Senin, 10 April 2023

A Single Loop Circuit Consists Of A 7 2

A Single Loop Circuit Consists Of A 7 2

In a series circuit , electric charge can only flow in a ... loop​

Daftar Isi

1. In a series circuit , electric charge can only flow in a ... loop​


maaf saya tidak bisa membantu

2. The text consists of three parts. the third part functions to show readers … to make the loop-the-loop paper plane. *

The third part functions to show readers how to make the loop-the-loop paper plane.

Jawabannya How.

3. what are the differences of a series circuit over a parallel circuit?​

Jawaban:in series circuits, all components are connected in series that shares the same current

in parallel circuits, components are connected in parallel so that they all have the same potential difference between them.


Sorry if I'm wrong

4. Analyse the generic structure of the procedural text below! 1. The goal of the rcipe is untuk mengelas .. 2. The ingredients consists of...... 4. The structure of an ingredient consists of 5. The structure of a step consists of The method consists of.. Cara MCM lou

Maaf cuma bisa artiin aja...

Analisis struktur umum teks prosedural di bawah ini! 1. Tujuan dari rcipe adalah untuk mengelas .. 2. Bahan terdiri dari ...... 4. Susunan bahan terdiri dari 5. Struktur langkah terdiri dari Metode terdiri dari .. Cara MCM lou

5. A recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drinkThe GOAL of the recipe is ___The INGREDIENTS consist ofThe METHOD consists ofThe structure of an ingredient consists ofThe structure of a step consists of​


Resep terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1) TUJUAN (judul) resep

2) BAHAN, menyatakan materi

dibutuhkan untuk membuat makanan / minuman

3) METODE, menyatakan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan

makanan / minuman

TUJUAN resep ini ___

BAHAN terdiri dari

METODE terdiri dari

Struktur suatu bahan terdiri dari

Struktur langkah terdiri dari

6. Remember that a recount consists of an orientation a series of events and a reorientation

ingat bahwa penghitungan ulang terdiri dari oroentasi serangkaian ovens dan reorientasi

7. Carry electric current in a circuit is function of


Electric Current is an electric charge that flows through the conductor media in each unit of time. Electric charge is basically carried by electrons and protons inside an atom. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. However, Protons mostly only move inside the nucleus. So, the task of carrying a charge from one place to another is handled by Electrons. This is because the electrons in conductor materials such as metals are mostly free to move from one atom to another.

8. In black verse,.......of ten syllables, five of which are accented.A. line consists of eachB. consists of each lineC. each line consists of each line​

In black verse, C. each line consists of ten syllables, five of which are accented.


The structure of sentence: Adverb, Subject + verb

In black verse, each line + consists ........


Sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean sonmething.

Four kinds of sentence:

Simple sentence: sentence has one subjet - verb pair. The subject tells who or what did something. The verb tells the action (jump, work) or condition (is, was, seem).Diana has watched that movie many times. Academic English is a cumpolsory cpurse in Accounting Department. My mother and I cooked cake.

Compound sentence is two or more independent clauses, joined together.

They watched TV and I read a novel.I want to speak English fluently, so I have to practice every day.

Complex sentence contains one independent clause, and one or more dependent clause. The dependent clause is introduced by either a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun.

Although they love each other, they can not live together. He bought a new car when he was 25 years old.

Compound Complex sentence has at least three clauses. One compound sentence which consist of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clause.

Referencing is an essential feature of academic writing, so the students should uses the university sources that assist them to achieve the required skills.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian sentence tentang simple sentence tentang paragraph


Detail jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Sentence

Kode: -


9. A year....consists of twelve months

a year is consists of twelve months

trimsnya donga year is consist of twelve months

10. Make a dialog consists of least 10 sentences with a connective of giving example

dalton : hey sir, i wanna order some food
waiter : yes sir, what food do you want to order ?
dalton : i wanna food that consist of not meat ingridients. for example, mashed potatoes, fruit salad or gado gado please
waiter : ah sorry sir but we are not serving those kind of foods.
dalton : then what kind of food do this restaurant served ?
waiter : we are serving a non vegetarian food, such as meatloaf, roasted crabs, and many more.
dalton : you know what, i wanna tell you something. non vegan food consist of bad things you know. for instance, they killed all the creatures, slaughting their skins, cutting their meats.
waiter : sorry sir, but i dont want to argue with it. if you dont want to order in this restaurant you can eat on somewhere else.
dalton : like where ?
waiter : for example, you can eat on backyard garden restaurant. they served great kinds of vegans food.
dalton : oh ok then

sorry kalo belepotan atau rada gak jelas '-'

11. a sub district consists of

Arti nya sebuah kecamatan terdiri dari

12. Use source transformations to reduce the circuit in the figure below to a single voltage source in series with a single resistor !


Artinya adalah:


Gunakan transformasi sumber untuk mengurangi rangkaian pada gambar di bawah ini ke sumber tegangan tunggal secara seri dengan resistor tunggal!


13. make a dialogue consists of comparative degree!


one day the boys are playing together.

Rachel : hi, olive, how are you doing?

olive : oh, hi too Rachel. i'm making a craft paper.

Rachel : owh, that's same with me. i'm making a craft paper too, but, who among us is the best?

olive : my craft paper is betterthan your craft paper!

Rachel : what?, what you say?. why you say it?

olive : oh, no, slow, i'm just kidding.

Rachel : yeah. no problem.

olive : your craft paper is good too.

Rachel : thanks

olive : no problem.


comparative degree adalah kalimat yangberfungsi untukmembandingkan duanomina.


S + is,am,are + adjective + er + than + O


S + is,am,are + more + adjective + than + O


S + is,am,are + iregullar adjective +. than + O.

yg saya gariskan kalimat comparative nya.


menggunakan more jika adjectivenya lebih dari satu suku kata.menggunakan akhiran er dibelakang adjective jika adjectivenya hanya satu suku kata.iregullar : antara kata adjective dg comparative nya berbeda.

14. Dalam motherboard, CPU memiliki sirkuit tunggal terintegrasi (single integrated circuit) yang dinamakan

CPU memiliki sirkuit tunggal terintegrasi (single integrated circuit) yang dinamakan microprocessor

15. Write 2 functions of bulb holder in a simple circuit​


The function of the lamp holder is to drain electricity from a source that has a certain strength in its electric current which is usually called dynamic electricity if it is flowed directly / continuously.

16. make a dialogue consists of comparative degree!


1. A: is Tati fat ?

B: yes she is.

2. A: is Tuti fatter than Mira ?

B: no she isn't. Mira is fatter than Tuti.

3. A: is John better than Marry at speaking english ?

B: yes, he is. John is better than Marry at speaking english.


pilih sala satunya, Maaf kalau salah

17. A regency consists of some

consist of some sub districts

18. a province consists of some

a province consists of some .... city

19. the structure of a step consists of...... mohon secepatnya

to be, vetbs and grammar

20. A recipe consists of three parts1.)....2.)....3.)....​


1)green apples

2)peeled cored

3)60g butter

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