Senin, 10 April 2023

Managers Use The Afi Strategy Framework To

Managers Use The Afi Strategy Framework To

Pengertian Framework for Executing Strategy

Daftar Isi

1. Pengertian Framework for Executing Strategy


Manajemen Strategi, Manajemen strategi adalah serangkaian atau tindakan material yang menentukan kinerja perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.

2. The good framework of responding to the questions is?


make a good framework for the respond

3. The good framework of responding to the questions is?​


reswekti kalt the good is hot



4. To : All Department Managers The meeting will be held to discuss the customer's complaints . This afternoon Jan , 4th 2011 at 01 p.m. in meeting room . Please bring the documents needed . Thank You -Secretary DirectorWho will attend the meeting ? A. Customers . B. All managers . C. Secretary director and all managers . D. Director , secretary and all managers .jawaban nya C kan?​


kalo textny itu doang, kekny D

5. Create asking for permission expressions using the following situations!1 You want to take someone's pictureYou want to use the umbrella2.You want to use the telephone5.You want to use the computer3. You want to use the bicycle​


1. May I take your picture?

2.May I use the telephone?

3.May I use the bicycle?

4.May I use the umbrella?

5.may I use the computer?

Penjelasan :

'May I' adalah salah satu kata paling sopan untuk digunakan dalam asking for permission.

6. how do the organization’s distinctive capabilities contribute to developing market-driven strategy

Capabilities of Market-Driven Organizations

Capabilities are embedded in the business's "outside-in" processes, which guide the creation and delivery of value in the organization. Two capabilities stand out as essential ingredients of a market orientation:

Market Sensing. This capability enables the business to learn about customers, competitors, and channel members, with the purpose of acting on events and trends in the market. Market-driven organizations are more adept at learning and more systematic, thoughtful, and anticipatory in gathering, interpreting, using, and remembering market information.

Customer Linking. Market-driven firms are distinguished by an ability to create and manage collaborative relationships with customers. Mastering this capability so that it becomes a competitive advantage requires (1) close communication, (2) joint planning, (3) the coordination of joint activities, and (4) joint problem solving and conflict resolution.

maaf klo salah

7. Does big company use their own framework?


Yes, it does.


8. Neither the managers nor the workers..... Late

Neither the managers nor the workers because Late

9. 1. hesr. 2. I speak 3. I hold 4. I use............ to walk 5. I smell 6. I taste 7. I touch 8. I pping the thing 9. I kick the ball 10. I kiss


1. ear

2. mouth

3. hand

4. feet/leg

5. nose

6. tongue

7. finger

8. digit

9. toe

10. lip


jadikan jawaban terbaik


1. ear

2. mouth

3. hand

4. feet/leg

5. nose

6. tongue

7. finger

8. digit

9. toe

10. lip


sekarang kita cari artinya :

1. Saya menggunakan telinga untuk mendengar.

2. Saya menggunakan mulut untuk berbicara

3. Saya menggunakan tangan untuk memegang

4. Saya menggunakan kaki untuk berjalan

5. Saya menggunakan hidung untuk mencium

6. Saya menggunakan lidah secukupnya

7. Saya menggunakan jari untuk menyentuh

8. Saya menggunakan digit untuk melakukan pping

9. Saya menggunakan jari kaki untuk menendang bola

10. Saya menggunakan bibir untuk mencium

maaf kalau salah

10. we use the stove to?we use the book to?we use the scissors to?we use the chair to? ​


We use stove to? = We use stove to cooking any food, We use book to? = We use book to reading a information that doesn't we know it.We use scissors to? = We use scissors to cut out paper or anything. We use chair to? = We use chair to sit.


I hope this helps for you :)))


we use the stove to cook

we use the book to study

we use the scissors to cut

we use the chair to sit


Kami menggunakan kompor untuk memasak

Kami menggunakan buku untuk belajar

Kami menggunakan gunting untuk memotong Kami menggunakan kursi untuk duduk

11. what do managers need to recognize and work with the informal organization?​




translate woy

12. apa arti go to the fifth floor .use the stairs .don't use the lift

pergi ke lantai 5 menggunakan tangga,jangan menggunakan lift. kalo gak salah itu

Pergi ke lantai lima. Gunakan tangga. Jangan gunakan lift.

13. tolong terjemahkan ini dalam bahasa Indonesia?still we believe that these choices point to the existence of relationship between phases of diffusion of innovations strategy and inovation adopted therefore a coordinated and struktured view of the diffusion of innovation strategy and innovation is essential for business managers can assess the best combination of content strategy and innovation to choose​

masih kami percaya bahwa pilihan ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara fase difusi strategi inovasi dan inovasi yang diadopsi oleh karena itu pandangan yang terkoordinasi dan terstruktur mengenai difusi strategi inovasi dan inovasi sangat penting agar manajer bisnis dapat menilai kombinasi terbaik dari strategi konten dan inovasi untuk memilih

Maaf ya klw salah

14. The managers send important files to the ABC company today​


Para manajer mengirim file penting ke perusahaan ABC hari ini




Xie xie


Jawaban: The managers send important files to the ABC company today​

Penjelasan: Para manajer mengirim file penting ke perusahaan ABC hari ini

Maaf kalau salah

15. A:whom did you invite to the meeting?b:the you read this morning

a: Siapa yg ingin kamu undang ke pertemuan?
b: manager membaca ulang pagi ini

16. The good framework of responding to the questions is?​


kerangka kerja yang baik until menjawab pertanyaan adalah?


Where's the question you mentioned?

17. 1. identify the use of to be.2. identify the use of to have.3. identify the use of simple present.​


mengidentifikasipenggunaantobe.mengidentifikasipenggunaantoheve.mengidentifikasipenggunaan tosimplepresent.

18. What did the profesor use to do?he use d to


profesor use a kimia machine



Please make the best answer

19. 1. I use my tumb to ... 2. I use my brain to ... 3. I use my lang to ... 4. I use my teeth to ... 5. I use my nose to ... 6. I use my ear to ... 7. The use of hair is for ... 8. The use of eyebrow is for ... 9. The use of neck is for ... 10. The use of lips are ... Tolong bantu jawab :3

1. pointing something
2. Think
3. ?(lang apa?)
4. chew food
5. smell
6. hear
7. yg ini sy kurang tahu, hehe
8. Protect the eyes from our sweat

20. What does AFI offer to TV viewers? Does AFI offer its winner fast popularity?why? According to the writer,how can we improve the indonesian music industry? What is the purpose of the writer writing this text? Jawabannya?

gk nyambung-_- kurang paham

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