Jumat, 07 April 2023

What s Easy To Lift But Hard To Throw

What s Easy To Lift But Hard To Throw

1. What can't be used untill it's broken?2. What has many keys but can't open any doors?3. What is more valuable than gold, hard to find but easy to lose?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What can't be used untill it's broken?2. What has many keys but can't open any doors?3. What is more valuable than gold, hard to find but easy to lose?​


1. secret

2. piano

3. friend


Jadikan jawaban terbaik

1. What can be used until it's broken?

(Apa yang masih bisa dipakai setelah ia rusak)

= Egg

2. What has many keys but can't open any doors?

(Mempunyai banyak kunci tapi tidak dapat membuka satupun pintu)

= Piano

3. What is more valuable than gold, hard to find but easy to lose?​

(Apa yang lebih berharga dari emas, susah untuk dicari, namun mudah hilang)

= a friend

2. what do you think of its flying? (eagle) is it easy or hard to do?

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This means that they are of little use for anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers, and for many other jobs that non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.Easy.. Coz,, It's using hot air pressure.. :)

3. what do you think of its flying eagle? is it easy or hard to do?

untuk mencari makanan elang seperti kelinci bahasa inggris nya to find food eagle like rabbit sangat mudah its fery easy

4. Japanese is very easy to talkBut difficult to write it to Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji

nihongo o hanashu wa hontoni kantan, demooo, muzukashii hiragana, katakana, to kanji de kakikomu.日本人は話をするのは非常に簡単です しかし、困難なひらがな、カタカナ、漢字に書き込み
Nihonjin wa hanashi o suru no wa hijō ni kantandesu shikashi, kon'nan'na hira gana, katakana, kanji ni kakikomi

5. what can you catch, but not throw​




maaf klo salah ya


What you feel


Semoga membantu ya

maaf kalo salah!

6. what can you catch but can't throw

Jawaban: Your parents



maybe that is magnet


maaf kalau salah

7. what can you catch but not throw

Your breath or illness (virus,cold)

8. jawablah dgn bahasa ingeris dan artikan dalam bahasa indonesia: 1. what do you know about eagle? 2. why is the sea eagle easy to recognise? 3. what do you think of its flying? Is it easy or hard to do? 4. what do the forelimbs of an sea eagle do? 5. what are the sea eagle 'S neck and beak like?.

1.apa yang kamu ketahui dengan elang

9. to draw circle is easy, but to draw straight line is....​


difficult / hard


because to draw a straight line it takes effort

10. To count number 1 to 100 in English iseasy, but to count number 1 to 10is.....a. Easierc. More easyb. The Easiestd. The most easyjwb yang benar kak pleasesecepatnya ​


a. Easier


easier artinya lebih mudah

11. why is to do so difficult but talk is easy ?

Correction : What is hard to do but easy to say ?

Talk is easy because cost u nothing but words, but action involves more. But not everybody can talk/speak fluently and efectively. Some people got pay because the r good at talking. Lawyer is one of them.

12. To count number 1 to 100 in English iseasy, but to count number 1 to 10is.....a. Easierc. More easyb. The Easiestd. The most easyjwb yang benar kak beri penjelasannyapleasesecepatnya ​


To count number 1 to 100 in English is

easy, but to count number 1 to 10


a. Easier

c. More easy

b. The Easiest

d. The most easy

harusnya easier (adjective) karena adjective describe a noun, dan nounnya adalah counting number

maaf jika salah :)

13. Ani asks andi to lift her bag What should she say to him?


Andi, can you take my bag please


Ani asks andi to lift her bag. What should she say to him?

Ani meminta andi untuk mengangkat tasnya. Apa yang harus dia katakan padanya?Answers:

Ani can say "Hey, Andi! Can you lift my bag? Thank you if you want."

Ani bisa mengatakan "Hey, Andi! bisakah kamu mengangkat tasku? terima kasih jika kamu mau."

14. may i know how to throw rubbish in kajang area?and what should i prepare what to do ?

mungkin saya tahu cara membuang di daerah kajang dan apa yang harus saya dilakukan?

Maaf klo slh

saya mungkin tau bagaimana cara untuk melempar sampah di area kajang? dan apa yang harus saya persiapan untuk melakukannya?

15. what happened if throw gas oil to fire ?​

explode / meledak

gas oil= minyak gas

16. jawablah dgn bahasa ingeris dan artikan dalam bahasa indonesia: 1. what do you know about eagle? 2. why is the sea eagle easy to recognise? 3. what do you think of its flying? Is it easy or hard to do? 4. what do the forelimbs of an sea eagle do? 5. what are the sea eagle 'S neck and beak like?.

Arti : ⇩⇩

1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang elang?

2. Mengapa elang laut mudah dikenali?

3. Apa pendapat Anda tentang terbangnya? Apakah mudah atau sulit dilakukan?

4. Apa yang dimiliki oleh forelimbs dari seekor elang laut?

5. Apa leher dan paruh elang laut , bentuknya adalah?...

Semoga membantu!^^

17. What do you think of its flying is it easy or hard to do? Tolong ya di cariin jawaban nya, bsok di kumpul ni.

Apa yang kamu pikirkan dari terbang, ini mudah atau sulit dilakukan?

Kurang lebih gitu artinya.apa yang kamu pikir kan tentang penerbangan ini? mudah atau susah menurut mu?

18. What is easy step to learn french language?

bonjur amis

semoga bermanfaat.....

19. English is easy to understand,but history is


English is easy to understand, but history is...

Bahasa Inggris mudah dimengerti, tetapi sejarah adalah....

20. 1. what do you know about eagles?2. why is the dea eagle easy to recognise?3. what do you think of its flying? is it easy or hard to do?

1. Eagles have many sizes, shapes and colors. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak. Its claws are very sharp. 

2. Because it has a strong streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body

3. It is easy because the eagle has forelimbs serve as wings

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