Rabu, 24 Mei 2023

Match The Measurement With The Proper Si Unit acceleration: Velocity: Distance:

Match The Measurement With The Proper Si Unit acceleration: Velocity: Distance:

A van moves with velocity of 36 km/hour. then it is accelerated with acceleration of 2 m/s². calculate : a) velocity, b) distance traveied in 10 second after the van being accelerated

Daftar Isi

1. A van moves with velocity of 36 km/hour. then it is accelerated with acceleration of 2 m/s². calculate : a) velocity, b) distance traveied in 10 second after the van being accelerated

a) s = 25 m = 0,025 km , t = 5 s = 5/3600 jam , v = 36 km/jam

b) s = 200 m = 0,2 km , t = 10 s = 10/3600 jam , v = 30 m/s^2 = 108 KM/jam 

2. A student conducts an experiment to determine the acceleration of a trolley He measures the velocity of the trolley. At one instant , the velocity if the trolley is 1.0 m/s. Two seconds later, the velocity is 5.0 m/s. What is the acceleration of the trolley?


2,0 m/s per detik


maaf kalau salah




• Acceleration of the trolley is 4 meter / s

#I'm sorry if I'm wrong

3. Match the object with the correct adjective. Then, write sentencesusing the proper superlative form based on the adjective.​


Match the object with the correct adjective. Then, write sentences using the proper superlative form based on the adjective.​

1. This is the fastest car I've ever seen.

2. That is the tallest building I've ever known.

3. This is the heaviest things.

4. My grandmother is the nicest people in my family.

5.The noodle is the most delicious food I've ever tasted.


Superlative form dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah bentuk yang paling 'ter-".

Rumus dari superlative form yaitu

1. untuk kata sifat yang kurang dari dua suku kata:

Subject + auxiliary verb + the + adjective + est + ....

2. Untuk kata sifat yang lebih dari dua suku kata:

Subject + auxiliary verb + the + most + adjective + ...

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi comparative dan superlative degree pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4948247


4. A train travels with the velocity 15 m / s. The velocity of the train in km/hour is


15×3600 = 54000

= 54000 : 1000

= 54 km/hour

1000 itu dari km ke m

klau 3600 detik sama dgn satu jam

5. The ends of a tuning fork oscillate at a frequency of 440 Hz with an amplitude of 0.50 mm. Determine (a) the maximum velocity and (b) the maximum acceleration of the ends.​

(a) The maximum velocity of the ends can be determined using the equation:

v_max = A * ω

where A is the amplitude and ω is the angular frequency given by

ω = 2πf

Substituting the given values, we have:

v_max = 0.5 mm * (2π * 440 Hz) = 2828 mm/s

(b) The maximum acceleration of the ends can be determined using the equation:

a_max = ω^2 * A

Substituting the given values, we have:

a_max = (2π * 440 Hz)^2 * 0.5 mm = 3.12 x 10^7 mm/s^2

Note: The units for velocity and acceleration should be consistent, in this case mm/s and mm/s^2 respectively

6. all of the quantities , except a.displacement b. speed c. acceleration d. velocity e. impulse

e. impulse, i think. Have a nice dayE. Impulse

Reasons : Opsi A, B, C, and D have amount, magnitude.

7. 10. Which of the following lists of physical quantitiesconsists only of vectors?a Acceleration, forse, and volumeb. Mass, velocity, and accelerationTime, mass, and velocityVelocity, acceleration, and force​


velocity, acceleration, force


mungkin pilihan gandanya sampe d ya

8. 1.the motorbike slows down at the stop sign apakah ini speed,velocity,or acceleration​


bek slowmo jamau engga



Deceleration because it is slowing down (opposite of acceleration)

9. A roller coaster's velocity at the top of a hill is 10 m/s. Two seconds later it reaches the bottom of the hill with a velocity of 26 m/s. What was the acceleration of the coaster?


a = 8m/s²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Vo= 10m/s

V = 26m/s

t = 2 s

a = ?

a= V - Vo / t

= 26 - 10 / 2

= 16 / 2

= 8 m/s²

10. match the question with the replies​


1. c

2. g

3. e

4. a

5. b

6. d

7. f

yang nomor 1 sama 7 masih kurang yakin tapi yang lain udh yakin

11. Apa arti dari match the situation in column A with the proper expression in column B! Then rewrite the sentence in your teskbook



cari pasangan situasi di kolom A dengan ekspresi yg betul di kolom B! Kemudian tulis ulang pernyataan di buku kamu

12. match the definition with the words​


2. Drought

3. Tornado

4. Hurricane

5. Thunderstorm

13. match the object with the correct adjective then write sentences using the proper superlative form based on the adjective ​

2. He is the nicest kid I've ever met

3. That building is the tallest in my area

4. That car is the fastest car at the time

5. One ton is the heaviest load that this truck can carry

14. 3.A car moves with constant velocity of 30km/hour. The distance traveled after 5minutes is...​


2.5 km


Speed = 30 km/hour

= 30 km/60 minutes

= 0.5 km/minutes

Distance after travel 5 minutes =

0.5 x 5 = 2.5 km

15. a vehicle moving with a uniform acceleration of 2m/s2 has a velocity of 4m/s at a certain time what will the velocity be in 1s later

acc, a = 2 m/s2
Kec. awal, Vo = 4 m/s
t = 1s

Vt = a . t + Vo
Vt = 2 . 1 + 4
Vt = 2 + 4
Vt = 6 m/s

16. 3.A blade of ceiling fan with radius 0.5 m is rotating with initial angular velocity of0.20 rev sl. The angular acceleration of the blades is 0.80 rev s". In 5.0 s,determine(a)the final angular velocity made by the blade.​


jadi tinggal dikali semua dah jadi

17. Correct the sentence below with the proper word

The astronauts put on their helmet and climbed into the rocket

18. Match the word with the meaning!​











1. Run out of means have none left/ use all of something

Arti: Kehabisan berarti tidak ada yang tersisa / gunakan semua sesuatu

2. Stick to means follow (a plan, a budget, etc)

Arti : Bertumpu pada berarti mengikuti (rencana, anggaran, dll)

3. Shopaholic means someone who enjoys shopping very much

Arti : Gila belanja berarti seseorang yang sangat suka berbelanja

4. Be broke means have no money

Arti : Menjadi bangkrut/miskin berarti tidak punya uang

5. Resist means fight, reject, hold back

Arti : Menahan berarti melawan, menolak, menahan

6. To save for a rainy day means to save money for future needs

Arti : Menabung berarti menabung untuk kebutuhan masa depan

7. Expenses means what you spend for

Arti : Pengeluaran berarti apa yang Anda belanjakan

8. Thrifty means careful in spending money

Arti : Hemat berarti berhati-hati dalam membelanjakan uang

19. match the letters with the numbers​

match the letters with the numbers: cocokkan huruf dengan angka

20. match the offers with the responses

maaf kalo salah

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