Kamis, 20 April 2023

Find The Linear Function With The Following Properties

Find The Linear Function With The Following Properties

Write the definition and the function of the following substancesand the function of the following substances in relation with medicine!1. Phosphate2. Codeine3. Aspirin4. Paracetamol5. Acetaminophen​

Daftar Isi

1. Write the definition and the function of the following substancesand the function of the following substances in relation with medicine!1. Phosphate2. Codeine3. Aspirin4. Paracetamol5. Acetaminophen​


1. Definition ; Phosphate is a charged particle (ion) that contains the mineral phosphorus.

Function ; The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract.

2. Definition ; a morphine derivative that is found in opium.

Function ;  used to treat pain, cough, and diarrhea.

3. Definition ; Aspirin is known as a salicylate and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

Function ; is commonly used as a pain reliever for minor aches and pains and to reduce fever.

4. Definition ; Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen and APAP,is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief.

Function; Paracetamol is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers

5. Definition ; acetaminophen ,is typically used for mild to moderate pain relief.

Function ;Acetaminophen helps relieve pain by blocking pain signals within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

Maaf kalo salah


2. Which of the following are not the properties of air?​


mana pertanyaan nya kak


ga bisa dijawab pertanyaan nya kurang jelas


maaf nga bisa jawab kak


nga ngerti penjelasanya

3. find the attach the following medicines.after that,below the label you attached, write the function of earch medicine. 1.paracetamol. 2.tamiflu. 3.imodium​


The function of paracetamol is a pain reliever and a fever reducer.

The function of tamiflu is to treat flu symptoms caused by influenza.

The function of imodium is to decrease the frequency of diarrhea.


Bila diartikan:

Fungsi parasetamol adalah pereda nyeri dan pereda demam.

Fungsi tamiflu adalah untuk mengobati gejala flu yang disebabkan oleh influenza.

Fungsi imodium adalah mengurangi frekuensi diare.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi medicine label pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4966122


4. Name of the organs along with the function.



b.vena pulmonalis


d.aorta(arteri besar)

e.seluruh tubuh


gartei pulmonalis


maaf kalo salah

5. Look at the following prohibition sign.a.What does the sign mean?b. Where can you find it?c. What is the social function of the sign?​​


a. What does the sign mean? it means we must be careful because there is a traffic light here

b. Where can you find it? usually on a public road

c. What is the social function of the sign?​​ so that people drive carefully in the area


Semangat belajarnya !!

kalau bermanfaat jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ka :)

A. Red light, yellow light, green light.

red light to stop, yellow light to be careful, green light to go

B.I found it on the side of the road

C.the social function for the sign is

to make the streets orderlyto allow people to cross in an orderly mannermake the streets order

I think this is wrong

6. The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....


The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....

1. Transfer of information from financial accounting to management accounting

2. Post document items as debit or credit

3. Type of account to post document items

4. Additional state additional data field

7. Name the following tools.then, match the description (function) terjemahan​


Gambarnya mana mbok...

8. how can you find out about the chemical properties of a substance​


      While physical properties can be determined by examining the look, smell and feel of a substance, chemical properties are hidden until an experiment shows what they are. Typical chemical properties that are easy to determine include flammability, reaction in air and reaction to water.

Hopefully can help : )

9. WRITING Task 8 Find and attach the label of the following medicines After that, below the label you attached write the function of each medicine! 1. Paracetamol Attach label Here Function :





treat mild to moderate pain, ranging from headaches, menstrual pain, toothache, joint pain, and pain that is felt during the flu. Paracetamol can also be used to relieve fever.


terjemahan dari: mengobati rasa sakit ringan hingga sedang, mulai dari sakit kepala, nyeri haid, sakit gigi, nyeri sendi, dan nyeri yang dirasakan selama flu. Paracetamol juga bisa digunakan untuk meredakan demam.

10. Find the four properties of air. write your answer in complete sentence,!

THe four properties of air are Carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. These are the main four properties, even though there are still some others.water is formed on 2 Elements 1 Elements Hydrogen And Oxygen

11. Please find the difference between !! Some ⇒ A lot of Little ⇒ A little Few ⇒ A few Many ⇒ Much Find the meaning. Find the function.

some dan a lot of berarti sama yaitu banyak. Namun fungsi dari
- some : biasanya digunakan dalam bentuk pernyataan yang afirmatif (bersifat menguatkan). Tapi, kalau bentuk kalimatnya negatif/introgative kata "some" diganti any. misalnya :
i've got some fruits
i haven't got any fruits
- a lot of : biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan kata "banyak" dalam bahasa yang informal seperti dalam dialog.

little dan a little berarti sama dan berfungsi sama yaitu untuk menyatakan kata "sedikit" tapi untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (bentuk tunggal)

Few dan a few berarti sama yaitu sedikit.
Fungsinya bisa dikatakan sama yaitu digunakan untuk menyatakan kata "sedikit" tapi untuk kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung

Many dan much berarti sama yaitu banyak. Namun, fungsi dari :
-many : digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu benda yang dapat dihitung.
-much : digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu benda yang tidak dapat dihitung

(*semoga membantu)

12. What is the social function of the following text? *​


apa fungsi sosial dari teks berikut?

13. find the value of f(-1)for this function.




2 x -1 x -1 x -1 + (7 x -1) = 8

Jadi lambang X disoal tersebut diganti -1

f ( x ) = 2x³ - 7x

f ( - 1 ) = 2 ( - 1 )³ - 7 ( - 1 )

= 2 ( - 1 ) - ( - 7 )

= - 2 + 7

= 7 - 2


14. 1.11. Stating the social function of the following expressions!​


Konsep : Menyederhanakan bentuk akar Ingat kembali! √((a+b) + 2√(a.b)) = √a + √b √(x^2) = x Pembahasan : √(8+4√3) = √(8+√(3.16) ) = √(8 + √(3 . 4^2)) = √(8 + √(3.4.4)) = √(8 + 2√12) = √((6+2) + 2√(6.2)) = √6 + √2

15. Look at the following prohibition sign.a.What does the sign mean?b. Where can you find it?c. What is the social function of the sign?​


a. What does the sign mean? it means we mustn't eat in the area

b. Where can you find it? usually in a public transportation or in a library

c. What is the social function of the sign?​ so that people don't eat or drink food in the prohibited area


Semangat belajarnya !!

kalau bermanfaat jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ka :)


a. that sign mean was " no food or drink "

b. u can found it in clothes store or else

c. the social function of the sign is for tell people so theyre not gonna bring theyre food or drink in that place


a. apa arti dari tanda tersebut?

b. dimana kau bisa menemukan nya?

c. apa fungsi sosial dari tanda tersebut?

semoga membantu ya!

16. find the value of g(-10) for this function.

The value of g(-10) for the function is: -20


Based on the question we know that formula of the function is:

[tex]g(x) = \frac{ {x}^{2} }{ - 5} [/tex]

Now, we need to know the value of g(-10) for the function.


[tex]g(x) = \frac{ {x}^{2} }{ - 5} [/tex]

=> [tex]g(-10) = \frac{ {(-10)}^{2} }{ - 5} [/tex]

=> [tex]g(-10) = \frac{100}{ - 5} [/tex]

=> [tex]g(-10) = -20[/tex]

So, the value of g(-10) is -20.

Hopefully can help you:)




Category:Composite Functions and Invers



Keywords:Composition, Union, Composite Functions, g(x), f(x)

17. where can we find the information about the function of the fort vastenberg artinya​


ArtinyaAdalah:di mana kita dapat menemukan informasi tentang fungsi benteng vastenburg


-semoga membantu-

18. For the function f, find the indicated limit or function value, or state that it dose not exist.​


fuck .......................

19. find the information about installtion ,the function,the language features and the exmple​


temukan informasi tentang instalasi, fungsi, fitur bahasa dan contohnya

20. lokasi following objects with function to Describe the objectives on her house is preposition ​


Digimanain caranya


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