Selasa, 07 Maret 2023

A Car Slows Down From 23 M/s To Rest

A Car Slows Down From 23 M/s To Rest

A car slows down from 16 m/s to 4 m/s in 6 s. What is the retardation of the car?

Daftar Isi

1. A car slows down from 16 m/s to 4 m/s in 6 s. What is the retardation of the car?


-2 m/s²


a = 4-16

= -12 m/s

t = 6s

Retardation = -12/6 = -2 m/s²

2. A car slows sown uniformly from a speed of 18.00m/s to rest in 5.00s how for did it travel in that time?​


• Gerak lurus


Vo = 18 m/s

Vt = 0

t = 5 s

S = ___?

S = ½ (Vo + Vt) t

S = ½ × (18 + 0) × 5

S = 45 m ✔️

3. A car slow down from +32 m/s to +8 m/s in 4 s. The Acceleration is


- 6 m/s^2 ( minus indicates that the movement is slowed down )


is Known :

v0 = 32 m/s

vt = 8 m/s

t = 4s

Ask : a?

Answer :

vt = v0 + at

8 = 32 + a(4)

-24 = 4a

a = - 6 m/s^2 ( minus indicates that the movement is slowed down )

4. 1. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly for8.0 s. It reaches a final speed of 16 m s-1a What is the acceleration of the car?b What is the average velocity of the car?c Calculate the distance travelled by the car.​


A. What Is The Acceleration of the car


Maaf Kalau Salah

5. Push a car across a frictionless surface,you apply a 40N force for a period of 4 seconds.the car goes from rest to velocity of 5m/s. What is the mass of car?

Calculate the acceleration

Vf = Vi + a.t

5 = 0 + a.4

4a = 5

a = 5/4 = 1,25 m/s²

Find the mass

F = m.a

m = F/a = 40/1,25

m = 32 kg

6. A mass of car 1750 kg starts from rest and moves along straight road with a constant acceleration, reaching a speed of 20 m/s after 5 second. The resultant force acting on the car during the first 5 seconds is..... 1750 N a.​


The resultant force acting on the car during the first 5 seconds can be calculated using the equation for force, which is Force = Mass x Acceleration.

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the equation for acceleration, which is Acceleration = Change in velocity / Time.

Change in velocity = Final velocity - Initial velocity = 20 m/s - 0 m/s = 20 m/s

Time = 5 seconds

So, acceleration = 20 m/s / 5 seconds = 4 m/s^2

Force = Mass x Acceleration = 1750 kg x 4 m/s^2 = 7000 N.

Therefore, the resultant force acting on the car during the first 5 seconds is 7000 N.


7. The velocity of a car in a straight line changes from 12 m/s to 2 m/s in 10 s. What is its deceleration, assuming that it is decelerating uniformly? ​


the deceleration = - (Vt - Vo) /t

= - (2 - 12)/10

= -(-10) /10

= 10/10

= 1m/s²

8. The predominant frequency of a certain police car’s siren is 1879 Hz when at rest. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. What frequency do you detect if you move with a speed of 39.7 m/s. (a) toward the car and (b) away from the car.?


Use dopler effect formula.

9. I....take a taxi because my car broke down. a.have to b.must c.had to d.musn't​


a. i have to / b. must


sorry im kinda confuse, coba tanya yg lainnya. ak sendiri jg agak lupa penggunaan katanya. tp kemungkinan besarnya yg ak tebelin ya :)


a.have to


cek lainnya kalau ragu

10. A car goes from A 20 seconds earlier than a bus does. If the velocity of the car is 5 m/s and the velocity of the bus is 10 m/s. When will the bus catch up the car?


Bus tersebut akan menyusul mobil setelah bergerak selama 20 detik.


Untuk menyelesaikan soal diatas dapat digunakan persamaan  gerak lurus

mobil bergerak 20 s lebih awal sehingga


agar bus menyusul mobil maka jarak keduanya sama sehingga

[tex]S_m=S_b\\v_mt_m=v_bt_b\\5(20+t_b)=10t_b\\20+t_b=2t_b\\t_b=20\; s[/tex]

maka bus akan menyusul setelah 20 detik bergerak

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi gerak lurus pada


11. How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2 m/s²2​


Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan sebuah mobil untuk berakselerasi dari 15,2 m/s menjadi 23,5 m/s jika mobil tersebut memiliki percepatan rata-rata 3,2 m/s²2.

12. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that is passed down from one generation to the rest The blood of people with haemophia does not clot normally. How is this disorder passed down from the parents to the child?A.The cytoplasm that contains genes for haemophas passed down fromthe parents to the child.B.The chromosomes that contain genes for haemophia are passed downfrom the parents to the child.C.The vacuoles that contain genes for haemoph a are passed down fromthe parents to the child.D.The cell membrane that contains genes for haemophia is passed downfrom the parents to the child.tolong di bantu ya ​


B.The chromosomes that contain genes for haemophia are passed down

from the parents to the child.


Because haemophia are passed down from X chromosomes from a mom to her Son

13. a car acceleration from rest with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s^2 onto a highway where traffict is moving at a steady 24 m/s. (a). How long will it take for the car to reach a velocity of 24 m/s?(b). How far will it travel in that time ?(c). the driver does not want tje vehicle behind to come closer than 20 m nor force it to slow down. how large a break in traffic must the driver wait for?

Diket :
kecepatan away, Vo = 0
percepatan kontsan, a = 2 m/s²
kecepatan akhir, V = 24 m/s

Tanya :
A. Waktu tempuh saat V = 24 m/s, t = ___ ?
B. Jarak tempuh, s = __?
C. besar lama kemacetan pada jarak 20 m, t = __?

Jawab :
A. Gunakan GLBB Tanpa jarak,
V = Vo + a.t
24 = 0 + 2.t
24 = 2.t
t = 12 detik

B. Gunakan GLBB :,
S = Vo.t + 1/2.a.t²
S = 0 + 1/2. 2. 12²
S = 144 m

C. Gunakan GLBB Tanpa perlambatan, saat jarak, s = 20 m
s = (Vo + V)/2. t
20 = (0 + 24)/2. t
20 = 12.t
t = 20/12
t = 5/3 detik


14. write down your daily activity from down to the afternoon from them until afternoon​

Jawaban: Arti dari kata itu *Tuliskan aktivitas harian Anda mulai dari siang hingga sore hari

Penjelasan:jadi maksud soalnya kamu buat apa saja yang kamu lakukan dari siang hingga sore hari

semoga membantu:)

15. if a bus travelling at 20 m/s is subject to a steady deceleration of 5 m/s2, how long will it take to come to rest?

Gerak Lurus

⇒ GLBB , perlambatan

Diket :

vo = 20 m/s

vt = 0 (berhenti)

a = -5 m/s² (diperlambat)

Ditanya : t ?

Jawab :

vt = vo + at

0 = 20 + (-5)t

-20 = -5t

t = 4 s

16. a ball in a straight line slows down from 8m/s to 2m/s in 10 seconds, what is the acceleration?

diket : vo = 8 m/s
vt = 2 m/s
t = 10 s
dit : a = ...?
a = delta v/ delta t
= vt - vo / t
= 2 - 8 / 10
= -6 / 10
= - 0,6
yang artinya (-) berarti diperlambat
maaf klo salah

17. draw a speed–time graph to show the following motion. a car accelerates uniformly from rest for 5 s. th en it travels at a steady speed of 6 m/s for 5 s.mohon jawabannya besok mau dikumpul


Hai terimakasih atas pertanyaannya jadi kamu ini disuruh gambar grafik kecepatan-waktu untuk menunjukkan gerakan berikut. mobil berakselerasi secara seragam dari istirahat 5 detik. saat melaju dengan kecepatan tetap 6 m / s selama 5 detik.


sekian dan terimakasih ☺️

Semoga membantu (◠‿◕)(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

18. A lever is used to lift a car weighing 10000 N. The pivot is 0.3 m from the car. How much force is needed to lift the car if the force applied is 2.5m from the pivot?


1200 N



1200 N


W x Lb = F x Lk

10.000 x 0,3 = F x 2,5

F = 3000/2,5

F = 1200 N

19. Joey is going to stop her car from an initial speed of 28 m/s in 7 s. Calculate the deceleration of the car.


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Initial velocity ( Vo) = 28m/s

period (t) = 7s

Final Velocity (Vt) = 0 m/s


Vt = Vo + a.t

0 = 28 + 7a

-28 = 7a

a = -28/7

a = -4 m/s²

20. A car starts from rest and rolls down a hill with constant acceleration. It travels a distance of 500 m in 20 sec. Calculate its acceleration.

A car starts from rest and rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration. It covers a distance of 500 m in 20 seconds. So the acceleration is 1,25 m/s²


Is known :

distance (s) = 500 m

time (t) = 20 second

Asked :

acceleration (a)?

Answered :

Find the speed first

v = s/t

v = 500/20

v = 25 m/s

Find acceleration

a = v/t

a = 25/20

a = 1,25 m/s²


So, the acceleration is 1,25 m/s²

Answer Details

Subjects : Mathematics

Category : Measurement time, angle, distance, and speed

Categorization code : 5.2.2

keyword : acceleration

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