Sabtu, 06 Mei 2023

Identify The Approximate Bond Angles In Each Molecule

Identify The Approximate Bond Angles In Each Molecule

1. identify each event in each caption2. identify the agent(s) in each caption3. identify the situation in each caption​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. identify each event in each caption2. identify the agent(s) in each caption3. identify the situation in each caption​


1. mengidentifikasi setiap peristiwa di setiap keterangan.2. mengidentifikasi agen di setiap keterangan.3. mengidentifikasi situasi di setiap keterangan.

2. find the size of the unknown angles in each diagrams​


360° = 120° + 92° + 65° + X°

360° = 212° + 65° + X°

360° = 277° + X°

360° - 277° = X°

83° = X°

So, The Unknown Angles In X Is 83°

Semoga Membantu <3

Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah <( ̄︶ ̄)>

3. . Find the unknown angles in each square and rectangle.


1. a = 90°

b = 90-30-15 = 45°

2. egh = 90-25 = 65°

hgj = 180-65-57 = 58°

fgk = 180 - 65 = 115°

4. 3 Eddy draws each of the following shapes on square dot grid paperHow many sides and angles does each shape have?Mark all the angles inside each shapeShapeNumber of sides Number of angles​

cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar....

5. activity 11identify the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph in each texttolong bantu saya​


kegiatan 11 mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dan perincian pendukung setiap paragraf dalam setiap teks

6. find the size of the ubknown angles in each of the diagram​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karna bau lu tersebut cepirit

7. activity 5identify the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph in each texttolong bantu saya​


rahma mengenal rista dari pamanya karena rista merupakan tetangga pamanya rahma, rista mempunya prestasi dalam bidang kerajinan, kemarin rista baru saja menghadiri pameran di london, rahma memperkenalkan dirinya kepada rista. dia (rahma) bersekolah di sma pertambangan, kelas 10 ops , dia menyukai basket dan pencak silat, dia juga pernah menjuarai kejuaraan basket nasional tahun 2018. ibunya bernama rose, bekerja sebagai arsitek dikantornya sendiri dan bapaknya yg nernama santosa seorang tentara dia punya kakak perempuan bernama sekar biru dan adiknya bernama rifki santosa. sekar dan aku (rahma) memiliki mimpi yang sama yaitu memiliki bisnis kerajinan dan menjualnya dengan mobil disetiap libur sekolah atau hari bebas , kami ingin memperluas produk kami dan memperluas pasar. sepertinya saya (rahma) ingin belajar sri anda ( rista). saya pikir sudah cukup untuk itu. saya berharap untuk mendengar kabar darimu, aku berharap kita bisa berteman. terimakasih

Itu gua nerjemahin ama guru gua dsekolahan, maap klo salah

8. find the size of the unknown angles in each of the diagrams​







9. Find the unknown marked angles in each of the right-angled triangles.tolong bantu dong​


a. 180° - (90° + 57°)

   180° - 147°

= 33°

b. ∠ABC = 180° - (90° + 28°)

               = 180° - 118°

               = 62°

   ∠ADC = 180° - {90° - (90° - 28°)}

               = 180° - (90° + 62°)

               = 180° - 152°

               = 28°

c.  ∠GEF = 180 - (90 + 26)

               = 180 - 116

               = 64

    ∠DEG = 90 - 64

               = 26

10. Identify the pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb in each of the following sentences! The band played all evening

The  band  played  all evening

The = determiner

band = noun

played = verb

all evening = adverb of time.


Parts of Speech adalah kelas kata untuk menganalisis kalimat dan memahaminya. Berikut ini rincian tentang 9 parts of speech.

1. Verb

Verb menggambarkan pernyataan atau tindakan.

Contoh kata: like, eat, to (be), can, write.

Contoh kalimat: He likes singing. I eat watermelon.

2. Noun

Noun menggambarkan benda atau orang.

Contoh kata: bed, bag, mother, police, wall, Surabaya.

Contoh kalimat: The photo is on the wall.

3. Adjective

Adjective menggambarkan lebih detail tentang suatu benda.

Contoh kata: interesting, good, nice, yellow.

Contoh kalimat: The movie is interesting. It is a good song.

4. Adverb

Adverb menjelaskan tentang kata kerja, kata sifat, dan keterangan.

Contoh kata: really, very, well, always, carefully, beautifully.

Contoh kalimat: I always come on time. She sings beautifully.

5. Pronoun

Pronoun berperan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun).

Contoh kata: she, they, this, some, I, it

Contoh kalimat: I like English. It is really interesting.

6. Determiner

Determiner berperan untuk membatasi atau menentukan suatu kata benda (noun).

Contoh kata: a, the, an, many, some

Contoh kalimat: Many students are in the class. I have an idea.

7. Preposition

Preposition berperan untuk menghubungkan suatu kata benda dengan kata yang lainnya.

Contoh kata: at, after, on, before, in

Contoh kalimat: The meeting will be held on Friday. The teacher is in the class.

8. Conjunction

Conjunction berperan untuk menghubungkan klausa, kalimar, atau kata.

Contoh kata: yes, but, although, however, when.

Contoh kalimat: I was studying when my father came.

9. Interjection

Interjecion merupakan seruan pendek, terkadang dimasukkan dalam kalimat.

Contoh kata: Oh! Hi! Well, ouch!.

Contoh kalimat: Well, I don't understand. Hi! How have you been?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Analisis kalimat "my brother owns a new house":

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Parts of Speech

Kode: 10.5

Kata kunci: parts, speech, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb

11. We will read each text carefully in order to identify the sentences in the text artikan

Kami akan membaca teks dengan sesama/ teliti untuk mengidentifikasi teks tersebut

12. identify the adverb clauses in the following sentences and tell the kind of each adverb clause

1. tanaman akan tumbuh bila hujan turun terus-menerus
2.tanah ini cocok untuk tanaman yg tumbuh karena itu akan subur

3. pohon itu teduh, untuk beberapa waktu petani akan beristirahat dibawahnya
4.jangan menganggu dia, apapun yg dia lakukan
5.sangat deras hujan turun, sungai itu akan menyebabkan banjir
6. pohon akan tumbuh dimana mereka ditanam
7.setiap yg terjadi, pasti telah diharapkan
8. pemerintah bertanya kepada petani beras, untuk segera menanam beras, karena disana stok nya tidak cukup
9. irlandia terkenal dengan perkebunan kentang. namun dimusnahkan oleh org tdk tanggung jawab
10. tanaman itu menghancurkan tanaman lain, jika mereka tdk membunuh lagi
11. buah-buahan akan cepat membusuk karena ,terdiri dari banyak air
12.banyak gula yg dimasukkan ke dalam jus,sebagai perasa nyaSubject : English
Category : Adverbial Clause

An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb. It means that an adverbial clause modifies an adjective, a verb or verb phrase, or other adverb.

Answers :
8. adverb clause of condition
9. adverb clause of reason
10. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
11. adverb clause of condition
12. adverb clause of comparison degree
13. adverb clause of cause and effect
14. adverb clause of place
15. adverb clause of manner
16. adverb clause of time
17. adverb clause of time
18. adverb clause of condition
19. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
20. adverb clause of concession

13. look at the picturesidentify the profession of each person in the pictureexplain their meanings..jawab kak​




semoga benar



is a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction or a person who designs hardware, software, or networking applications and services of a specified type for a business or other organization.


is a person who repairs and maintains machinery or a manual laborer or artisan.


is an artist who makes sculptures.


a person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, or other business.

Semoga membantu ya kak ^^

14. look at the picturesidentify the profession of each person in the picturesexplain their meaningstolong kakak

The person in the first picture is a postman

The person in the second picture is a soldier

The person in the third picture is a machinist

And the person in the fourth picture is a chicken seller

hopefully it helps ☺

15. Work in poirs. identify the main idea of each paragraph of the text in aktivity 18.


Bekerja berpasangan.

mengidentifikasi ide utama dari setiap paragraf teks dalam aktivitas 18


maaf klo salah

16. identify the profession of each person in the picture :)​

5. Architect

6. Mechanic

7.bisa Artist (seniman) atau Sculpture (pembuat patung)

8. Cashier

Maaf bila ada salah

17. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate​

a. flowers(s) withered(p)

b. barbara(s) was stung(p)

c. dog(s) leaped(p)

d. jonh and i(s) were (p)

e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)

f. the door(s) the shed....(p)

g .i(s) had.(p)

h.the boy(s) shot(p)

i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)

j.the tree(s) grew(p)

18. each of the angles A, B, C, and D is... degrees​


Maaf kok tidak ada ganbar nya

19. find the size of the unknown angles in each of the diagrams ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Langkah cara terdapat di dalam gambar

20. Identify the cause and effect in each pair of sentences. Then, combine the sentences with because.


1. Cause: Edi's a heavy smoker.

Effect: Edi has breathing problem.

2. Effect: Kadita feels homesick.

Cause: Kadita moved to a new city.

3. Effect: Gunawan is lack of staple food.

Cause: Gunawan has been unemployed.

4. Cause: Setiawan has gained weight.

Effect: Setiawan is going to eat less.

5. Cause: The weather was cold.

Effect: We stayed home.


Combine the sentences with because.

1. Edi has breathing problem because he is a heavy smoker.

2. Kadita feels homesick because she moved to a new city.

3. Gunawan is lack of staple food because he has been unemployed.

4. Setiawan is going to eat less because he has gained weight.

5. We stayed home because the weather was cold.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cause and effect pada


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