10. The farmer has already milked the cows. (-) (?)

(-) The farmer hasn't milk the cows
(?) Has the farmer already milk the cows?(-) The farmer hasn't milked the cows
(?) Has the farmer already milked the cows ?

4. what did the poor farmer owe the rich man?

apa yang telah dihutangkan oleh si petani miskin dari si orang kaya?

5. Why did the tiger think that the farmer was also an animal

animal has meat, humans have meat. tiger has no logic so it eats anything that has red and juicy meat

6. Why did the farmer bring food and honey to the nake` lair?.


It is not clear why the farmer brought food and honey to the nake lair. This situation does not make sense and may be the result of a mistake or misunderstanding. It is not common for farmers to bring food and honey to a nake lair, as nakes are generally not known to eat these things and it would not be safe for a farmer to approach a nake lair. It is important to remember that nakes are wild animals and should not be approached or handled without proper training and safety precautions.

7. Please make the negative and interrogative sentence. * The farmer sold his cows last week.

negatif= he was not sold his cows last week
introgative= was he sold his cows last week?simple past tense :
(+) The farmer sold his cows last week.
(-) The farmer didn't sell his cows last week.
(?) Did the farmer sell his cows last week?

8. why would the farmer cut down the apple tree

mengapa petani memotong/menebang pohon apelKenapa petani akan memotong pohon apel itu?

9. mant eggs did the hen give the farmer every day2.what did the farmer do with the eggs 3.what did the farmer think about the hen 4. what did the farmer do with the hen 5.what did he find inside the hen tolong bantu jawabbb!! ​

1. one egg everyday

2. He sold the eggs and got much money

3. he thought that there must be manny eggs inside the hen

4. he caught the hen and killed it

5. he did not find any eggs inside

10. did- the man- visit - ? - why - daughter- his - earliertolong urutkan ke yang benar kak​


Why did the man visit his daughter earlier?

11. what did the farmer dicober​


apa yang ditemukan petani


12. 21. What did the old man gave? 22. Where does the story take place?23. Why did the old man become to the farmer?24. Why the farmer almost surprise? 25. What is the main problem in the story? ​


21. Santiago and Manolin reminisce about the many years the two of them fished together, and the boy begs the old man to let him provide fresh bait fish for him. The old man accepts the gift with humility. Santiago announces his plans to go “far out” in the sea the following day.

22. West Java

23. The text is about The goose and The golden egg He sold the egg for a lot of money He took it home. The Farmer became a rich man because he sold the eggs 


1. poor farmer verry arrogant after he found golden egg

2. lazy, arrogant, spendthrift

3.old man and grey beard

4. I don't know the answer because i don't know where the underline on the text

25. Bapak berburu bintang lagi 

13. A. Answer the following questions! 1. Find out the main ideas of each paragraph? 2. What did the old man gave? 3. Where does the story take place? 4. Why did the old man become to the farmer? 5. How did he speak when he passed the farmer? 6. Why the farmer almost surprise? 7. Why the farmer lost his patient? 8. What is the main problem in the story? 9. Write down the list of chronological on the story! 10. Explain about the resolution in the end of the story?


A.Jawablah berikut ini


1. Temukan gagasan utama dari

setiap paragraf?

2. Apa yang dilakukan orang tua itu

telah memberi?

3. Di mana ceritanya diambil


4. Mengapa orang tua itu

menjadi petani?

5. Bagaimana dia berbicara ketika dia

melewati petani?

6. Mengapa petani hampir


7. Mengapa petani kehilangan miliknya


8. Apa masalah utamanya

dalam cerita?

9. Tuliskan daftarnya

kronologis ceritanya!

10. Jelaskan tentang

resolusi di akhir



Lihat di foto ya kak semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

14. how did the farmer finally catch the mouse deer?

Mr. Farmer pushed him with his foot. Mouse Deer didn't move. He pulled Mouse Deer’s leg out of the snare. Then he tossed Mouse Deer back into the forest. 

15. with whom did the farmer plough the field?


buffalo of course that was the answer

16. what did the farmer almost


I don't know


soalnya nggak lengkap

17. Where did the farmer Life​


in (rice field)


ada di sawah kak

bhs Inggrisnya sawah (rice field) kak

18. 1.find out the main ideas of each paragraph? 2.what did the old man gave? 3.where does the story take place? 4.why did the old man become to the farmer? did he speak when he passed the farmer? tolong bantu jawab​

The text is about The goose and The golden egg

He sold the egg for a lot of money

He took it home.

The Farmer became a rich man because he sold the eggs

Don't be greedy


1. What is the story about? (Ceritanya tentang apa?)

➡️ The text is about The goose and The golden egg


Teks itu tentang Angsa dan Telur Emas

Karena teks menceritakan angsa yang menelurkan telur emas

2. What is the Main Idea of the second paragraph? (Apa Ide Utama dari paragraf kedua?)

➡️ He sold the egg for a lot of money


Ide utama biasanya ada di awal kalimat yang akan dijelaskan di kalimat selanjutnya

Dan dalam paragraf kedua, ide utamanya adalah si peternak itu menjual telur untuk mendapatkan banyak uang

3. What did the Farmer do after he found the egg in the nest? (Apa yang si Peternak lakukan setelah menemukan telur di sarangnya?)

➡️ he took it home.


setelah dia menemukan telur di sarangnya, awalnya dia akan membuangnya karena dia pikir seseorang sedang mempermainkannya. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, dia membawanya pulang.

Hal ini terdapat dalam paragraf pertama.

4. What Made The Farmer become a rich man? (Apa yang Membuat Peternak itu Menjadi Orang Kaya?)

➡️ The Farmer became a rich man because he sold the eggs.


Setiap pagi angsa bertelur lagi, dan petani itu segera menjadi kaya dengan menjual telurnya

Hal ini Berdasarkan paragraf kedua

5. What can we learn from the story about? (Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari cerita itu?)

➡️ Don't be greedy


Yang dapat kita pelajari dari bacaan tersebut adalah untuk tidak jadi serakah.

Karena dalam teks di atas si peternak jadi serakah, akibat dari keserakahannya dia kehilangan angsanya sebab angsa mengetahui niat buruk si peternak.

19. 1. Where did an old widow and her daughter want to go ?2. Where was the market ?3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? 4. How did the daughter look like ? 5. Why did the old widow prayed to the God ?​


1. The old widow and her daughter wants to go to the market

2. Location of the market was really a long way from their house, They had to walked miles away

3. the old widow and her daughter wants to go to the market , actually her daughter refused to accompany her mother, but sinally she agreed in one condition

4. Her dress was dirty and ugly

5. she pray for what her feel about her daughter and wanted to give her a punishment  


Life is difficult when you always look at ur upper class lol

20. A. Answer the following questions! 1. Find out the main ideas of each paragraph? 2. What did the old man gave? 3. Where does the story take place? 4. Why did the old man become to the farmer? 5. How did he speak when he passed the farmer? 6. Why the farmer almost surprise? 7. Why the farmer lost his patient? 8. What is the main problem in the story? 9. Write down the list of chronological on the story! 10. Explain about the resolution in the end of the story?​


A.Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!

1. Temukan gagasan utama setiap paragraf? 2. Apa yang diberikan orang tua itu?

3. Di mana cerita itu terjadi?

4. Mengapa orang tua itu menjadi petani?

5. Bagaimana



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