Minggu, 23 April 2023

7 5 Practice Properties Of Logarithms

7 5 Practice Properties Of Logarithms

the properties of light​

1. the properties of light​

Jawaban: Cahaya dari properti

Penjelasan: maaf kalau salah soalnya saya juga kurang paham kalau pertanyaan bahasa Inggris

2. Mohon bantuannyaLogarithms​

jawaban terlampir. semoga membantu

3. the meaning of fertilizermeaning of properties airplane

pemupukan properti pesawatpemupukan properti pesawat

maaf bila salah

4. some useful properties of materials are the deegre of ....... to light ....... property, ...... conducuvity and ....... conductivity

material and sulfur and wild and butter

5. apakah display properties sama dengan file properties

Display properties fungsinya untuk mengatur tampilan layar/display, seperti mengganti wallpaper, mengubah resolusi layar, dsb
Kalau file properties untuk melihat properti/rincian dari suatu file, seperti melihat tanggal pembuatan file tersebut, ukuran file tersebut, jenis file tersebut, yang membuat file tersebut, dsb

Semoga membantu...

6. how can you find out about the chemical properties of a substance​


      While physical properties can be determined by examining the look, smell and feel of a substance, chemical properties are hidden until an experiment shows what they are. Typical chemical properties that are easy to determine include flammability, reaction in air and reaction to water.

Hopefully can help : )

7. what are the properties of colloids

Colloidal Properties - After recalling the notion of colloids, let's go to our main discussion of Colloidal Properties. The colloidal system has distinctive properties, which are different from those of other dispersion systems. The properties of colloids are Tyndall Effect, Brownian Motion, Adsorption, and Coagulation.

8. this property is mine have you got any properties of .... own

Jawabannya adalah your

9. Practice 2Make five (5) sentences by using the formulas of giving advice12.3.4.5.Practice 3Make five (5) sentences of Passive Voice1.2.34.​


1.You should take some exercise.

2.You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables.

3.Why don't you go jogging?

4.How about eating less sugary food?

5.I recommend going to bed earlier

1.I noticed that a window had been left open.

2.Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.

3.All the cookies have been eaten.

4. My car has been stolen!

5.You have to be tested on your English grammar.

10. Practice 7 Nomor 1 sampai 5 besok dikumpul

1. Make Moster with Bright Eyes
2. yes, I can because all of the materials are available
3. there are 5 step
4. cut, knife, mistar and scotch tape
5. - cut the card
- connect the loose
- turn the monster face
- tape the bulbs
- attach a wire.

11. description of lion animals of paragraphs with properties physical

Lion is wild animal. The body is like a cat but with big size, the nail is Sharp, have short tail, have four feet, have a messy hair , the body color is yellow as like gold, have a strong body.


O Chemical properties of matter​

that i know...



13. Practice 3Make five (5) sentences of order.1..2.34.5.practice 4make five 5 sentences of reques. jawab​


make five sentence of order

1. we used the computer in order to save time.

2. he ordered them to survey population growth

3. i have no choice but to follow those orders.

4. i worked hard in order to support my family.

5. i'm sure you'll find everything is in order.

make five sentence of request

1. could you give please?

2. do you think you could lend some money?

3. would you mind if i ask your help?

4. i request you to grant me leave.

5. how about giving your car please?



14. what material that has more than one set of properties​


A pure substance is a form of matter that has a constant composition (meaning it's the same everywhere) and properties that are constant throughout the sample (meaning there is only one set of properties such as melting point, color, boiling point, etc. throughout the matter).

maaf klo salah mksii:))

15. mention one of the chemical properties of a kettle​


Kettle is used for boil water.

So,the chemical properties that kettle should have is easy to conduct heat.

The another chemical porperties that kettle have is easily to conduct electricity.

Kettle is made from stainless steel,so it doesn't rust.

Semoga membantu

16. What are the three properties of waves?​


They can be transverse or longitudinal. However, all waves have common properties—amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed. Amplitude describes how far the medium in a wave moves. Wavelength describes a wave's length, and frequency describes how often it occurs.




artinya =

Apakah tiga sifat gelombang?l


dalam Bahasa Indonesia =

Gelombang dapat berubah bentuk (Dispersi), contohnya peristiwa terbentuknya pelangi. Gelombang dapat dibiaskan (Refraksi), ketika gelombang melalui dua medium yang beda kerapatannya. Gelombang dapat dipantulkan (Refleksi), contohnya peristiwa gaung dan gema

dalam Bahasa Inggris =

Waves can change shape (dispersion), for example events forming a rainbow. Waves can be refracted (refraction), when the wave passes through two mediums with different densities. Waves can be reflected (reflection), for example reverberation and echo events

17. write 3 properties of solid

Jawaban:1) A solid has a definite shape and volume.

2) Solids in general have higher density.

3) In solids, intermolecular forces are strong.


18. Which of the following are not the properties of air?​


mana pertanyaan nya kak


ga bisa dijawab pertanyaan nya kurang jelas


maaf nga bisa jawab kak


nga ngerti penjelasanya

19. tolong kerjakan practice 6 dan practice 7

practice 6:

20. write down the properties of light!!! Please help 5 answers


tuliskan sifat sifat cahaya


light properties:

1.Light penetrates clear objects.

2. Light can be refracted

3. Light travels in a straight line

4. Light can be reflected

5. Light can be decomposed


Semoga bermanfaat ya kak

Mulailah suatu pekerjaan dengan mengucapkan bismillah atau doa belajar.☺️

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