Kamis, 25 Mei 2023

Escape From Tarkov Database Part 1

Escape From Tarkov Database Part 1

sinopsis escape from planet earth yg memakai bahasa inggris..

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1. sinopsis escape from planet earth yg memakai bahasa inggris..

On the planet Baab, admired astronaut Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) is a national hero to the blue alien population. A master of daring rescues, Scorch pulls off astonishing feats with the quiet aid of his nerdy, by-the-rules brother, Gary (Rob Corddry), head of mission control at BASA. When BASA's no-nonsense chief Lena (Jessica Alba) informs the brothers of an SOS from a notoriously dangerous planet, Scorch rejects Gary's warnings and bounds off for yet another exciting mission. But when Scorch finds himself caught in a fiendish trap set by the evil Shanker (William Shatner) it's up to scrawny, risk-adverse Gary to do the real rescuing. As the interplanetary stakes rise to new heights, Gary is left to save his brother, his planet, his beloved wife Kira (Sarah Jessica Parker) and their adventure hungry son Kip.

2. Why did the rooster escape from the fox catch?​


because the rooster gives 3 loaves


sorry if wrong (❁´◡`❁)

3. a of fish is traying to escape from the shark

ikan itu adalah nampan untuk melepaskan diri dari hiu.
Semoga membantu...Answer:

A lot of fish is traying to escape from the shark
=> Banyak ikan yang sedang mencoba melarikan diri dari ikan hiu itu.

*Terima kasih*

4. What do they have which enable them to escape from threats of the predators?

run immediately and it takes luck too

5. in your opinion,how did thumbelina escape from the toad?

In my opinion, Thumbelina escapes the toad with the help of friendly fish and a white butterfly

6. What is the answer from test toelf part a listening


toelf part listening? add media pls :)


7. Write 5 expressions how to part from somebody

Bye bye
See you later
See you soon
So long
Good night


8. 1..apa itu kanga escape 2..apa itu Konga escape 3..apa itu menga escape 4..apa itu lingga escape AYOLAH JAWAB YANG BENAR mau dikirim ini ayaayayayayayayayayaya


1.kanga escape adalah lari bolak-balik dengan kombinasi lari cepat (sprint) dan lari gawang (hurdles).

3.menga escape adalah Cabang atletik anak berisi latihan kombinasi lari estafet dan lari.


maaf cuman itu yang kutau

9. What part is very special from the motorcle


the engine


10. change the verbs in the brackets into correct from! part 1 tolong bantuannya kakk​


1. feeds

2. doesn't come

3. wash

4. are

5. visits

6. don't go

7. eats

8. clean

11. Mention the part of report fromcover to appendices? *​


Commonly used sections of the report are: 1) Cover, 2) title page, 3) letter of submission, 4) abstract, 5) table of contents, 6) introduction, 7) content, 8) lines and suggestions and 9) sections complementary.


maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu

12. where do you go when you want to escape from traffic jams ?A.High wayB.CityC.MosqueD.Church

jawabannya high way..............i go to high way

maaf kalo salah

13. What did the monkey trick to escape from the crocodile ?


What did the monkey trick to escape from the crocodile ?

=climb up the tree

Apa trik monyet untuk melarikan diri dari buaya?

=memanjat ke atas pohon


climbing trees(memanjat pohon)


maaf klo salah ya kak

14. cabang atletik anak berisi latihan kombinasi lari estafet dan lari gawang disebut juga .... * A .manga Escape B. Kanga Escape C.Konga Escape D.Lingga Escape​


B.Kanga Escape

Maaf kalo salah(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

15. Cabang atletik anak berisi latihan kombinasi lari estafet dan lari gawang adalah A. menga escape B. lingga escape C. kanga escape D. konga escape


A. menga escape


smg membantu

16. Describe one way in which an ostrich escape from its enemy

the ostrich kick their enemies

17. Change the sentences into the required from in the brackets ( part 1 )​


1.  (-) Mr.Imran didn't drive his car very fast.

   (?) Did Mr.Imran drive his car very fast?

2. (+) I did have breakfast in the morning.

   (?) Did i have breakfast un the morning?

3. (+) Afwan did tell me about that.

   (-) Afwan didn't tell me about that

4. (-) I didn't watch tv last night.

   (?) Did I watch tv last night?

5. (-) I wasn't at home yesterday.

   (?) Was I at home yesterday?

6. (+) I did the homework last night

    (?) Did i do the homework last night?

7.  (+) My brother hear the sound of the blasting fire.

    (?) Did my brother hear the sound of the blasting tire?


Kalau ada yang salah boleh diperbaiki dikomentar dan saya minta maaf.. good luck!

18. how did the second man escape from the bear's attack?

Arti dari kata itu atau gimana?
Bagaimana orang kedua melarikan diri dari serangan beruang?

19. Monarch butterfly fly for 2500 miles to escape from cold winters. This is an example of​


this is an example of a monarch butterfly migration


Monarch butterfly migration is the phenomenon, mainly across North America, where the subspecies Danaus plexippus plexippus migrates each summer and autumn to and from overwintering sites on the West Coast of California or mountainous sites in Central Mexico. Other subspecies perform minor migrations or none at all. This massive movement of butterflies has been called "one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world"

20. 3. Explanation part of word from sentences!​



In general, the subject refers to the part of the sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about. The subject is a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. For example:

Kelly walked down the street.

They went to school.

The black cat is sleeping.

While "Kelly" and "They" are single-word subjects, "The black cat" is a noun phrase that includes an adjective to provide additional information about the subject.

There are a few different types of subjects. A simple subject is just one word, without any modifiers, usually a noun or pronoun. A complete subject is the simple subject plus all modifiers. A compound subject is made up of more than one subject element. For example:

Simple subject: Kate is a thin girl.

Complete subject: Jeffrey's poem about his mother made the class cry.

Compound subject: Paul and Tommy joined the soccer team at the same time.


The predicate of a sentence includes the verb and everything that follows it. This typically tells what the subject does with an action verb or describes the subject using a linking verb and a complement.

Let's return to the first example sentence:

Kelly walked down the street.

In this sentence, "walked" is the action verb that tells the reader what Kelly is doing, and "down the street" is an adverb phrase that modifies the verb by describing where she walked. All of these words make up the complete predicate of the sentence. The verb alone is the simple predicate.

As with subjects, it's also possible to have a compound predicate that consists of two different actions. Take a look at the examples below to note the differences:

Simple predicate: Harry cried.

Complete predicate: The mouse slowly ran towards the food.

Compound predicate: She laughed at the dog's tricks and decided to adopt him.

Predicates can contain a good deal of information and may be quite long. Predicates often have several parts in addition to the verb, including objects and complements.


Optional Parts of a Sentence


Objects are noun phrases that are included in the predicate. They are the things being acted upon by the verb. For example:

Susan bought the gift.

The dog caught the ball.

The boy spilled the milk.

In each of these sentences, there is a direct object in the predicate. It is the thing being acted upon; for example, the gift is the thing given by Susan.

It's also possible to have an indirect object that includes more information about the person or thing towards which the action is directed. For example:

Susan bought him the gift.

He wrote them a long letter.

The man gave her an ultimatum.

In the sentence "Susan bought him the gift," "him" is an indirect object because he is not the item bought at the store, but rather the person for whom the action was completed.


In predicates that use linking verbs rather than action verbs, items following the verb are known as complements. Complements modify the subject by describing it further. For example:

I am a teacher.

The cat was the laziest creature.

The woman seems smart.

In these cases, the words following the linking verb describe the subject, whether they are nouns, noun phrases or adjectives.

To write a complete sentence, you must include at least a subject and a predicate. If you only include one of these, you will have only a sentence fragment, which is grammatically incorrect.


Modifiers are words or phrases that describe parts of the sentence by adding additional information. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It is possible for parts of speech to do this work alone in the sentence in either the subject or the predicate. For example:

The blue boat sank.

The boat slowly sank.

In the first example, the adjective modifies the subject, but in the second example, the adverb modifies the simple predicate.



Not all modifiers are single words. Sometimes they are groups of words that work together. When these words are in the predicate and explain how, when, where or why the action was performed, they are known as an adverbial. For example:

She exercised in the morning.

The boy reached out to the teacher for help.

I skipped school because I was sick.

Each adverbial above modifies the verb, therefore performing the function of an adverb in the sentence. The first two examples are adverbial phrases — groups of words that function as an adverb but don't contain a subject and a verb. The final example is an adverbial clause, which performs the same function but does contain a subject and a verb. Adverbial clauses are dependent clauses and are not complete sentences on their own.

Modifiers are optional when it comes to writing sentences since they merely give additional information and are not required the way a subject and verb are. Note that complements are considered to be a type of modifier as well.


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