Rabu, 08 Maret 2023

Word With A E R

Word With A E R

Exercise 2Rearrange these letters dealing with foods and drinks below into a good word!(Susun kemball huruf-huruf berikut yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan minumanmenjadi kata-kata yang berarti)1. P-U-S-O2. L-LA-B-T-A-E-M3. S-A-T-O-R4. B-U-R-M-A-H-R-E-G HAM Burger5. C-U-T-IS-I-B​

Daftar Isi

1. Exercise 2Rearrange these letters dealing with foods and drinks below into a good word!(Susun kemball huruf-huruf berikut yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan minumanmenjadi kata-kata yang berarti)1. P-U-S-O2. L-LA-B-T-A-E-M3. S-A-T-O-R4. B-U-R-M-A-H-R-E-G HAM Burger5. C-U-T-IS-I-B​


1. Soup

2. Meatball


4. Hamburger

5. Biscuit

2. Rearrange these letters below dealing with food and drinks into a good word. (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut ini yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan minuman menjadi kata yang bermakna.) 1. L-E-T-O-M-E-E 2. E-E-C-S-H-E 3. E-A-M-T 4. L-A-B-T-L-A-E-M 5. S-T-O-R-A 6. B-U-M-A-R-H-R-E-G 7. C-U-T-I-B-1-S 8. O-Y-N-E-H 9. L-S-A-D-A 10. S-O-P-U Bahasa Inggris untuk SD/MI Kelas V Semester Gasal (Kurikulum yang Berlaku) 39​



2. cheese

3. meat



6. hamburger

7. biscuit

8. honey

9. salad

10. soup

3. 13. A: "Where did you go last night."B: "I went to the city hall with mymother."A: What did you see there."B: "I saw circus there."What did A see last night?a Her mother c. Circusb. City hall d Dance14. A: "I went to book store with mybrother."B: What did you buy?"A: "buy a novel."What did A buy?a store C novelb. my brother d. book15. C-M-O-O-R-S-L-S-A(Arrange into good words)a room class c class bagb. class room droom bag16 U-M-B-R-L-A-L-E(arrange into good word)a breallum c. purpleb. umbrella d yellow17. L-R-U-R-E(Arrange into good word)a ruler c. purpleblureld. laurel18. L-A-S-F-K(Arrange into good word)a lasikc. klafsb. flaksd flask19. O-H-S-U-L-E-D-RIt(Arrange into good word)a. souldher c. dershoulb. shuolder d shoulder​


13. C. circus

14. C. novel

15. B. classroom

16. B. umbrella

17. A. ruler

18. B. klas

19. D. shoulder

semoga membantu

13. C. Circus14. C. Novel15. B. Class room droom bag16. B. umbrella17. A. Ruler18. D. flask19. D. Shoulder


maaf kalo salah

4. 1. A: Where do you come from? B: I … Thailand. a. am from d. came from b. are from e. is from c. come from 2. A: is Mrs. Gray from United States? B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago. a. is d. was not b. was e. were c. is not 3. He = His She = … a. Him d. Her b. Their e. My c. Its 4. Richard: hello, are you Brian? Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name? Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that? Brian : B-R-I-A-N. a. spell d. say b. mention e. sound c. state 5. My brother is a university student. ...... name is carlos. a. their d. hers b. her e. his c. our 6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work? Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam Hospital. a. do, at d. do, on b. do, in e. does, on c. does, at 7. A: What …. He do? B: He goes to school everyday. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 8. Doctor <> Hospital Teacher <> …. a. harbor d. college b. airport e. school c. rail station 9. I have …. at 7.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 10. A. What …. your father? B. My Father is an engineer. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 11. C: How …. is the cake? W: What do you mean? C: I mean the price of the cake. W: Oh, it is $ 10. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with …. a. value d. gift b. present e. money c. rewarding 13. Much >< Little Expensive >< …. a. more d. too much b. many e. some c. cheap 14. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange? B: Those are $5/kilo. a. is d. was b. am e. were c. are 15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of …. a. bad d. than b. worst e. good c. best 16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you? Josh : I’m fine. What about you? Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me? Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have another job. a. can d. will b. would e. never c. can’t 17. A: How …. money do you have? B: I have $ 5 for shopping. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer? The underlined word has synonym meaning with… a. fancied d. preference b. best e. possessive c. goodness 19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar? Susan: Yes, I …. a. do d. will b. does e. would c. don’t 20. A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday? B: Of course. a. gone d. goes b. went e. going c. go 21. Brother >< Sister Nephew >< …. a. Mother d. Niece b. Daughter e. Son c. Cousin 22. I have two …, their names are Sheila and Steffany. a. brothers d. sons b. sisters e. father c. uncles 23. Wife _ Wives Child _ …. a. Childs d. Childhood b. Children e. Childish c. Childhoods 24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have? James: I have ….. sister. a. one d. four b. two e. five c. three 25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital? Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working …. a school. a. isn’t, in d. don’t, on b. doesn’t, at e. doesn’t, on c. isn’t, at 26. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with … a. kind d. well-known b. wish e. very well c. goodness 27. I have …. at 12.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 28. A: Do you like to play badminton? B: No, I …. like to play badminton. a. not d. often b. never e. do not c. ever 29. A: What time do you get up in the morning? B: I get up …. 5.30 every morning. a. in d. for b. on e. into c. at 30. A: How well do you …. tennis? B: Not very well, I think. a. play d. playing b. plays e. player c. played

17.e1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.b 8.e 9.a 10.b 11.a
12.- 13.- 14.- 15.- 16.c 17.d 18.- 19.d 20.e
21.d 22.b 23.b 24.- 25.- 26.- 27.b 28.e 29.c 30.d
(maaf kalau ada yg salah)

5. 1. A: Where do you come from? B: I … Thailand. a. am from d. came from b. are from e. is from c. come from 2. A: is Mrs. Gray from United States? B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago. a. is d. was not b. was e. were c. is not 3. He = His She = … a. Him d. Her b. Their e. My c. Its 4. Richard: hello, are you Brian? Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name? Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that? Brian : B-R-I-A-N. a. spell d. say b. mention e. sound c. state 5. My brother is a university student. ...... name is carlos. a. their d. hers b. her e. his c. our 6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work? Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam Hospital. a. do, at d. do, on b. do, in e. does, on c. does, at 7. A: What …. He do? B: He goes to school everyday. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 8. Doctor <> Hospital Teacher <> …. a. harbor d. college b. airport e. school c. rail station 9. I have …. at 7.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 10. A. What …. your father? B. My Father is an engineer. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 11. C: How …. is the cake? W: What do you mean? C: I mean the price of the cake. W: Oh, it is $ 10. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with …. a. value d. gift b. present e. money c. rewarding 13. Much >< Little Expensive >< …. a. more d. too much b. many e. some c. cheap 14. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange? B: Those are $5/kilo. a. is d. was b. am e. were c. are 15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of …. a. bad d. than b. worst e. good c. best 16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you? Josh : I’m fine. What about you? Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me? Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have another job. a. can d. will b. would e. never c. can’t 17. A: How …. money do you have? B: I have $ 5 for shopping. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer? The underlined word has synonym meaning with… a. fancied d. preference b. best e. possessive c. goodness 19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar? Susan: Yes, I …. a. do d. will b. does e. would c. don’t 20. A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday? B: Of course. a. gone d. goes b. went e. going c. go 21. Brother >< Sister Nephew >< …. a. Mother d. Niece b. Daughter e. Son c. Cousin 22. I have two …, their names are Sheila and Steffany. a. brothers d. sons b. sisters e. father c. uncles 23. Wife _ Wives Child _ …. a. Childs d. Childhood b. Children e. Childish c. Childhoods 24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have? James: I have ….. sister. a. one d. four b. two e. five c. three 25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital? Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working …. a school. a. isn’t, in d. don’t, on b. doesn’t, at e. doesn’t, on c. isn’t, at 26. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with … a. kind d. well-known b. wish e. very well c. goodness 27. I have …. at 12.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 28. A: Do you like to play badminton? B: No, I …. like to play badminton. a. not d. often b. never e. do not c. ever 29. A: What time do you get up in the morning? B: I get up …. 5.30 every morning. a. in d. for b. on e. into c. at 30. A: How well do you …. tennis? B: Not very well, I think. a. play d. playing b. plays e. player c. played

1. a. am from
2. c. is not
3. D. her
4. a
5. e
6. c
7. b
8. e
9. a
10. c
11. a
12. c
16. c
maaf jika ada salah.
terima kasih

6. arrage the following letters to form meaning word based on their definitions.begin the words with the letters in kapital.1)e-i-u-R-d-n:destroyed or severely damaged.2)t-a-S-r-e-d-n-d:left (s ship ,fiah,etc).agrround or ashore.3)a-t-n-o-F-g-i-l: not fixed permanently in one particular position or place. 4)t-r-i-E-e-c-l-a-c-l: related to electricity..tolong dibantu ya!

1 ruined
itu yang aku bisa1. ruined = destroyed = wrecked = crashed = hancur
2. stranded = aground = terdampar
3. floating
4. electrical

7. Exercise 6 Read this passage. Some words are missing. But the first letter of the word is there. After you read the passage. go back and guess a word for each space. Write the word on the line to the right. Work with another student. 1. Helen was not always a nice child to be near. She did not know 2. how to e like at the table. She made strange n 2 3. a bird. She sometimes hit h mother or her father. She 3 4. often r around the room and hurt herself. 5. I was hard to know what Helent She could 6 6. not see and she c. not hear. She could not k the world. No one knew how t 7. tell her things. And she could 8. n tell things to anyone else. 10 9. 10.tell thing to anyone else​


Latihan 6 Bacalah bagian ini. Beberapa kata hilang. Tapi huruf pertama dari kata itu ada di sana. Setelah Anda membaca bagian itu. kembali dan tebak kata untuk setiap spasi. Tulis kata pada baris di sebelah kanan. Bekerja dengan siswa lain. 1. Helen tidak selalu menjadi anak yang baik untuk didekati. Dia tidak tahu 2. bagaimana e suka di meja. Dia membuat aneh n 2 3. seekor burung. Dia terkadang memukul ibu atau ayahnya. Dia 3 4. sering berkeliling ruangan dan melukai dirinya sendiri. 5. Saya sulit untuk mengetahui apa yang Helent Dia bisa 6 6. tidak lihat dan dia c. tidak mendengar. Dia tidak bisa melihat dunia. Tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana cara menceritakan hal-hal padanya. Dan dia bisa 8. n menceritakan sesuatu kepada orang lain. 10 9. 10. menceritakan sesuatu kepada orang lain

artinya tapi maaf gk bisa jawab karna kebanyakan maaf ya

8. Jefry : "What color is it?'"Rosi : "It is ...A. PinkB. GreyC. PurpleD. White2. I can eat with my ...A. EarsB. EyesC. MouthD. Nose3. Arrange these jumble words!buys – Albi - a - jacket - brown ...A. Albi a buys jacket brownC. Albi brown buys a jacketB. Albi buys a brown jacketD. Albi jacket buys a brown4. This vegetables is orange. Rabbits like it very much. What is it...A. CarrotB. CornC. CoconutD. Chilli5. Red, pink, and green are the name of ...A. AnimalsB. ColorsC. FruitsD. Vegetable6.We usually wash our ... with shampoo.A. HairB. HandC. StomachD. Feet7. y-e-r-r-b-S-r-a - w - tThe correct word is...A. SaterrbyrwB. SetarbyrwC. StraberyrwD. Strawberry​


1.gw gatau gambar nya

2.C mouth

3.B Albi buys a brown jacket


5.B colours

6.A hair



udah pokonya itu


1. Maaf, gak bisa jawab krn tdk ada gambarnya, saya akan artikan ya
A. Pink = merah muda
B. Grey = abu-abu
C. Purple = ungu
D. White = putih

2. C
3. Albi buys a brown jacket
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. D

Semoga membantu☺️
Maaf jika ada yang salah dan dari kata2 ku

9. Every april 21 people in Indonesia commemorate the kartini day. It is beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady R. a kartini. Everyone knows who kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea. She helped the women in her era so that they got education. Kartini could also speak Dutch very fluently that it made her have a lot of Dutch friends,and one of them was rosa abendanon to whom she wrote letters. 1.perhatikan paragraf diatas dan jawab pertanyaan berikut. a. What does the word "it" in the second sentence refer to? b. What does the word "we" in the second sentence refer to? c. What does that word "she" in the fourth sentence refer to? d. What does the word "our" in the fourth sentence refer to? e. What does the word "they" in the fifth sentence refer to? f. What does the word "her" in the sixth sentence refer to? g. What does the word "them" in the sixth sentence refer to? h. What does the word "she" in the sixth sentence refer to? 2.dengan menggunakan paragraf yang sama, coba anda identifikasi 6 subject yang ada pada paragraf tersebut. 3.dengan menggunakan paragraf yang sama, coba anda identifikasi 6 predicate yang ada pada paragraf tersebut.


1.a. the kartini day

b. the people in indonesia

c. RA Kartini

d. the people in indonesia

e. the woman in Kartini's era

f. Kartini

g. a lot of Dutch friends of Kartini

h. Rosa Abendanon

2. a. people in indonesia

b. it

c. everyone

d. she

e. she

f. Kartini

3. a. commemorate

b. celebrate

c. knows

d. is

e. helped

f. speak

10. 1. A: Where do you come from? B: I … Thailand. a. am from d. came from b. are from e. is from c. come from 2. A: is Mrs. Gray from United States? B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago. a. is d. was not b. was e. were c. is not 3. He = His She = … a. Him d. Her b. Their e. My c. Its 4. Richard: hello, are you Brian? Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name? Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that? Brian : B-R-I-A-N. a. spell d. say b. mention e. sound c. state 5. My brother is a university student. ...... name is carlos. a. their d. hers b. her e. his c. our 6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work? Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam Hospital. a. do, at d. do, on b. do, in e. does, on c. does, at 7. A: What …. He do? B: He goes to school everyday. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 8. Doctor <> Hospital Teacher <> …. a. harbor d. college b. airport e. school c. rail station 9. I have …. at 7.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 10. A. What …. your father? B. My Father is an engineer. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 11. C: How …. is the cake? W: What do you mean? C: I mean the price of the cake. W: Oh, it is $ 10. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with …. a. value d. gift b. present e. money c. rewarding 13. Much >< Little Expensive >< …. a. more d. too much b. many e. some c. cheap 14. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange? B: Those are $5/kilo. a. is d. was b. am e. were c. are 15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of …. a. bad d. than b. worst e. good c. best 16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you? Josh : I’m fine. What about you? Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me? Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have another job. a. can d. will b. would e. never c. can’t 17. A: How …. money do you have? B: I have $ 5 for shopping. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer? The underlined word has synonym meaning with… a. fancied d. preference b. best e. possessive c. goodness 19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar? Susan: Yes, I …. a. do d. will b. does e. would c. don’t 20. A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday? B: Of course. a. gone d. goes b. went e. going c. go 21. Brother >< Sister Nephew >< …. a. Mother d. Niece b. Daughter e. Son c. Cousin 22. I have two …, their names are Sheila and Steffany. a. brothers d. sons b. sisters e. father c. uncles 23. Wife _ Wives Child _ …. a. Childs d. Childhood b. Children e. Childish c. Childhoods 24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have? James: I have ….. sister. a. one d. four b. two e. five c. three 25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital? Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working …. a school. a. isn’t, in d. don’t, on b. doesn’t, at e. doesn’t, on c. isn’t, at 26. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with … a. kind d. well-known b. wish e. very well c. goodness 27. I have …. at 12.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 28. A: Do you like to play badminton? B: No, I …. like to play badminton. a. not d. often b. never e. do not c. ever 29. A: What time do you get up in the morning? B: I get up …. 5.30 every morning. a. in d. for b. on e. into c. at 30. A: How well do you …. tennis? B: Not very well, I think. a. play d. playing b. plays e. player c. played

1. A: Where do you come from?

B: I (c) come from Thailand

2. A: Is Mrs. Gray from United States?

B: No, She (c) is not, She is from Chicago.

3. He = His

She = (d) Her

4. Richard: Hello, are you Brian?

Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name?

Richard: Sorry, how do you (a) spell that?

Brian : B-R-I-A-N.

5. My brother is a university student. (e) His name is Carlos.

6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where (a) do you work?

Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work at Siloam Hospital.

7. A: What (b) does he do?

B: He goes to school everyday.

8. Doctor <> Hospital

Teacher <> (e) School

9. I have (d) dinner at 7.30 pm.

10. A. What (b) does your father?

B. My Father is an engineer.

11. C: How (d) much is the cake?

W: What do you mean?

C: I mean the price of the cake.

W: Oh, it is $ 10.

12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with (a) value.

13. Much >< Little

Expensive >< (c) Cheap

14. A: Excuse me, How much (c) are those orange?

B: Those are $5/kilo.

15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of (e) good.

16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you?

Josh : I’m fine. What about you?

Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me?

Josh : I’m sorry, I (c) can't go with you because I have another job.

17. A: How (d) much money do you have?

B: I have $ 5 for shopping.

18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer?

The underlined word has synonym meaning with (a) fancied.

19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar?

Susan: Yes, I (a) do

20. A: Would you like to (c) go out on Saturday?

B: Of course.

21. Brother >< Sister

Nephew >< (d) Niece

22. I have two (b) sisters, their names are Sheila and Steffany.

23. Wife_Wives

Child _ (b)Children

24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have?

James: I have (a) one sister.

25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital?

Mike : No, My father (c) isn't Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working at a school.

26. There are three famous athlete in my country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with (d) well known.

27. I have lunch at 12.30 pm.

28. A: Do you like to play badminton?

B: No, I (e) do not like to play badminton.

29. A: What time do you get up in the morning?

B: I get up (c) at 5.30 every morning.

30. A: How well do you (a) play tennis?

B: Not very well, I think.


1. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22868893

2. Penjelasan tentang kalimat Nominal simple present https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22133819

3. Penjelasan tentang possessive pronoun: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23990166

4. Brian menjawab dengan mengeja namanya. Maka, pertanyaan yang tepat adalah How do you 'spell' that?

5. lihat penjelasan nomor 3.

6. Pertanyaan yang tepat untuk subjek 'you' adalah 'do', dan preposisi yang tepat untuk Siloam Hospital adalah 'at' yang artinya perkerjaan tersebut berhubungan dengan rumah sakit Siloam.

7. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22868893

8. Doctor works in a hospital, teacher works in a school.

9. Pukul 7.30 pm menunjukkan waktu malam, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah 'dinner', makan malam.

10. Banyak non-English Speaker menyebutkan pertanyaan ini. Namun secara grammatical tidak tepat. Pertanyaan yang tepat adalah "What does you father do?" or "What is your father's occupation?"

11. 'much' digunakan untuk uncountable noun 'uang', menanyakan harga.

12. 'price tag' artinya harga, serupa dengan makna value.

13. Lawan kata mahal (expensive) adalah murah (cheap).

14. 'Those' merupakan kata penunjuk jamak dan dapat dilihat dari jawaban, bentuk 'be' nya 'are'.

15. Good = baik, better = lebih baik, best = terbaik.

16. Jawaban yang menyatakan penolakan adalah 'can't.

17. Lihat penjelasan nomor 11.

18. Favorite as adj = fancied, favorite as noun = preference

19. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

20. Bentuk infinitive: to + verb 1

21. Keponakan laki-laki >< Keponakan perempuan

22. Sheila and Steffany adalah nama perempuan, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah sisters.

23. Bentuk jamak dari Child (anak) adalah Children (anak-anak)

24. Kata sister menunjukkan kata benda tunggal, satu.

25. Lihat penjelasan nomor 6.

26. Arti kata famous adalah terkenal, sama dengan well known.

27. Pukul 12.30 pm menunjukkan waktu siang hari, maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah lunch, makan siang.

28. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

29. Preposisi untuk menyatakan jam adalah 'at'

30. Lihat penjelasan nomor 7.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Kalimat Nominal dan Verbal pada simple present: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22133819

2. Some prepositions of place and time: brainly.co.id/tugas/3877920

3. Soal tentang we, us, they, them, me, her, he, his: brainly.co.id/tugas/4963710

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 3

Kode: 10.5.3


11. hgFill in the crossword with the correct word.C СBTHGRFСFSwDL10FZETEnAcrossDown3. Giveto you dog, it's very 1. Play fun with your catdirtyusing balls.4. You shouldyour dog, his2. Don't giveto your dog orfur is matted.cat because it is poisonous.7. Your bird'sis very smelly. 5. Don't forget to your pet'sYou should clean it soon.water bowl.10. Giveto your plant so it 6.your cat twice a day.8. Don't forget to your plantstwice a day.9. Take your pet to a if it issick.grows well.​


ini maksutnya kayak gimana yak bingung saya

12. Work in pairs.Match each word in column A with its suitable synonym in column B.AB1. sad2. brave3. cruel4. jealous5. talented6. intelligent7. stupid8. tiny9. attractive10. awkward11. diligent12. faithful13. slim14. generous15. happy16. friendly17. nervous18. polite19. calm20. afraida. giftedb. fearfulc. interestingd. foolishe. clumsyf skinnyg. sorrowfulh. doubtful. courteouscharitablek. envious1 quietm. smartn. courageous0.studiousp loyalq. huger. hospitableS. harsht. cheerfulu worriedV. small​


1. sad  (sorrowful)

2. brave  (courageous)

3. cruel  (harsh)

4. jealous  (envious)

5. talented  (gifted)

6. intelligent  (smart)

7. stupid  (foolish)

8. tiny  (small)

9. attractive  (interesting)

10. awkward  (doubtful)

11. diligent  (studious)

12. faithful  (loyal)

13. slim  (skinny)

14. generous  (charitable)

15. happy  (cheerful)

16. friendly  (hospitable)

17. nervous  (worried

18. polite  (courteous)

19. calm  (quiet)

20. afraid (fearful)


semoga membantu

13. A. PRE ACTIVITYWork in group of 4Task 1. Arrange the words into a meaningful word6 1. E-U-E-X-C-S2. T-I-A-T-O-E-N-T-N3. E-C-R-A-L4. D-N-U-E-R-N-D-A-T-S5. O-G-O-D6. T-A-E-R-G7. L-L-E-W-O-N-D-E8. O-D-G-O-B-O-J9. H-1 - T-K-N10. P-0-0-I-I-NII II II II II II IITask 2. Fill in the blank with the suitable word in task 11. Someone will say "... me" or'..., please 'to ask other people attention.2. Teacher will ask the student" Is it ..." or "Do you..." after explain the lesson.3. Parents will apreciate their children's work by saying...." or "..."4. A student will say "I ..." or "In my... " to explain his/her aragument Tolong batu mksh​








8.Good Job



.1. Someone will say "Excuse me" or'Attention please 'to ask other people attention.

2. Teacher will ask the student" Is it Clear" or "Do you Understand" after explain the lesson.

3. Parents will apreciate their children's work by saying

Good Job" or "..." (Kayaknya yang 7 tapi w ga tau)

4. A student will say "I think" or "In my opinion" to explain his/her argument

Maaf segini aja Tau nya,tapi daripada w,yang jawab diatasnormies V:

14. CTRL + D = Open font formatting window CTRL + E = Center text CTRL + F = Find a phrase CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark CTRL + H = Replace text with another text or replace text with different formatting CTRL + I = Italicize text CTRL + J = Justify text CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window CTRL + L = Left align text CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left CTRL + N = Open new Word document CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document CTRL + P = Print Word document CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting CTRL + R = Right align text CTRL + S = Save Word document CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent CTRL + U = Underline text CTRL + V = Paste text CTRL + W = Close Word document CTRL + X = Cut text CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone OR repeat an action CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action Translate To Indonesia :)

CTRL + D = Buka jendela pemformatan font
CTRL + E = Teks pusat
CTRL + F = Temukan frase
CTRL + G = Pergi ke halaman atau bookmark tertentu
CTRL + H = Ganti teks dengan teks lain atau ganti teks dengan format yang berbeda
CTRL + I = menggulirkan teks
CTRL + J = Membenarkan teks
CTRL + K = Buka Insert Hyperlink window
CTRL + L = Kiri menyelaraskan teks
CTRL + M = Indent paragraf dari kiri
CTRL + N = Buka dokumen Word baru
CTRL + O = Buka dokumen Word yang sudah ada
CTRL + P = Cetak dokumen Word
CTRL + Q = Hapus pemformatan paragraf
CTRL + R = Teks kanan sejajar
CTRL + S = Simpan dokumen Word
CTRL + T = Buat indentasi gantung
CTRL + U = garis bawahi teks
CTRL + V = Tempel teks
CTRL + W = Tutup dokumen Word
CTRL + X = Potong teks
CTRL + Y = Mengulangi tindakan yang sebelumnya dibatalkan OR mengulang tindakan
CTRL + Z = Batalkan tindakan sebelumnya

15. Complete the missing letters below dealing with toys and games into a meaningfulword1 DL2 TG AND WR3 SN K AND L DD RMRB EHD AND S EI MR PE7 SW_NG8 TP9. SLD10. S_CKR_C6 Semester 1 -​


Complete the missing letters below dealing with toys and games into a meaningful


1 DL







8 TP

9. SLD

10. S_CKR_C

6 Semester 1 -


Lengkapi huruf-huruf yang hilang di bawah ini berhubungan dengan mainan dan permainan menjadi bermakna


1 DL





Saya MR PE


8 TP

9. SLD

10. S_CKR_C

6 Semester 1 -

16. arrage the following letters to form meaning word based on their definitions.begin the words with the letters in kapital.1)e-i-u-R-d-n:destroyed or severely damaged.2)t-a-S-r-e-d-n-d:left (s ship ,fiah,etc).agrround or ashore.3)a-t-n-o-F-g-i-l: not fixed permanently in one particular position or place. 4)t-r-i-E-e-c-l-a-c-l: related to electricity. i-M-o-r-a-m-l-e: preserving the memory of a person or thing.7)a-n-o-p-r-a-a-m: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.8)o-c-u-B-l-i-n-r-a-s: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.9)w-r-o-P-e-a-n-l-p-t:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.10)e-n-i-t-R-s-e-i-l-a-d:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

1)Ruined:destroyed or severely damaged.
4)Electrical: related to electricity.
7)Panorama: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.
8)Binoculars: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.
9)Powerplant:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.
10)Residential:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

17. arrage the following letters to form meaning word based on their definitions.begin the words with the letters in kapital.1)e-i-u-R-d-n:destroyed or severely damaged.2)t-a-S-r-e-d-n-d:left (s ship ,fiah,etc).agrround or ashore.3)a-t-n-o-F-g-i-l: not fixed permanently in one particular position or place. 4)t-r-i-E-e-c-l-a-c-l: related to electricity. i-M-o-r-a-m-l-e: preserving the memory of a person or thing.7)a-n-o-p-r-a-a-m: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.8)o-c-u-B-l-i-n-r-a-s: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.9)w-r-o-P-e-a-n-l-p-t:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.10)e-n-i-t-R-s-e-i-l-a-d:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

1. Ruined 
2. stranded 
3. Floating 
4. Electricity 
5. Memorial 
7. (gatau mana huruf kapitalnya) 
9. Powerplant 
10. Residental 

semoga dapat membantu yaa 

18. 1. A: Where do you come from? B: I … Thailand. a. am from d. came from b. are from e. is from c. come from 2. A: is Mrs. Gray from United States? B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago. a. is d. was not b. was e. were c. is not 3. He = His She = … a. Him d. Her b. Their e. My c. Its 4. Richard: hello, are you Brian? Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name? Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that? Brian : B-R-I-A-N. a. spell d. say b. mention e. sound c. state 5. My brother is a university student. ...... name is carlos. a. their d. hers b. her e. his c. our 6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work? Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam Hospital. a. do, at d. do, on b. do, in e. does, on c. does, at 7. A: What …. He do? B: He goes to school everyday. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 8. Doctor <> Hospital Teacher <> …. a. harbor d. college b. airport e. school c. rail station 9. I have …. at 7.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 10. A. What …. your father? B. My Father is an engineer. a. do d. are b. does e. were c. is 11. C: How …. is the cake? W: What do you mean? C: I mean the price of the cake. W: Oh, it is $ 10. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a synonym meaning with …. a. value d. gift b. present e. money c. rewarding 13. Much >< Little Expensive >< …. a. more d. too much b. many e. some c. cheap 14. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange? B: Those are $5/kilo. a. is d. was b. am e. were c. are 15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of …. a. bad d. than b. worst e. good c. best 16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you? Josh : I’m fine. What about you? Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert. Would you like to come with me? Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have another job. a. can d. will b. would e. never c. can’t 17. A: How …. money do you have? B: I have $ 5 for shopping. a. many d. much b. few e. little c. some 18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer? The underlined word has synonym meaning with… a. fancied d. preference b. best e. possessive c. goodness 19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar? Susan: Yes, I …. a. do d. will b. does e. would c. don’t 20. A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday? B: Of course. a. gone d. goes b. went e. going c. go 21. Brother >< Sister Nephew >< …. a. Mother d. Niece b. Daughter e. Son c. Cousin 22. I have two …, their names are Sheila and Steffany. a. brothers d. sons b. sisters e. father c. uncles 23. Wife _ Wives Child _ …. a. Childs d. Childhood b. Children e. Childish c. Childhoods 24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have? James: I have ….. sister. a. one d. four b. two e. five c. three 25. David: is your father working at Kennedy Hospital? Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy Hospital but My father has been working …. a school. a. isn’t, in d. don’t, on b. doesn’t, at e. doesn’t, on c. isn’t, at 26. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym meaning with … a. kind d. well-known b. wish e. very well c. goodness 27. I have …. at 12.30 pm. a. breakfast d. dinner b. lunch e. extra lunch c. supper 28. A: Do you like to play badminton? B: No, I …. like to play badminton. a. not d. often b. never e. do not c. ever 29. A: What time do you get up in the morning? B: I get up …. 5.30 every morning. a. in d. for b. on e. into c. at 30. A: How well do you …. tennis? B: Not very well, I think. a. play d. playing b. plays e. player c. played

1.A 11.D 21. 30.A
2.C 12. 22.B
3.D 13.C
4.A 14.C 23.E
5.B 15. 24.
6.A 16.D 25.C
7.B 17.C 26.
8.E 18. 27.B
9.A 19.D 28.E
10.C 20.B 29.C

19. A. PRE ACTIVITYWork in group of 4Task 1. Arrange the words into a meaningful word6 1. E-U-E-X-C-S2. T-I-A-T-O-E-N-T-N3. E-C-R-A-L4. D-N-U-E-R-N-D-A-T-S5. O-G-O-D6. T-A-E-R-G7. L-L-E-W-O-N-D-E8. O-D-G-O-B-O-J9. H-1 - T-K-N10. P-0-0-I-I-NII II II II II II IITask 2. Fill in the blank with the suitable word in task 11. Someone will say "... me" or'..., please 'to ask other people attention.2. Teacher will ask the student" Is it ..." or "Do you..." after explain the lesson.3. Parents will apreciate their children's work by saying...." or "..."4. A student will say "I ..." or "In my... " to explain his/her aragument Tolong batu mksh​


A. Arrange the world :

2. Attention

5. Good

6. Great

8. Good job

B. Fill the blank

1. Listen me or attention please

2. Do you understand

3. Great or good job

4.I think or In my opinion


Maaf ya masih ada kekurangan. Lagi di pikirin. Hehe. ✊ Semangat!

20. R THE QUESTION CORRECTLY WITH YOUR OWN WORDS! these words to be good sentences! ust-September-in the North-Autumn-of-commences-in the Ow-change-red-leaves-The-green-brown-to e unscramble words below to be good sentences! e/long/dress/pink/wears/a/. lia/me/gives/big/green/vase/. Italian/restaurant/favourite/go/my/to/. anks with the appropriate word! I (46) Tery Astuti and I live in Mt. Shasta, California. I ... (4 use with my mother and two sisters, ages 6 and 2. I go to y favorite part about school... (49) our reading. I love to ports like soccer and tennis. When I grow up I want to be e in your Town? What do you do for fun? Please... (50) hope to hear from you soon.​

41.In the month of august or september autumn commences in the north?

42. The green leaves change to yellow red brown? (Shrsnya ada dan biar jd 'the green leaves changes to yellow,red and brown)

43. Anne wears a long pink dress

44. Julia gives me a big green vase

45. We got to my favorite Italian restaurant

46. Is

47. Am

48. Live

49. Is

50. Tell

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